Overcoming Adversity
What is Adversity Difficulty Misfortune Range of intensity Different shapes and sizes Distress or concern
How to Overcome Adversity Fight through pain Determination Drive Having ups and downs Making sacrifices Standing up for what is right
Books Night Flowers for Algernon Unbroken To Kill a Mockingbird
Characters Elie Wiesel Charlie Gordon Louis Zamperini Atticus
Night Elie Wiesel Holocaust Auschwitz Survivor
Elie Wiesel Concentration camp Loss of family Hunger Emotional scenes
Flowers for Algernon Charlie Gordon Mental Retardation Harsh Experiments Not so great treatment Tough situations Emotional heartbreaks
Charlie Bakery issues Trouble finding himself Friends and family Experiments Treatment issues
Unbroken Fight for survival Nothing went right Detention camps Close to death
Louis Zamperini Olympics Japanese war Beaten Struggles of survival
TKMB Atticus Defended Tom Towns hatred towards Atticus
Atticus Role of defending Tom Family struggles Bob Ewells threats Put down and discouraged Emotional experiences
Adversity in the Author’s Lives Harper Lee Youngest of five children Daniel Keyes Seventeen year old Marine Laura Hillenbrand Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Elie Wiesel Told in Night
Adversity in Our Lives Moving, Divorce Death, Age Soccer
Benefits of Adversity Makes you stronger Changes your life Builds personality Wisdom Enhances drive in a task Builds confidence
Conclusion Adversity comes in all forms Everyone has adversity in their lives Flowers for Algernon Unbroken Night TKMB
Bibliography “WWII B-24 Bomber.” Weather Underground. Max crow, n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2015. <http://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/hunter1.asp>.