API 6A 21 st Edition WG API Subcommittee SC-6 Discussions Valves and Wellhead Equipment
Introduction TG Committee consists of 96 members Meetings started in June 2013 with typically members per meeting Held approximately 18 full-day WG meetings to date and numerous team/small group meetings TG approach – Build worklist (cut-off for initial items was Aug 2013) – Identify Teams and Team Captains – Divide worklist between teams – Met as teams to resolve work items
Work Teams/Captains – Design / Jean Brunjes – Materials, Welding and Cladding / Sterling Lewis – Organization / Eric Wehner – Qualification / Tom Lambert – Quality / Mike Briggs – Documentation Specialist / Jill Bell – Co-Chairs / Eric Wehner & David Zollo
Worklist Currently there are 180 items in the worklist that have been addressed. – Not all items in the worklist have been accepted for action some have been rejected at the TG meetings A draft document with 220 changes has been generated. Tabulated in a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet reviewed at last meeting Spreadsheet
Key Items addressed Definition of a manufacturer requirements added Tied pressure / NACE limitations to PSL’s Annex M reworked to move requirements to main body of the document. Annex M is normative. PSL 4 requirements changed to align with potential HPHT requirements (no welding requirement removed) PSL 3 – heat lot traceability requirement added Welding hardness survey requirements removed to default to NACE Minimum clad thickness requirement added Better definition of design criteria when referring to clad thickness
Key Items addressed Moved repair Annex J to 6AR Removed Annex H – Tools (TR needed) Design rules moved to 6X Defined performance and product testing for bleeder plugs Revised Annex L and added 4” HPVR Added language to reference 20 series specification requirements (castings, bolting-BSL- 1 minimum requirement) Eliminated PR1 in Annex F Annex C stud length replaced by AWHEM TR
HPHT for 6A 21 st Edition Brainstorm How can we modify PSL 4 to make it normative base requirement for HPHT equipment? Remove no welding restriction Require prolongation or sacrificial part; no separate QTC Testing per heat treat batch Separate quench loads not allowed with just a single prolongation What do we do with elastomers? Pressure testing (1.25x or 1.5x)
HPHT for 6A 21 st Edition Brainstorm How can we modify Annex G to capture normative requirements for HPHT Invoke BSL 3 per 20E bolting Invoke 20H HSL level 2 or 3 o 2 is tighter calibration and survey requirements o 3 is full AMS 2750 compliance Reference applicable sections in 17TR8 Make AWHEM derating factors normative unless actual test data is available High strength nickel based alloys shall conform to the requirements of API 6A718 Sour Service compliance per NACE MR0175 is mandatory
Plan forward Send current draft out as comment only ballot Start reorganization work / Annex Work – Annex J replace by 6AR – Annex C revise to AWHEM bolting dimensions – Annex B revise to incorporate Imperial tables – Annex D revise to accommodate gasket lubrication – Annex H, I & O - Eliminate Resolve comments Reorganize per Eric’s plan Address HPHT Have final document ready for ballot by June 2016