1 Teacher Directions Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Grade Reading 12 Selected-Response Items 4 Constructed ResponseWriting 1 Write to Revise a Text 1 Brief Write Writing w/ Integrated Language 1 Write to Revise Language/Vocabulary 1 Write to Edit/Clarify Sequential Steps toward Standard Mastery Performance Task at Grade Level Performance Task at Grade Level
Quarter One Pre-Assessment Quarter One Pre-Assessment Actual writing standards assessed in this assessment are circled.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 3 All elementary ELA assessments were reviewed and revised in June of 2015 by the following amazing and dedicated HSD K-6 th grade teachers. Deborah Alvarado Lincoln Street Ko Kagawa Minter Bridge Linda Benson West Union Jamie Lentz Mooberry Anne Berg Eastwood Sandra Maines Quatama Aliceson Brandt Eastwood Gina McLain TOSA Sharon Carlson Minter Bridge Teresa Portinga Patterson Deborah Deplanche Patterson Judy Ramer Consultant Alicia Glasscock Imlay Sara Retzlaff McKinney Sonja Grabel Patterson Jami Rider Free Orchard Megan Harding Orenco Kelly Rooke Free Orchards Renae Iversen TOSA Angela Walsh Witch Hazel Ginger Jay Witch Hazel
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Directions The HSD Elementary assessments are neither scripted nor timed assessments. They are a tool to inform instructional decision making. All students should “move toward” taking the assessments independently but many will need scaffolding strategies. It is not the intent of these assessments to have students “guess and check” answers for the sake of finishing an assessment. If that seems the case, please scaffold to gain a true understanding of student ability, noting when and what accommodations were needed. Connecting Assessment to Classroom Instruction How do the assessments connect to classroom instruction? Assessment is not an isolated event. The HSD assessments are an extension of classroom instruction. In the classroom assessment is on-going and monitors progress toward standards mastery. Order at HSD Print Shop… WebSubmissionForms.aspx Order at HSD Print Shop… WebSubmissionForms.aspx Assessment Components as Routine Classroom Practices Assessment ComponentsInstructional Components Pre-Assessments Use the DOK Leveled Learning Progression Tasks to monitor standard mastery. Standard DOK Level 50% Literary and 50% Informational TextStudents have equal access to both text types. Grade Level Content-Rich TextAll students read grade-level, content rich text (with scaffolds as needed). Standard Academic Vocabulary Content-Domain Vocabulary. Ask questions using the standard’s vocabulary as well as the content domain vocabulary. Text –Dependent QuestionsAsk text-dependent questions from the standard’s DOK level. Selected and Constructed Responses Students have many opportunities to answer selected extended or constructed responses. Reading for Meaning Assess understanding using never before seen text (although the theme or topic should be grade-level “friendly” or familiar) and reading rubrics. Note-Taking Students “take notes” as they read to identify the central or main idea and its supporting details. SBAC Reading/Writing RubricsUse SBAC rubrics to access reading/writing. Read to Write Evidenced-Based Model Students read, discuss and write about a topic using evidence from the text to support inferences, conclusions and generalizations. Write and Revise Students revise brief texts, correct grammar and language/vocabulary in context and write brief texts (brief write rubrics should be used). Performance Tasks Students read, write, discuss and research a topic guided by a central insight or goal throughout a unit(s) of study with fully defined criteria, culminating in a final product or “performance task.” The final product can be a full composition, speech (using SBAC Rubrics) or other product meeting all criteria.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Determining Grade Level Text Grade level text is determined by using a combination of both the CCSS new quantitative ranges and qualitative measures. Example: If the grade equivalent for a text is 6.8 and has a lexile of 970, quantitative data shows that placement should be between grades 4 and 8. Four qualitative measures can be looked at from the lower grade band of grade 4 to the higher grade band of grade 8 to determine a grade level readability. The combination of the quantitative ranges and qualitative measures for this particular text shows that grade 6 would be the best readability level for this text. Common Core BandFlesch-Kincaid®The Lexile Framework® 2 nd - 3 rd th - 5 rd th – 8 th th – 10 th th - CCR Qualitative Factors Rate your text from easiest to most difficult between bands. Beginning of lower (band) grade End of lower (band) grade Beginning of higher (band) to mid End of higher (band) grade Not suited to band Purpose/Meaning Structure Language Clarity Language Overall Placement To see more details about each of the qualitative measures please go to slide 6 of:
