Lecture 8 ASTR 111 – Section 002
Outline Quiz Discussion Light –Suggested reading: Chapter and 5.9 of textbook Optics and Telescopes –Suggested reading: Chapter
The wavelength of a spectral line is affected by the relative motion between the source and the observer
Doppler Shifts Red Shift: The object is moving away from the observer Blue Shift: The object is moving towards the observer / o = v/c = wavelength shift o = wavelength if source is not moving v = velocity of source c = speed of light
Blackbody Definition Does not reflect incoming radiation, only absorbs Emits radiation, depending on temperature Temperature and emitted radiation intensity follow a special relationship Photon enters If hole is very small, what is probability that it exits? One way of creating a blackbody
Blackbodies do not always appear black! –The sun is close to being a “perfect” blackbody –Blackbodies appear black only if their temperature very low
Special Relationship Wavelength Intensity For Intensity, think photons/second on a small area
Question Why is photon/second similar to energy/second? How are they related?
Watt? Energy Flux?
Flux Flux is a measure of how much “stuff” crosses a small patch in a given amount of time. Can have flux of green photons, red photons, etc.
Blackbodies and Astronomy
Blackbody Laws Stefan-Boltzmann Law – relates energy output of a blackbody to its temperature Wein’s law – relates peak wavelength output by a blackbody to its temperature
Wien’s law and the Stefan- Boltzmann law are useful tools for analyzing glowing objects like stars A blackbody is a hypothetical object that is a perfect absorber of electromagnetic radiation at all wavelengths Stars closely approximate the behavior of blackbodies, as do other hot, dense objects The intensities of radiation emitted at various wavelengths by a blackbody at a given temperature are shown by a blackbody curve
Special Relationship Wavelength Energy Flux Intensity For Intensity, think photons/second on a small area
Stefan-Boltzmann Law A blackbody radiates electromagnetic waves with a total energy flux F directly proportional to the fourth power of the Kelvin temperature T of the object:
Special Relationship Wavelength Stefan-Boltzmann Law tells us that if we add up the energy from all wavelengths, then the total energy Flux Energy Flux Intensity
Special Relationship Wavelength max Wien’s law tells us that max depends on temperature Max intensity at max Energy Flux Intensity
Special Relationship Wavelength Sketch this curve for larger and smaller T Energy Flux Intensity
Overall amplitude increases with Temperature At high wavelengths, intensity goes to zero As wavelength goes to zero, intensity goes to zero Wavelength of peak decreases as temperature increases
Color and Temperature
What would this object look like at these three temperatures?
Why does it glow white before blue
Can this figure help us explain?
Near this temperature, this special combination of intensities is what we call white. Also, the real curve is a little flatter near the peak
The Sun does not emit radiation with intensities that exactly follow the blackbody curve
If “white” was actually defined by the ideal blackbody curve, we could add a little green to white
So, what color is the sun in space? Solid green square
So, what color is the sun in space? Add a little green to white background by making solid green square mostly transparent
If “white” was actually defined by the ideal blackbody curve, this would (sort of) make sense. What we call white is actually not the ideal blackbody curve. See
So, what color is the sun in space? Right side is (should be) a little “pinker” Left side is white
If blue light has higher energy, and energy is proportional to temperature, why are my cold spots blue?
A B C Energy Flux
Which curve represents an ideal blackbody? –Curve A –Curve B –Curve C
If the object in Figure 1 were increased in temperature, what would happen to curves A, B, and C?
