Child Development Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Changes from Conception to Age 3
Prenatal Health A mother’s lifestyle choices during pregnancy affect her child’s health and abilities for life. Healthful practices during pregnancy lead to healthy babies and healthy adults: exercise, regular sleep, doctor check-ups, good diet. No alcohol, drugs or tobacco which can lead to various developmental disorders.
Newborn – Birth to 2 Weeks Completely dependent on others for meeting its needs.
Newborn Needs Sleep hours, varying degree of heaviness Awake and alert 4-6 hours, interacts with family awake Stretch Cry 1-2 hours throughout day, Why? crying
Newborn Needs Continued Feed 4-6 oz. breast milk or formula every 2-4 hours Change diapers every 2-4 hours Bath every few days happy bath
Infants 2 Weeks to 1 Year Most rapid period of growth during life. Care during first year can affect life long health. One Month Six Months 12 Months
Infant Needs Sleep hours and 1or 2 naps. Only breast milk or formula first 4 months. Food in small portions, soft mushy texture. spoon feeding People to “talk” to and play with. Play – soft safe toys. Enjoy noises, textures, colors and patterns. “Child Proof” home.
Physical Development Triple birth weight by first birthday. Ability to control body develops from torso to limbs and from head to feet. Body proportion different from others: high body fat %, large head & torso, small limbs
Motor Development Milestones 2 months – lifts head with arms lifts head 4 m. – roll from back to side m. – sit without support m. – crawl first crawl fast crawl m. – walk first walking
Infant Senses In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage children learn by exploring the world through their senses. Have fuzzy vision at birth. Smell, touch, hearing, and taste stronger senses. Baby exploring wax paper through senses:
Intellectual Changes At birth recognize mother’s voice and scent By 4 m. understand object permanence Piaget – objects do not disappear when out of sight By 5 m. imitate adult facial expressions By 8 m. improved understanding of gravity too many toys By 8 m. imitate adult actions on objects bead track
Intellectual Changes By 9 m. grasp and manipulate objects in novel ways. By 10 m. recognize and imitate sounds of own language early sounds By 12 m. engage in intentional behaviors, begin categorizing objects. wipes 1/2
Attachment - Bonding Erikson’s basic trust vs. mistrust Critical for infant to bond with and form a strong attachment to at least one adult in the first two months of life. By 6 months infants have a strong preference for mom. By 8 months begin to fear strangers.
Toddlers from 1 to 3 Children from their first to their third birthday are called toddlers. Kathleen and Calvin at 20 months.
Cognitive Changes from 1 to 2 18 m. use objects in novel ways, group objects, repeat behavior in different environments, more experimental play. (plays with dog) - (toddlers play in tunnel), cat m. able to find lost object, puts objects into two groups, begin make believe play.
Beginning Language 1 to 2 15 m. begin making simple sounds in own language – mama, dada, ball, milk etc. first words 1/2 Enjoy songs and begin to imitate words. Twinkle twinkle little star By 24 m. can say between 60 – 400 words. By 24 m. may say 2 word phrases Shovel
Physical Growth 1 to 2 By 14 m. can run and walk well. Can walk up stairs with help. Scribbles. scribbling steps Can build tower with cubes. Begin to feed self. yogurt By 2 years can jump and climb well. jumping
Emotional Development 1 to 2 Self awareness and self recognition: 18 m. recognizes self in picture or mirror, 24 m. can describe self as “little”, “boy”, “brown hair.” Desire for autonomy: want to complete tasks on own, stubborn, may have tantrums. frustrated, want s cookie,
Socialization from 1 to 2 Socialization is the process by which children learn to interact with people in their culture. Family most important social group. love you siblings Piaget’s egocentric view on life (self-centered). Enjoy repetition of behavior, copying others. piano, exercising Begin to imitate social behaviors of others. Begin to play alongside and with other children. screaming holding hands
Toddlers from 2 to 3 Language and physical advancements make 2 year olds less like babies and more like children. Daniel at Halloween years old
Physical Growth 2 to 3 Overall growth rate slows down. Less body fat. Can run, kick, jump, and climb well. kicking ball Throws ball with poor accuracy. Usually cannot catch ball. Can feed self with minimal mess. Needs help to get dressed. May be toilet trained. potty incentive
Intellectual Development 2 to 3 Imitate behaviors of older children ( Vygotsky, More Knowledgeable Other MKO). Can build puzzle of about 16 pieces. Recognize and names colors, shapes. Knows some numbers and letters. Make believe play becomes more important. Elmo Doctor Curious and interested in experimenting with objects. Stick
Language Development 2 to 3 By 30 m. saying new words daily, understands words of other’s very well, may make frequent grammatical errors. PB&J By 3 years, says up to 1000 words, 80% intelligible. talking mangos Enjoy listening to stories with simple language, bright colors and pictures. Helps prepare children for learning to read. Enjoy songs
Emotional Development 2 to 3 Need to be independent grows and may lead to frustration when not successful. Self regulation improves – ability to know what is right and wrong behavior and choose the right behavior. ask nicely Curiosity may be stronger than self regulation.
Socialization 2 to 3 Play may be rough. May still push and take toys away from others. robot Begin to understand social rules and roles. Some desire to please adults. cinnamon Enjoys playing with other children and older siblings. trucks dinner
Review Any empty lines on handout? More questions about newborns, infants or toddlers? First quiz will cover this information and Theories of Development PowerPoint. Notes will be checked and graded.