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 6 DOK 1 - KaDOK - KcDOK 1 - CdDOK 1 - CfDOK 2 - ChDOK 2 - CkDOK 2 -ClStandard Mastery Recall who, what, where, when, why and how about a story read and discussed in class. Use and define Standard Academic Language: who, what, where, when, why, and how; ask, answer, questions, key details Connect the terms who to characters; where and when to setting; what and how to sequence of events. Ask and answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions about key details in a text. Concept Development Student understands that key details help tell who, what, where, when, why and how. Uses key details to identify who, what, where, when, why and how about a story not read in class. Finds information using key details to answer specific questions about a new story. RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text Pre-Assessment and Learning Progressions The pre-assessments are unique. toward a standard They measure progress toward a standard. Unlike the Common Formative Assessments which measure standard mastery, the pre-assessments are more like a base-line picture of a student’s strengths and gaps, measuring skills and concepts students need “along the way,” in order to achieve standard mastery. So what about a “post-assessment?” There is not a standardized post-assessment. The true measure of how students are doing “along the way,” is assessed in the classroom during instruction and classroom formative assessment. For this reason The CFA’s are not called “post-assessments.” The CFAs measure the “end goal,” or standard mastery. However, without the pre-assessments, how will we know what our instruction should focus on throughout each quarter? Learning Progressions: are the predicted set of skills needed to be able to complete the required task demand of each standard. The learning progressions were aligned to Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix. The pre-assessments measure student proficiency indicated on the boxes in purple (adjustment points). These points are tasks that allow us to adjust instruction based on performance. For instance, if a student has difficulty on the first “purple” adjustment point (DOK-1, Cf) the teacher will need to go back to the tasks prior to DOK-1 Cf and scaffold instruction to close the gap, continually moving forward to the end of the learning progression. There is a Reading Learning Progression checklist for each standard in each grade that can be used to monitor progress. It is available at: Example of a Learning Progression for RL.2.1 Pre-Assessments Measure Adjustment Points (in purple) CFA RL.2.1 grade-level standard assessment. After the pre-assessment is given, Learning Progressions provide informal formative assessment below and near grade-level “tasks” throughout each quarter. Beg. of QTR Throughout the QTR END of QTR
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond DOK 1 - KaDOK 1 - KcDOK 1 - CfDOK 2 - ChDOK 2 - CjDOK 2 - ClStandard Recall what a text says explicitly regarding events and specific details (read and discussed in class). Define (understand the meaning of…) Standard Academic Language terms: “quote accurately”, drawing inferences and explicitly. Quotes accurately to answer explicit who, what, when, where and how questions (no inferences). NOT ASSESSED Concept Development Explain the connection between the text and explaining or drawing inferences (the text as reason and evidence). Quotes specific parts of the text when drawing inferences. Quote accurately from the text when explaining what the text says or when drawing inferences (new text not discussed in class). RL5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. 7 Quarter One Reading Literature Learning Progressions. The indicated boxes highlighted before the standard, are assessed on this pre- assessment. The standard itself is assessed on the Common Formative Assessment (CFA) at the end of each quarter. DOK 1 - KaDOK 1 - KcDOK 1 - CdDOK 1 - Cf DOK 2 – Ch (concept development) DOK 2 - CiDOK 2 - CkDOK 2 - ClStandard Recall specific details in a story, drama or poem about characters and topics (read and discussed in class). Define and understand Standard Academic Language terms: theme, details, summarizes, speaker, determine, character, challenges, sequence, story, drama, poem, response and reflection. Identify key literary elements specific to a poem (rhyme, alliteration, etc...), a drama (casts of characters,etc..) and stories (character, setting, events). Answers who, what, when, where and how questions about a theme, using details as support (read and discussed in class). Understands that key details in a text about character response can help the reader determine the theme. Understands that key details in a text about how the speaker reflects upon a topic can help the reader determine the theme. Summarize the key events in a story, drama or poem (including character responses to those events). Identify the theme of a story, drama or poem from details in the text (read but not discussed in class). Locate details in a story, drama or poem that tell a character’s response to challenges or how a speaker in a poem reflects on a topic (read but not discussed in class). RL5.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. DOK 1 - KaDOK 1 - KcDOK 1 - CdDOK 1 - CfDOK 2 - ChDOK 2 - ClDOK 2 - ANpDOK 3 - CuStandard Recalls specific details in a story or drama about characters, settings or events (read and discussed in class). Define and understand Standard Academic Language: literary elements, (characters, setting, plot, events, etc.), compare and contrast, drama, specific details and interactions. Describe specific details about two or more characters, settings or events in ONE story or drama (read and discussed in class). Answer describing who, what, when, where or how questions about two or more characters, settings or events in ONE story or drama (read and discussed in class). Concept Development Understands that characters, settings and events within one story or drama can be compared and contrasted. Locates specific descriptive details that compare or contrast setting, events or characters (refer to compare and contrast language clues). Categorize details that compare and contrast two or more characters, setting or events using a graphic organizer (new text). Connect ideas about 2 characters, setting or events. What details make them similar/different? Explain and support with textual evidence (new text). RL5.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact).