Curve C is more jagged. The locations where the curve C is small correspond to –Spectral lines of a blackbody –Spectral lines of atmospheric molecules –Instrumentation error –Diffraction lines –Spectral lines of the lens used to the light into colors
What is the intensity of curve B at 550 nm? –Impossible to tell; 550 nm is not shown in this figure –Nearest 0.2 –Nearest 0.1 –Nearest 0.05 –Nearest 0.0
Venus has no atmosphere. If you measure the spectrum from its surface, –Curves B and C would not change –Curve C would look more like A –Curve C would look more like B –Curve B would look more like A –Curve B would look more like C
White light is composed of –Equal intensities of all colors of the rainbow –Unequal intensities of all colors of the rainbow –Equal number of photons of all colors of the rainbow –Unequal number of photons of all colors of the rainbow –Equal numbers of red, green, and blue photons
Does a blackbody have color? –Yes, and they all appear the color of the sun –No, you cannot see a blackbody –Yes, but its depends on its temperature –Maybe, it depends on if it is an ideal blackbody
Why is the best reason for putting a telescope in orbit? –Closer to stars –Better view of celestial sphere –The speed of light is higher in space –Less atmospheric interference –Cost
Optics and Telescopes Questions about blackbody curves
Key Words refraction/reflection converging/diverging lens focal point angular resolution magnification chromatic aberration
Key Questions Why are there so many telescopes in Hawaii? Why is our best most famous telescope orbiting Earth and not in Hawaii? What is the difference between optical and digital magnification (zoom)? How and when (but not why) does light (and other forms of electromagnetic radiation) bend? How does a telescope work? What is the difference between magnification and light-gathering power?
side note: What is the difference between optical and digital zoom? T
T Same amount of information
Practical note: What is the difference between optical and digital zoom? T Much more information (detail)
You can create a digital zoom effect by taking a digital picture and expanding it (with photoshop, etc.) You can’t squeeze out more detail from the image (that is, increase the optical resolution), contrary to what you see on TV Therefore
Can explain lots about telescopes and other devices with only three optics principles
Principle 1 Light rays from distant object are nearly parallel
Principle 1 Light rays from distant object are nearly parallel Collector
Principle 2 Light reflects off a flat mirror in the same way a basket ball would bounce on the floor (angle of incidence, i = angle of reflection, r)
Principle 3 prep
What happens, a, b, or c? As a beam of light passes from one transparent medium into another—say, from air into glass, or from glass back into air—the direction of the light can change This phenomenon, called refraction, is caused by the change in the speed of light Axle and wheel from toy car or wagon Sidewalk Grass
Principle 3 Light changes direction when it moves from one media to another (refraction). Use wheel analogy to remember which direction normal 90 o Low index (e.g., air) Higher index (e.g. water)
Principle 3a Light changes direction when it moves from one media to another (refraction). Use wheel analogy to remember which direction normal 90 o Low index (e.g., air) Higher index (e.g. water)
Principle 3b Same principle applies when going in opposite direction normal 90 o Low index (e.g., air) Higher index (e.g. water)
Principle 3c At interface light diffracts and reflects (you can see your reflection in a lake and someone in lake can see you) Low index (e.g., air) Higher index (e.g. water) These angles are equal i r
What happens to each beam? ABCABC ABCABC ABCABC
What happens? ? ? ? zoom box
zoom box contents nearly flat when zoomed in normal 90 o zoom box contents To figure out path, draw normal and un- bent path.
What happens? ? ? ? zoom box
zoom box contents
F What happens to the beams here?
But you said different colors bend different amount!?
This is chromatic aberration
How I remember red bends less
How my optometrist remembers Red light bends only a little Red light has little energy (compared to blue)
What happens? ?
Now we can explain
… rainbow color ordering
Observer sees red higher in sky than blue Sunlight diffraction reflection diffraction Water droplet
Now we can explain
… how an eye works
Retina Info from distant object is concentrated on small area on retina Eye lens
… how an eye works Retina Eye lens Light from Sun Light from a distant lighthouse Sunlight lower than lighthouse light
… how an eye works Retina Eye lens Light from Sun Light from a distant lighthouse Sun appears lower than lighthouse light
Now we can explain
… how telescopes work
Magnification is ratio of how big object looks to naked eye (angular diameter) to how big it looks through telescope Telescope principles ½ o 10 o Magnification is 10/0.5 = 20x
Although telescopes magnify, their primary purpose is to gather light Telescope principles Collector
How much more energy does a 1 cm radius circular collector absorb than a 4 cm radius collector? –Same –2x –4x –16x –Need more info Question Collector
Reflecting telescope Previously I described a refracting telescope. The principles of reflection can be used to build a telescope too.