Great verbs for analytical writing LO: Can I use appropriate powerful verbs when I write about texts?
Which do you use when writing about texts (novels, plays, poems, adverts, films etc.) in English? Advises Affects Alludes to Argues Builds Clarifies Confirms Connotes Constructs Criticises Conveys Demonstrates Denotes Depicts Describes Determines Displays Encourages Emphasises Establishes Examines Exemplifies Expands Explains Explores Exposes Foreshadows Foretells Highlights Hints Illustrates Impacts Implies Indicates Informs Introduces Manifests Narrates Persuades Portrays Presents Refers Relates Remarks Represents Reveals Shows Signifies Symbolises Suggests Supports Typifies
Powerful verbs for analytical essays Some verbs are helpful for showing how details (like events, words or symbols) in texts support an idea or interpretation… “The act of hurling the pearl into the sea suggests that the beauty of the soul cannot be bought.” “Her constant use of first-person pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘My’ exposes her self-centred nature.” Example + Verb + Explanation Some verbs are helpful for showing how details (like events, words or symbols) in texts support an idea or interpretation… “The act of hurling the pearl into the sea suggests that the beauty of the soul cannot be bought.” “Her constant use of first-person pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘My’ exposes her self-centred nature.” Example + Verb + Explanation
Your turn… “The use of statistics __________ the reader that the writer’s argument is logical.” “The verb ‘clawed’ __________ a great struggle.” “The intense disagreement between these characters __________ tension throughout the play.” “The open road in the image __________ freedom and adventure.” suggests persuades builds represents
Plural verb? “The open road and the mountain range __________ freedom and adventure.” Can you turn the verb into a noun? “The open road is perhaps a __________ of freedom and adventure. ” “The open road in the image represents freedom and adventure.”
Powerful verbs for analytical essays These verbs can also be helpful for showing how writers convey ideas, messages or intentions… They can help you talk about the context of a text… “The lighthouse is an important symbol in the poem. It represents hope and truth.” “In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee highlights racial and social injustice in 1930s America.” Example + Verb + Explanation These verbs can also be helpful for showing how writers convey ideas, messages or intentions… They can help you talk about the context of a text… “The lighthouse is an important symbol in the poem. It represents hope and truth.” “In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee highlights racial and social injustice in 1930s America.” Example + Verb + Explanation
Your turn… “ Purple Hibiscus __________ growing up and the search for identity.” “Iago __________ Othello using animal imagery.” “The movie ‘Fight Club’ __________ American society and __________ it to be breaking down completely.” “The snake __________ evil, so the author may be suggesting that the setting is sinful and dangerous” explores portrays criticises describes symbolises
Plural verb? “The novels Purple Hibiscus and Jane Eyre both __________ growing up and the search for identity.” Can you turn the verb into a noun? “Purple Hibiscus can be read as an __________ of growing up. “Purple Hibiscus explores growing up and the search for identity.”
Advises Affects Alludes to Argues Builds Clarifies Confirms Connotes Constructs Criticises Conveys Denotes Depicts Describes Determines Demonstrates Displays Encourages Emphasises Establishes Examines Exemplifies Expands Explains Explores Exposes Foreshadows Foretells Highlights Hints Illustrates Impacts Implies Indicates Informs Introduces Manifests Narrates Persuades Portrays Presents Refers Relates Remarks Represents Reveals Shows Signifies Symbolises Suggests Supports Typifies Note of Caution: Only use the verbs you’re familiar with unless you take the time to examine the definition in the dictionary. This is not a list of synonyms. Each word has specific uses that are unique to its meaning. Active verbs for writing about texts...