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 8 End Goal DOK 1 - KaDOK 1 - KcDOK 1 - CfDOK 2 - ChDOK 2 - CjDOK 2 - ClStandard Locate basic information in the text regarding events and specific details (read and discussed in class). Define (understand the meaning of…) terms: quote accurately, and drawing inferences. Answer who, what, when, where and how questions when explaining what the text says explicitly or drawing basic inferences. NOT ASSESSED Explain the connection between using text as evidence to explain or draw inferences (concept development). Quotes specific parts of the text when answering questions about the text. Quote accurately from the text when explaining what the text says to support answers or inferences. RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. End Goal KaKaKcKcDOK 1 - CfDOK 2 - ChDOK 2 - CiDOK 2 - CkDOK 2 - ClStandard Locate basic information in the text regarding key details. Define: main idea, summarize, supporting and key details. Answer who, what, when, where and how questions about key details. Explain how key details are a clue to the main idea(s) of a text (concept development). Summarize the key details of a text. Identify two main ideas in a text. Locate and give examples of key details that support the identified two main ideas in a text. RI5.2 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. End Goal DOK 1 - KaDOK 1 - KcDOK 1 - CfDOK 2 - ChDOK 2 – Cl DOK 3 – Cu (taught in several lessons) DOK 3 - ANzStandard Locate basic information in a historical, scientific or technical text (read and discussed in class). Define terms: relationship s, interactions, evidence (to support ideas), historical, scientific and technical texts. Answer who, what, when, where and how questions about individuals, events, ideas or concepts based on specific information. Explain (in general to develop a conceptual understanding of…) how individuals, events, ideas or concepts can interact in text. NOT ASSESSED Locate information to support how two individuals interact in a text (continue with events, ideas or concepts). Explain the connection between two or more individuals or events in an historical text. Explain the connection between two or more ideas in a scientific text. Use the text to explain the relationships or interactions between ideas, individuals or events within one text. Using specific criteria from a text, analyze the interrelationships between and among concepts, ideas, events or individuals. RI5.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. Quarter One Reading Informational Learning Progressions. The indicated boxes highlighted before the standard, are assessed on this pre- assessment. The standard itself is assessed on the Common Formative Assessment (CFA) at the end of each quarter.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 9 A Note about constructed responses: Constructed response answers are not written “in stone.” There is no perfect way a student should respond. Look for the general intent of the prompt and student response and follow the rubric below as much as possible. Use your best judgment. Unlike DOK-1 questions where there is one right and wrong answer, constructed responses are more difficult to assess. Overall consistency of intent based on most of your student responses can guide you. Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Constructed Response Answer Key Standard RL.5.2: 2 Point Short Reading Constructed Response Rubric Question #7 (prompt): How did the fifth grade student in Atmosphere Attire prepare for the Science Fair? Use examples from the text to support your answer. Teacher Language and Scoring Notes: Sufficient Evidence for the prompt should give specific examples and supporting details of how the student in the passage prepared for the science fair. Specific examples could include that the student (1) selected a topic or a project, (2) found three sources to research or as evidence for the project and (3) wrote important facts about each part of the topic. Specific identification (supporting details) for specific examples could include (1) the student chose a topic based on an interest in space travel, (2) listing the 3 sources (e.g., a photo, college article and information from the National Weather Service and (3) wrote information about the different layers of the atmospheres above the Earth. Full Support (other details) could include any details that add to or support the above including the student’s interest in Neil Armstrong, fifth grade requirements, or specific details about the Earth’s atmospheres as long as the details promote the prompt. 2 The student gives a proficient response by providing evidence of how the fifth grade student prepared for the science fair with examples and supporting details. In the passage called Atmosphere Attire, a fifth grade student has to plan a project for the school science fair. First, the student thinks about what is most interesting to him or her. For example, this student likes to learn about space travel and has read about Neil Armstrong. This helped the student plan a topic. Next, he or she has to find three sources to quote to support the project. The project in this passage is about what people would need to wear (attire) to survive living in the different atmospheres. So, one example of how the student used the college article as a source was to tell about the different layers of the atmospheres. Then the student wrote what was learned about each layer from the sources. 1 The student gives a partial response by providing some evidence of how the fifth grade student prepared for the science fair and some examples. A boy has to plan a project for the science fair, so he thinks about what he likes most. Space! He read about Neil Armstrong and his space suit so the boy decides to do a project about what kind of suits people need to wear in the different atmospheres. He has to research and read about the different atmospheres a lot from lots of different sources. This is how he prepared for the science fair. 0 The student provides no evidence of how the fifth grade student prepared for the science fair. If I were in the science fair I would make a huge volcano and show how it explodes with lava and dust. Toward RL.5.2 DOK 2 - Cl Locate details in a story, drama or poem that tell a character’s response to challenges or how a speaker in a poem reflects on a topic (read but not discussed in class).
