Objective ITY-FMTP - Apply a common flight message transfer protocol (FMTP) ESSIP Plan 2013 Oscar ALFARO DSS/EIPR 13.09.2013
ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP Explanation What is new or has changed since previous ESSIP edition Link to European ATM Master Plan Most important SLoA(s) Finalisation Criteria and Closed Questions Supporting Material ESSIP Report 2012 Objective Coordinator’s Analysis, recommendations, tips & tricks Conclusions Links and contacts ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP Explanation Flight Message Transfer Protocol is used in peer-to-peer information exchanges between flight data processing systems between ATC units for the purposes of: notification, co-ordination transfer of flights civil-military co-ordination Harmonised communication protocols and flight data systems to secure interoperability. FMTP is based on the network protocol TCP/IP (IPv6) Apply to communication systems supporting the coordination procedures between ATC units (including controlling military units) using a peer-to-peer communication mechanism and providing services to GAT. Deployment date: end 2014 Applicable to All ECAC States ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
What is new or has changed since previous ESSIP edition Nothing ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
Link to European ATM Master Plan [CTE-C11b]- Gateway to interconnect the Stakeholder's Networks (ANSP/PENS, Airport, Airspace Users) [Ground IP Network]: A European IP based data transport network is deployed for ground/ground communications. This network is the main element of the communication infrastructure supporting all the Ground/Ground and Air/Ground communications. This network will interconnect the ATM Stakeholders (ANSP, Airport, Airspace Users, Network Manager) through gateways. ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
Most important SLoA(s) ITY-FMTP-ASP01 Upgrade and put into service communication systems to support information exchange via FMTP between FDPS(s) for the purpose of notification, coordination and transfer of the flights between ATC units ITY-FMTP-MIL01 Upgrade and put into service communication systems to support information exchange via FMTP between FDPS(s) for the purpose of notification, coordination and transfer of the flights between ATS units and controlling military units ITY-FMTP-REG02 Ensure verification of systems has been conducted ITY-FMTP-REG03 Conduct safety oversight of changes ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
Finalisation Criteria and Closed Questions ASP01/MIL01: Communications systems upgraded For ASP01: The technical file (TF) with evidences of compliance and the EC declaration of verification of systems (DoV) has been delivered to the competent National Supervisory Authority (NSA) For MIL01: Demonstration of compliance with the essential requirements as laid out in Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 and relevant implementing rules delivered to the competent National Authority Upgraded communication systems have been put into service REG02 Assessment of the EC DoV and technical file REG03 Formal acceptance by the NSA of the proposed changes has been communicated to the ANSP ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP Supporting Material Regulation (EC) No 633/2007 Regulation (EU) No 283/2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 633/2007 Regulation (EU) No 1034/2011 EUROCONTROL - Guidelines on conformity assessment for the interoperability Regulation of the single European sky, Edition 2.0 EUROCONTROL - Specification of Interoperability and Performance Requirements for the Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP) - Spec-0100 Edition No 2.0 (14/06/07) - Community Specification as per Commission Communication (OJ No 2007/C 188/03) EUROCONTROL - Guidelines for Implementation Support (EGIS) Part 5 Communication & Navigation Specifications Chapter 13 FMTP – Edition 2.0 EUROCONTROL - Eurocontrol Inter Centre Test Tool (ETIC) – Version 3.0 EUROCONTROL - EAM 1 - ESARR 1 Safety Oversight in ATM EUROCONTROL - EAM 1/GUI 1 - Explanatory Material on ESARR 1 Requirements EUROCONTROL - EAM 4 - ESARR 4 Risk Assesment and Mitigation in ATM EUROCONTROL - ANS Safety Assessment Methodology (SAM) – Version 2.1 ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP ESSIP Report 2012 Plans as reported in 2012 are in line with the stipulated deadline of December 2014. ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
Objective Coordinator’s Analysis, recommendations, tips & tricks Ensure information is consistent with COM09 or refer to it where necessary. Make sure it is clear when you are (or plan to be) IPv4/6 ready and what is the situation of connection with your neighbours and, where applicable, between civil and military controlling units ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP Conclusions N/A ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP
ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP Conclusions Objective Coordinator: Oscar ALFARO; +32 2 729 4665 Oscar.ALFARO@eurocontrol.int DNM Objective Expert(s): Liviu POPESCU; +32 2 729 3757 Liviu.POPESCU@eurocontrol.int ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-FMTP