To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Harper Lee White, female Born in Monroeville, Alabama on April 28, 1926 Studied law at University of Alabama, but never completed Father and sister are lawyers (Ironic that Atticus is a lawyer)
Harper Lee Lee began writing at the age of 7 Began it seriously in 1958 when she went to New York To Kill A Mockingbird is her first and only novel Published in 1960 Won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 Also Made into a successful movie
To Kill A Mockingbird Setting – Maycomb County (South) I – Great Depression – FDR is president Issue of prejudice & law Mockingbird is the songbird of the South noted for its ability to mimic calls of other birds
To Kill A Mockingbird Two Major Plot Strands: I.The action which deals with Atticus and his court case/trial with Tom Robinson II.The plot strand which deals with the children (Scout & Jem) and their unique relationship with Boo Radley
To Kill A Mockingbird Social Stratification in the novel: 1.Finches = white; educated; working 2.Heck Tate & the Radleys = white; blue collar 1.Cunninghams = white; poor; proud 2.Mr. Raymond = black lover 3.Ewells = white trash 4.Black people
To Kill A Mockingbird Common Themes: 1.Prejudice & Discrimination 2.Compassion & Understanding 3.Bravery & Cowardice 4.Education
To Kill A Mockingbird Local Color: South portrayed vividly (emphasis on setting) 1.Definition – the concrete details of natural scenery, architecture, language, local customs, and traditions 2.Used by authors to lend a sense of authenticity to their work Narrator = Scout Novel is a flashback