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 10 A Note about constructed responses: Constructed response answers are not written “in stone.” There is no perfect way a student should respond. Look for the general intent of the prompt and student response and follow the rubric below as much as possible. Use your best judgment. Unlike DOK-1 questions where there is one right and wrong answer, constructed responses are more difficult to assess. Overall consistency of intent based on most of your student responses can guide you. Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Constructed Response Answer Key Standard RL Point Reading Constructed Response Rubric Question #8 (prompt): Explain how the student connects the conditions of the different layers of the atmosphere to attire. Give reasons and evidence from the text. Teacher Language and Scoring Notes: Sufficient Evidence should state the connection between the atmosphere conditions and the attire needed in each layer of the atmosphere with reasoning and evidence (DOK-3). Specific identifications (supporting details) should support reasons with evidence between the conditions of the layers of the atmosphere and the needed attire to survive in each layer. Supporting details could include that each layer of the atmosphere has a different composition of (1) oxygen, (2) gases, (3) temperature, (4) pressure and (5) any other unique characteristics. Once the conditions of the atmosphere are addressed there should be a link made between conditions and attire. Some of these could include (1) the amount of oxygen would require clothes or attire to provide needed oxygen, (2) attire would have to keep the human body at a normal temperature (3) attire would have to keep a normal air pressure and (4) protection from meteors. Full Support (other details) can include other details or examples that provide further reasons or evidence connecting the different layers of the atmosphere to attire. 3 The student gives a proficient response by connecting the conditions of the atmospheric layers to the attire (space suit, clothing) needed for survival with reasons, evidence and a thorough example. The student in the text tells about each of the layers above Earth called atmospheres. Each layer is different and requires different types of clothing. This is much like how we wear thinner clothing in the summer and thicker clothing in the winter. It depends on the atmosphere surrounding us. The student decides for a science fair project to show what people would need to wear to survive each of the atmospheric layers. It depends on the conditions of each atmosphere. There are several conditions that determine what kind of attire or space suit you would need in each atmosphere. These conditions are how much oxygen there is, what the temperature is, the air pressure and sometimes dangerous conditions like meteors that burn up in an atmosphere. An example is the mesosphere. This layer of atmosphere has very little gas or oxygen and you would be burned from the sun’s light. Meteors burn up in this layer of atmosphere. Mesosphere attire would have to protect you from the sun, keep you warm and give you plenty of oxygen. You would also need attire that would protect you from the meteors. 2 The student gives a partial response by connecting some conditions of the atmospheric layers to some attire (space suit, clothing) needed for survival with partial reasons. Each layer of Earth’s atmosphere is different. Some layers are very hot and some are very cold. Some have oxygen while others have little or none at all. Some layers of the atmosphere have no air pressure and some have falling meteors that explode! The layer we live in is perfect for us – it is the troposphere. In the troposphere we wear attire, like clothes which keep us cool or warm. So, the conditions of the atmosphere determine what you need to wear. 1 The student gives a minimal response by stating some conditions of the atmosphere but without strong reasons or connections to attire but without sufficient reasoning to the actual prompt. Earth has many layers of gases around it. The layers are atmospheres. Some atmospheres have air to breathe and some don’t. I would not like it if I didn’t have enough air to breathe. Then we would need oxygen masks like the kind in the hospital that help people breathe. 0 The student gives no response that sufficiently addresses the prompt. Planet Earth is blue and green from outer space. It is perfect for us humans. Toward RL.5.3 DOK 3 - Cu Connect ideas about 2 characters, setting or events. What details make them similar/different? Explain and support with textual evidence.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 11 A Note about constructed responses: Constructed response answers are not written “in stone.” There is no perfect way a student should respond. Look for the general intent of the prompt and student response and follow the rubric below as much as possible. Use your best judgment. Unlike DOK-1 questions where there is one right and wrong answer, constructed responses are more difficult to assess. Overall consistency of intent based on most of your student responses can guide you. Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Constructed Response Answer Key Standard RI.5.2: 2 Point Short Reading Constructed Response Rubric Question #15 (prompt): What are two main ideas in this article? Which key details in the article support these main ideas? Teacher Language and Scoring Notes: Sufficient Evidence for the prompt should include two main ideas with enough evidence from the text to support why the two selections are “main ideas.” Specific identifications (supporting details) for the main idea (the importance of the atmosphere for most living things) supporting details could include (1) the atmosphere provides protection from harmful rays, (2) provides air, (3) water and a survivable temperature. For the main idea (the different layers of the atmosphere), supporting details could include (1) general information about the composition of each layer, (2) the definition, (3) the location and (4) names of each layer. Full Support would include only details that would support the two listed main ideas. 