Regulatory Amendment 2 Queen Conch Fishery Management Plan Compatibility of Commercial Trip Limits and Recreational Bag Limits in the Management Area of St. Croix, USVI PUBLIC HEARING –St. Croix March 25, 2013 Caribbean Fishery Management Council 145 th Meeting St. Croix USVI
DEPONENTCommentsRecommendations E. Schuster FAC St.CroixSeasonal closure and lb quota compatible, 200 qc per vessel per day recommendation per FAC, USVI change to 3 qc and 12 per vessel—make it compatible with the EEX Action 1/Alternative 2 Action 2/Alternative B. KojisSuggested public hearing in St. Thomas to discuss recreational alternatives W. TobiasAction 1/Alternative2 Action 2/Alternative 2 Comments Received
Additional Comments QC recreational harvest in EEZ unknown: 99% in territorial waters Require federal permit to fish queen conch in the EEZ; require specific reporting (clean/unclean meat %) Diver safety: commercial and recreational divers lost at sea, require safety surface buoy while diving with identification and permit number Act 3330 defines helpers for traps and seines, more effort in the queen conch fishery HOOKAH is prohibited in the USVI (correction to the document Enforcement: black market for queen conch during closed season; underreporting (e.g., 30,000 lbs in 2011) Port sampling needs to be increased and include both the commercial and the recreational harvest
Comments at CFMC 145 th
CFMC Final Action