Satire Satire: is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
Satires Continued Generally: Satires are literary works used point out the shortcomings of a society to members of that society in a humorous way in order that members of the society are willing to accept the criticism. The power of satires is that they cause the reader to get upset, riled up, or indignant over a situation before demonstrating the similarities between said situation and his/her own society.
The Inner Workings of Satire All satire works off of irony and paradox. Satire works only where there is injustice. Writer creates a story with satirical elements. The “accused” cry foul. The Writer claims he is not writing about the accused, but rather a completely different time and place. The accused must either: 1. explain how their actions are the same as those described by the author or 2. drop the issue and hope no one can figure it out. If the author is incorrect in his or her assessment of the “accused” actions, the satire will not work.
The Inner Workings of Satire All satire works off of irony and paradox. Identify the paradoxes in the following: The women’s tea party. Cecil Jacobs’ presentation. Never seeing the death of Tom Robinson. How might Boo Radley act as Satire?
Satire at Work The “Tea Party” Identify a “satirical” moment in Chap 24. Identify a “satirical” moment in Chap 24. Identify the element at work (irony, sarcasm, scorn, etc…) Identify the element at work (irony, sarcasm, scorn, etc…) Explain what is being mocked or held up for derision. Explain how this is meant to change minds. Explain what is being mocked or held up for derision. Explain how this is meant to change minds.
Why did Harper Lee Choose to Write a Satire?