2 The student gives a proficient response stating two main ideas with key details to support each idea. First, this article explains how the atmosphere we live in provides living things with air, water (by recycling) and protects us from harmful sun rays. Our atmosphere extends far above earth in an ocean of gases. Without the atmosphere, life as we know it would not exist. Secondly, the layers of atmosphere we live in are called the troposphere. Beyond the troposphere is the stratosphere and it is also called the ozone. It blocks out dangerous sun rays. The next two layer of the atmosphere are the mesosphere and thermosphere. Each layer has is made up of its own gases. 1 The student gives a partial response of two main ideas with partial details to support each idea. A main idea in this article is how the atmosphere gives us air to breathe. The atmosphere is all around us. Another main idea is that there are different layers of atmosphere. 0 The student does not give a stated main idea. The sun can be really hot so we need the ozone. Toward RI.5.2 DOK-2 Cl Locate and give examples of key details that support the identified two main ideas in a text.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 12 A Note about constructed responses: Constructed response answers are not written “in stone.” There is no perfect way a student should respond. Look for the general intent of the prompt and student response and follow the rubric below as much as possible. Use your best judgment. Unlike DOK-1 questions where there is one right and wrong answer, constructed responses are more difficult to assess. Overall consistency of intent based on most of your student responses can guide you. Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Constructed Response Answer Key Standard RI Point Reading Constructed Response Rubric Question #16 (prompt):How can people adjust to the different effects of the atmosphere? Use details and examples from the text to support your answer. Teacher Language and Scoring Notes: Sufficient Evidence should connect specific situations affected by the atmosphere changes or conditions with examples from the text explaining each situation in more details. This is a DOK-3 leveled question so there should be a good deal of reasoning. Specific identifications (supporting details) for specific situations or conditions affected by the atmosphere could include (1) mountain climbing, (2) sun protection and (3) airplane design. Students should support each condition with at least one detail or example (relevant evidence) from the text explicitly. These could include (1) wearing warmer clothing at high altitudes and (2) using sun block or wearing sunglasses. Full Support should include reasons why the atmosphere changes or affects humans (altitude, temperature and pressure changes). 3 The student gives a proficient response by stating two examples of how people adjust to atmospheric affects. People can adjust to atmospheric changes. One example is when mountain climbers move upward, the altitude increases while the air temperature and air pressure decreases. This means they have to dress in warmer clothes as they climb higher. Another example is protecting our skin by wearing sun block and protecting our eye by wearing sunglasses because the ozone layer has become thinner (because of pollution) and doesn’t block out all of the dangerous sun rays. 2 The student gives a partial response by stating one example of how people adjust to atmospheric affects. The atmosphere can be dangerous. We need to wear warm clothes when we climb. This is because the higher you go the colder it is. 1 The student gives a vague response to the prompt. If I were on an airplane, I would be moving higher and need to breathe. 0 The student does not address the prompt. It is really hot outside. Sometimes I get a sunburn. Toward RI.5.3 DOK-3 ANz Using specific criteria from a text, analyze the interrelationships between and among concepts, ideas, events or individuals.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 13 Note: “Brief Writes” should take no longer than 10 minutes. Brief writes are scored with a 3 point rubric. Longer writes or full compositions are scored with a 4 point rubric. The difference between this rubric and the constructed response reading rubrics, is that the Brief Write Rubric is assessing writing proficiency, while the reading rubrics are assessing comprehension. Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Brief Write Rubric Writing Standard W.5.1b Opinion Writing Target 6a Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details Question #17 (prompt): What is your opinion about the topic the student chose for a science fair project in Atmosphere Attire? Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. (opinion statements should not be sarcastic). Scoring Notes: The writing: gives essential elements of a complete interpretation of the prompt, which would include a specific opinion statement for or against the topic the student chose from the passage Atmosphere Attire for a science fair project. The opinion statement should list reasons supported by facts and details. addresses many aspects of the task and provides sufficient relevant evidence includes supporting the reason of the opinion statement using details found explicitly in the text. First, an opinion statement should be written followed by reasons. Secondly, facts and details should support the opinion. An example of an opinion statement and reason would be: “The student in the text chose a good topic for the Science Fair, because the student was interested in the topic.” Another example of an opinion statement followed by a reason would be: “The student did not choose a good topic for the Science Fair because no one has ever heard of Atmosphere Attire.” Any opinion is valid IF it can be supported with enough evidence from the text, not just opinion. is focused and organized, consistently addressing the purpose, audience, and task which is providing reasons to support an opinion. Facts and details supporting a positive opinion could include the reasons as (1) the student had read about space and Neil Armstrong, (2) three sources were available about the topic, (3) enough information was gathered to write about the topic. A negative opinion could include the reasons as (1) it is a difficult topic for the 5 th grade, (2) the information did not make sense to the reader (an opinion but could be valid) and (3) the student didn’t really prove people could survive in different atmospheres. includes sentences of varied length and structure as needed to express the opinion adequately. 