11 ALICE Computing Activities in Korea Beob Kyun Kim e-Science Division, KISTI 2008. 12. 01.


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Presentation transcript:

11 ALICE Computing Activities in Korea Beob Kyun Kim e-Science Division, KISTI

ALICE Computing 22 Outline  ALICE Grid Computing in Korea  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre’s Roadmap  Brief introduction to new project in next year

ALICE Computing 3 ALICE Grid Computing in Korea  Sejong “ALICECE” cluster is running 58 nodes. Seyong Kim, Byunghee Han, Hyunggyu Kim  KISTI “ce-alice” cluster is running 112 nodes.  ~30 researchers in ALICE ALICE Grid Computing in Korea

ALICE Computing 44 Outline  ALICE Grid Computing in Korea  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre’s Roadmap  Brief introduction to new project in next year

ALICE Computing 55 History of KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre  Feb : Official ALICE-LCG Site  Jun : First Attendance at EGEE Tutorial & Asia Federation Meeting  Oct : KICOS – CERN MoU  May : CCRC’08 May  2008 International Summer School on e-Science and Grid Computing  Participation for Global Collaboration of ALICE Computing Online Conferences for AP (from Feb. ’08 ~) 3 EGEE Tutorial (Sep. 07, Oct. 07, Apr. 08) 4 Asia-Federation Meeting (Sep. 07, Oct. 07, Apr. 08) KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report

ALICE Computing 66 Status of KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre  Oct., KICOS-CERN MoU Signing Party  CERN : Dr. Jos Engelen (CSO of CERN)  KICOS : Chun Il Eom (KICOS)  Participants Dr. Haeng Jin Jang : ALICE Tier2 Centre Leader Dr. Soonwook Hwang : WLCG Collaboration Representative Dr. Beob Kyun Kim (joined Dec., 2007) Mr. Sang Bae Park (joined Jan., 2008) Dr. Christophe Bonnaud (joined Jul., 2008) KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report

ALICE Computing 77 ALICE Tier2 Centre  Resources 13 servers(1U) for ALICE service  RB, WMS+LB, PX, RGMA, BDII, VOMS, LFC, VOBOX, CE, UI, VOMS 14 servers(1U) for WNs (112 cores) ≈ 120 kSI2K  Status KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report ProvidedComments CPU (kSI2K) ~ cores will be added in this year Storage (TB)30 TB50 TB30 (56)Will bet setup in Wednesday Network (Gbps)10 Will bet setup in Wednesday with GLORIAD

ALICE Computing 88 ALICE Tier2 Centre KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report

ALICE Computing 99 ALICE Tier2 Centre – Site Overview KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report

ALICE Computing 10 ALICE Tier2 Centre – Overall Reports KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report Monthly 8,000 ~ jobs

ALICE Computing 11 ALICE Tier2 Centre – Jobs Status KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report

ALICE Computing 12 ALICE Tier2 Centre – Total Wall Time KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report 1.35 %

ALICE Computing 13 ALICE Tier2 Centre  Monitoring From CERN  SAM  Monalisa KISTI  In testing of Standalone SAM  Nagios with MySQL is working (for fabric layer) Some combination approach with legacy monitoring tools KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report

ALICE Computing 14 Outline  ALICE Grid Computing in Korea  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre’s Roadmap  Brief introduction to new project in next year

ALICE Computing 15 KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre’s Roadmap  30 TB Storage in month SE + DPM ( dCache will be used in next year )  EMC FAS2050 (56TB physically) with 10Gbps connectivity Data transfer test between CERN-KISTI and ASGC-KISTI  Test for KISTI Supercomputer We’re under Software stack test Move to gLite Function Test on CentOS4.6 & CentOS5.1 (x86_64)  Tests are successfully finished on CentOS4.6 & CentOS5.1 VMs Some issues on  Firewall ( ports, DNS, … ) – KISTI’s Supercomputer is protected by very strong firewall policy  Software stack / Queue  The farm will be extended in next year KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre’s Roadmap

ALICE Computing 16 Outline  ALICE Grid Computing in Korea  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre Status Report  KISTI ALICE Tier2 Centre’s Roadmap  Brief introduction to new project in next year

ALICE Computing 17 Data Center Project in Next Year (2009)  Korean : 대용량실험데이터이용지원센터 Means, “ Center to support scientists who use mass experimental data ”  Fund from Korea Government, From KISTI  ~300 cores  Several hundreds of cores from Supercomputer nodes Data Center Project in Next Year $ 15M $ 14M $ 10M Fund Comments # of CPU Storage (TB)

ALICE Computing 18 Data Center Project in Next Year (2009)  Mission Construction of Computing Infrastructure to support mass experimental data processing Support of getting & using of data from large facilities Development of data farm related technologies  Experiments that are planned to be support by this project ALICE (LHC/CERN) : Tier2 & Tier3 CDF (Fermilab/US) : CGCC & Tier3 Belle (KEK/Japan) : Belle Grid & Tier3 From 2010, supporting experiments will be extended Data Center Project in Next Year

ALICE Computing 19 Data Center Project in Next Year (2009)  We’re surveying : Technical issues  Security, storage, scheduling, monitoring issues  Automation of farm management Political issues  User scheduling, resource allocation Data Center Project in Next Year

ALICE Computing 20