Founding Fathers Of the United States Constitution And Our Country’s Early History
Paul Revere Portrait painted by John Singleton Copley Revere was a master silversmith, which is why he is holding a silver teapot in the portrait. It was also a symbol of the Boston Tea Party and the fact that he was a member of the Sons of Liberty.
Nathan Hale Hale was the first CIA agent in the United States. He was quoted as saying, “ I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” This picture is a sketch of his execution.
Thomas Jefferson Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was a gifted writer. He sent Lewis and Clark out to explore the Louisiana Purchase. He was the 3 rd president of the United States.
John Adams Adams was often misunderstood—people thought he was cold and rude He and his cousin, Sam were leaders of the Sons of Liberty He was the first to have his son serve as president also His political ideas and policies lasted the test of time
Ethan Allen Allen was a patriot and soldier in the Revolutionary War. He led the Green Mountain Boys in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga—one of the most important battles of the war. This statue is in the United States Capitol.
Benedict Arnold Arnold was one of the most trusted American generals of the Revolutionary War. He turned traitor because he was passed over for military honors and accused of abusing his power and standing.
Samuel Adams Samuel was cousin to John Adams and preferred to work “behind the scenes” of the Revolution. He signed the Declaration of Independence and was part of the Boston Tea Party.
John Paul Jones Jones was known as the Father of the American Navy He was quoted as having said, “I have not yet begun to fight.”
John Hancock Hancock was known for his legible signature (shown below) He signed the Declaration of Independence first and said something to the effect of, “Let’s see if [King ] George can read that!”
Molly Pitcher—Mary Hays McCauly Molly Pitcher went to war with her husband and brought water to the soldiers. When her husband was wounded, she took his spot at the cannon and kept on fighting. President Washington gave her an award for her courage.
Alexander Hamilton Hamilton was the nation’s first secretary of the treasury He was a bold and creative thinker His ideas greatly influence our government today
George Washington Known as the “Father of Our Country”, he was really the 12 th president He was deeply concerned with helping the fledgling republic flourish
Dolley Madison Dolley is most noted for saving the painting of George Washington that hung in the White House when the British burned it during the War of 1812
James Madison James is the “Father of the Constitution” He received many ideas from those he associated with, but the final written copy was in his words He designed our system of checks and balances
Benjamin Franklin Franklin was “a jack- of-all-trades and a master of many” He was the only person who signed four of the most important documents in U.S. history
Thomas Paine Paine met Benjamin Franklin who advised him to move to the colonies He wrote political tracts, his most famous being Common Sense, advocating independence.
Deborah Sampson Sampson fought in the Revolutionary War for over a year disguised as Robert Shurtliff, until she received a serious wound. She was discharged with honors. ett_deborah.htm
Betsy Ross Legend has it that she designed the first U.S. flag The story first came about 94 years after it was to have first happened Betsy Ross did sew flags and had an upholstery business.
Joseph Brant Joseph was a Mohawk Indian leader who fought in the British Army. He was also a Christian missionary among his people. He was a leading member of the League of the Iroquois