3 Student gives a proficient response by stating a definite opinion (essential element) about the topic of the science fair project supported by reasons (many aspects) specific to the opinion and consistently addressing the purpose (focused and organized). Atmosphere Attire is a good topic for a science fair project for several reasons. First of all, it is unique. I have never heard of a science fair project about atmosphere attire, so it grabs your attention. Another reason I feel it’s a good topic is that there are many available resources about Earth’s atmosphere. The student in the passage had three sources and researched facts about the different layers of the atmosphere. Finally, the subject of attire was addressed throughout all of the research. 2 Student gives a partial response by stating a definite opinion (essential element) about the topic of the science fair project supported by some reasons (some aspects) specific to the opinion and consistently addressing the purpose (focused and organized). Atmosphere Attire is not a good title for a science fair project because it is too weird. By that I mean no one can really go and live in different atmosphere or even buy clothes like the student is saying. I feel it is too make-believe. Like who would really live in a self-propelled space suit? Probably only astronauts. 1 Student gives a minimal response by stating a vague opinion (essential element) about the topic of the science fair project but not supported by reasons (aspects) specific to the opinion and consistently addressing the purpose (focused and organized). I liked the science fair project because it would be fun to live in outer space and wear different kinds of apparel. I learned a lot when I read about it. 0 Student gives a no opinion (essential element) about the topic of the science fair project. A science fair project could also be about animals or minerals.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 14
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 15 Student Copy Pre-Assessment Quarter 1 Name ____________________ Grade
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 16 Atmosphere Attire By Elizabeth Yeo Each spring, Derwood Elementary School has a science fair. All fifth grade students at Derwood must plan, complete and present an exhibit for the fair. We received a list of directions and requirements from our teacher, Mr. Lars. I read about Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. I was fascinated by his space suit and how it protected him from the moon’s atmosphere. I wanted to select a project about my favorite topic, space travel. I wondered if there would someday be space cities beyond Earth’s own atmosphere. Would we need space suits like Neil Armstrong? To answer these questions, I began my research. I titled my science project: Atmosphere Attire. In fifth grade, we have to cite three sources of information for our science fair topic. My first source was a photo of Earth's atmospheres taken in A college article about the layers of Earth’s atmospheres was my second source. Last, the National Weather Service explained that there were actually five layers of atmosphere around the Earth, not four as often thought. This is what I learned: Earth’s Layer: Troposphere The troposphere layer is where we live. Attire would be like we wear on Earth. But air temperature and air pressure are not the same all the way up through the troposphere. The higher you go, the colder it is and there is less oxygen. In higher altitudes, you would need warmer clothing and even oxygen. Stratosphere and Ozone Layers There is no oxygen in the stratosphere. The stratosphere has a gas called ozone, so it is often called the ozone layer. This layer blocks out most of the unsafe rays from our sun. The stratosphere is very cold. Stratospheric attire would have to be heated and have an oxygen source. Mesosphere The mesosphere has very little gas or oxygen. A person in the mesosphere would get burned from the sun’s light. Protection from the sun is in the stratosphere below them. There would be almost no oxygen for breathing! A person’s blood would boil because the pressure is so low. Meteors burn up in this layer of atmosphere! Mesosphere attire would have to include sun protection, an oxygen source, a heating source and a meteorite shield. Thermosphere: Where Only Astronauts Go What does an astronaut experience in the thermosphere? Temperatures in the thermosphere can exceed 1800 degrees. Even though it’s very hot, the atmosphere outside feels cold. Attire for this layer would be like Neil Armstrong’s moon suit. Exosphere The Exosphere is the outermost layer. It extends from about 34,000 miles above Earth and then thousands of miles more. Air is very thin there. This is where satellites orbit the earth. Sometimes it’s called outer space. The attire for the exosphere would be a satellite suit with self-propelled engines. Grade Equivalent 5.9 Lexile Measure 790L Mean Sentence Length Mean Log Word Frequency 3.42 Word Count 474
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond How does the author know which kind of attire is best for each layer of the atmosphere? A.The author explains the attire a person would need for each layer of the atmosphere. B.Each layer has different conditions, so the clothing must match the conditions. C.Each layer of the atmosphere is different. D.The author used three sources of evidence. 2. Which statement is most correct? A.Atmosphere is defined as how high you are above the ground. B.Air pressure and air temperature are the same thing. C.Altitude is another name for height. D.The moon is in the stratosphere. Toward RL.5.1 DOK 2 - Cj Quotes specific parts of the text when drawing inferences. Toward RL.5.1 DOK 2 - Cl Quote accurately from the text when explaining what the text says or when drawing inferences.
Rev. Control: 08/14/2014 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond What is the theme of the passage Atmosphere Attire? A.Preparing for the science fair B.Different layers of the atmosphere C.What to wear in different atmospheres D.Researching for the science fair 4.Which statement from the text most helps to identify its theme? A.Each spring Derwood Elementary School has a science fair B.In fifth grade, we have to cite three sources of information. C.I wanted to select a project about my favorite topic, space travel. D.All fifth grade students at Derwood must plan, complete and present an exhibit for the fair. Toward RL.5.2 DOK 1 - Cf Answers who, what, when, where and how questions about a theme, using details as support. Toward RL.5.2 DOK 2 - Ck Identify the theme of a story, drama or poem from details in the text.
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond What most influenced the student’s choice of a topic for a science fair project? A.It was required that all fifth grade students complete a science fair project. B.The student’s interest in Neil Armstrong’s space suit and space travel influenced the topic choice. C.Mr. Lars gave the student a list of directions. D.The student found three sources to research. 6. What attire “need” is cited in the first three layers of the atmosphere? A.warm clothing B.a meteorite shield C.an oxygen source D.a self-propelled engine Toward RL.5.3 DOK 1 - Cf Answer describing who, what, when, where or how questions about two or more characters, settings or events in a story or drama. Toward RL.5.3 DOK 2 - Cl Locates specific descriptive details that compare or contrast setting, events or characters (refer to compare and contrast language clues).
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 20 7.How did the fifth grade student in Atmosphere Attire prepare for the science fair? Use examples from the text to support your answer. (2 points) 8. Explain how the student connects the conditions of the different layers of the atmosphere to attire. Give reasons and evidence from the text. (3 points) Toward RL.5.2 DOK 2 - Cl Locate details in a story, drama or poem that tell a character’s response to challenges or how a speaker in a poem reflects on a topic. Toward RL 5.3 DOK 3 - Cu Connect ideas about 2 characters, setting or events. What details make them similar/different? Explain and support with textual evidence.
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Grade Equivalent 6.5 Lexile Measure 870L Mean Sentence Length Mean Log Word Frequency 3.48 Word Count The Earth is surrounded by an ocean of gases we call the atmosphere. The atmosphere is important because it contains the air most living things breathe. It also absorbs heat energy from the sun. It even recycles water by returning it back to the Earth as rain. Without the atmosphere, life as we know it could not exist on Earth. The atmosphere extends far above the surface of the Earth. Scientists discovered that the atmosphere is divided into layers, just like a layer cake. Each layer varies in thickness and in temperature. Each layer is composed, or made, of a different composition of gases. The layer of the atmosphere we live in is called the troposphere. Tropo is a Greek word that means change. This first layer begins at sea level and ends about 9 miles up. The troposphere contains about half of all the air in the entire atmosphere. Because it is at the bottom, air pressure, or the weight of the air, is greatest in this layer. All the clouds we see and the changes in weather we experience occur in the troposphere. Air temperature and air pressure are not the same all the way up through the troposphere. As altitude increases, air temperature and air pressure decreases. Mountain climbers must dress in warmer clothes as they climb higher. To keep air pressure constant as they gain altitude, airplanes are sealed to prevent air from escaping. There are three other layers above the troposphere. They are the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Together they make up the remaining half of all the air that surrounds the Earth. This means the air in these layers is thinner and has less pressure than the air in the troposphere. The stratosphere contains a special gas called ozone, which is found in a layer called the ozone layer. This layer blocks out most of the dangerous rays from our sun. These dangerous rays cause sunburn, which can lead to skin cancer. There has been a lot of discussion about this layer over the past twenty years. Scientists have discovered that the ozone layer has gotten thinner due to pollution. Now, more harmful rays reach the Earth. To protect our skin from these rays, we must wear sun block while outside, especially in the summer when we wear less clothing. It is also wise to wear sunglasses on bright days to guard against damage to our eyes. Some scientists call the space beyond the last layer the exosphere layer, while others just call it outer space. By Jim Cornish The Atmosphere: The Ocean of Air Above Us Article from the Online resource site for the Improving Reading Comprehension Using Metacognitive Strategies (IRCMS) program.
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Why did the word troposphere come from the Greek word tropo? A.Greeks first discovered the atmosphere. B.Tropo is the Greek god of weather. C.The weather is always changing within the troposphere. D.The Earth is shaped like a sphere. Toward RI.5.1 DOK - 2 Cj Quotes specific parts of the text when answering questions about the text. 10. What does the word composition mean in this passage? A.processing material to be used again B.the arrangement of parts of something C.to keep the air pressure constant D.music notes written on a page Toward RI.5.1 DOK - 2 Cl Quote accurately from the text when explaining what the text says to support answers or inferences.
Rev. Control: 08/14/2014 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond An alternate title for this reading passage might be: A.The Thinning Ozone Layer B.Air Pressure and the Atmosphere C.Weather Events and the Atmosphere D.The Many Layers of the Atmosphere. Toward RI.5.2 DOK - 2 Ci Summarize the key details of a text. 12. Which of the following group of statements identify two main ideas of the passage? A.Now, more harmful rays reach the Earth. To protect our skin from rays we must wear sun block. B.Without the atmosphere, life as we know it could not exist on the Earth. There are four layers of atmosphere surrounding Earth. C.There is less ozone for humans to breathe. The thinning ozone layer is increasing the air pressure on humans. D.Air temperature and air pressure are not the same all the way up through the troposphere. As altitude increases, air temperature and air pressure decrease. Toward RI.5.2 DOK - 2 Ck Identify two main ideas in a text.
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Based on the diagram, which two layers of the atmosphere are closest to Earth? A.Troposphere and Mesophere B.Mesophere and Thermosphere C.Stratosphere and Mesophere D.Troposphere and Stratosphere Toward RI.5.3 DOK -2 Cl Locate information to support how two individuals interact in a text (continue with events, ideas or concepts). 14. Why is the air pressure greatest in the Troposphere? A.As altitude decreases, air pressure increases. B.It contains half of the all the air in the atmosphere. C.The atmosphere is divided into layers. D.The highest altitude has the highest pressure. Toward RI.5.3 DOK - 3 Cu Explain the connection between two or more ideas in a scientific text.
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond What are the two main ideas of this article? Which key details in the article support these main ideas? (2 points) 16. How can people adjust to the different effects of the atmosphere? Use details and examples from the text to support your answer. (3 points) Toward RI.5.2 DOK 2 - Cl Locate and give examples of key details that support the identified two main ideas in a text. Toward DOK 3 - ANz Using specific criteria from a text, analyze the interrelationships between and among concepts, ideas, events or individuals.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond What is your opinion about the topic the student chose for a science fair project in Atmosphere Attire? Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. W.5.1a Target 6a Brief Write. Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Read the paragraph below and then answer Part A and Part B. I think we should continue space exploration because it can lead to new discoveries. First, it is worth it to spend money on because if we ever ran out of water, we might find it in outer space. Going to outer space would be an exciting, fun adventure. In conclusion, exploring outer space could lead to exciting discoveries. Part A. Select the sentence that does not provide a fact or detail to support the opinion “space exploration should continue because it can lead to new discoveries.” A.In conclusion, exploring outer space could lead to exciting discoveries. B.First, it is worth it to spend money on because if we ever ran out of water, we might find it in outer space. C.Going to outer space would be an exciting, fun adventure. D.I think we should continue space exploration because it can lead to new discoveries Part B. Select a sentence to replace the one selected in Part A that supports the opinion “space exploration should continue because it leads to new discoveries.” A.Going to outer space might lead to the discovery of life on other planets. B.We can use Earth technologies in outer space. C.Living on a space station will be important for future generations. D.Learning how to live in space is something that we need to spend money on. Write to Revise W.5.1b
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 20. Read the sentence and answer the question that follows. Language –Edit Standard: L.5.1c Pollution Each layer of the atmosphere _______ its own gases. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank. A.containing B.contained C.contain D.contains Combine the two sentences in the best way that does not change the meaning of the original sentences. Language and Vocabulary Standard: L.5.3.a The stratosphere is a layer of the atmosphere. The troposphere is a layer of the atmosphere. A.The stratosphere is a layer of the atmosphere, but so is the troposphere. B.The troposphere is a layer of the atmosphere and then there is the stratosphere. C.The troposphere and stratosphere are layers of the atmosphere. D.The atmosphere has a stratosphere layer and a troposphere layer.
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 29 STOP Close your books and wait for instructions!
Rev. Control: 07/01/2015 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 30 Informational Text 9 I can quote a specific part of the text when I answer a question. RI I can quote accurately from the text to support an inference. RI I can summarize the key details of a text for a purpose. RI I can identify two main ideas in a text. RI I can locate information to support how two concepts interact. RI I can explain the connection between two or more ideas.RI I can identify details that support two main ideas in a text. RI I can analyze connections between and among concepts. RI Literary Text 1 I can quote details from the text to support inferences. RL I can quote to explain what the text says or when drawing inferences. RL I use details as supporting evidence to answer questions. RL I can Identify the theme from details in the text. RL I can answer describing questions about two or more characters, settings or events. RL I can locate specific descriptive details that compare or contrast setting, events or characters. RL I can locate details to explain a character’s response to challenges or how a speaker in a poem reflects on a topic RL I can connect ideas about 2 characters, setting or events. with textual evidence. RL Student Scoring Color the box green if your answer was correct. Color the box red if your answer was not correct. Writing 17 I can introduce a topic or name of a book, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that supports my purpose. W.5.1a I can provide reasons that are supported by facts and details and ordered logically. W.5.1b 19 I can expand, combine, and/or reduce sentences for meaning, interest, or style. L.5.3a 20 I can use verb tenses to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions. L.5.1c