2 Comprehensive Explanation (1/4) This OBJ covers the implementation of Ground-Ground (G/G) data exchange and automated co-ordination procedures to reduce the controller workload and human errors as specified by Regulation 1032/2006 EC and 30/2009 EC (amending 1032/2009 EC – the COTR Reg.). Scope: EU+ States) (= EU+CH+NO+ECAA) Applicability: to all ACC units providing services to GAT (not covered: ACC TWR + ACC APP) Military SLoAs are applicable to all Military units regardless of their role (MIL being an ATS provider to GAT traffic or not) and coordination between CIV and MIL control units ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
3 Comprehensive Explanation (2/4) EC 1032/2006 mandatory processes to implement OLDI equivalentITY-COTR SLoA – ASP and MIL ITY-COTR timeframe Applicability Notification ProcessABIASP EU+ Initial co-ordinationACTASP EU+ Revision of CoordinationREVASP EU+ Abrogation of CoordinationMACASP EU+ Basic Flight DataBFDASP06 MIL EU+ Change to Flight DataCFDASP07 MIL EU+ Safety Assessment -ASP EU+ EC 30/2009 mandatory processes Logon ForwardLOFASP EU+ Next Authority NotifiedNANASP EU+ Non-mandatory requirements (complementing EC Regulation) Training of ATC Personnel-ASP EU+ ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
4 ASP01 – concerns FDPS infrastructure, OLDI message processing, presentation and recording etc - States that have implemented OLDI will be compliant with this SLoA. ASP02/03/04/05 - concerns FDPS capability to receive, process, present and sent the messages as specified. ASP06/07 - to Flight Data Exchange with military ATS units. ASP08/ASP09 - data link related messages with different deployment date (specified in regulation (EC) 30/2009) Comprehensive Explanation (3/4) ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
5 ASP11 - ATCO training on automated flight data exchange; in most of the cases this action has been completed, the basic OLDI data exchange has been widely implemented at Pan European level. Note: this SLoA is not derived from the (EC) Regulations 1032/2006 or 30/2009. MIL01/MIL02 - are related to capabilities of military ATS units to received, process or present BFD/CFD or receive or present CPRs + safety assessment & oversight of all changes: ASP10 - safety assessment of any modification of automated flight data exchange. REG01 - regulatory oversight of safety arguments that concern any modification of automated flight data exchange. Comprehensive Explanation (4/4) ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
6 What is new or has changed for ESSIP Plan ed No change ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
7 Link to European ATM Master Plan and/or Interim Deployment Programme (IDP) Eur. ATM Master Plan: [CM-0201] - Automated Assistance to Controller for Seamless Coordination, Transfer and Dialogue – ESSENTIAL IDP: none ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
8 ITY-COTR – Most important SLoAs All Finalisation Criteria and Closed Questions Ensure it is implemented with new FDPS or upgrade of current FDPS Establish OLDI link with adjacent ACC, as an additional info to the finalisation criteria expressed in the SLoAs Implement ACT/REV/ABI or MAC with adjacent unit, again as an additional info to the finalisation criteria expressed in the SLoAs Does your FDPS support ACT/REV/ABI/MAC data reception/processing and sending? Does exchange of messages with upstream/ downstream units ? Does exchange BFD/CFD or CPS with military ATS units exist ? FDPS upgrade planned to accommodate data link messages ? ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
9 Supporting Material EUROCONTROL - SPEC EUROCONTROL Specification for On-Line Data Interchange (OLDI) - Edition OJ2011/C 146/05 / EUROCONTROL - SPEC 106C1 - EUROCONTROL - Corrigendum to Specification for On-Line Data Interchange (OLDI) Edition OJ 2011/C 146/05 / EUROCONTROL Specification 0107, Ed. 3.1 (2011), Eurocontrol specification for ATS Data Exchange Presentation (ADEXP) NOTE: EUROCONTROL Specification 0107, Ed. 3.1 was published by EUROCONTOL in October It supersedes Ed 3.0 as EC Community specification. ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
10 ESSIP Report 2012 Only implemented in full in 3 States. Another 16 States declared it as Partially Completed and 13 as Planned by 02/2015. Most basic processes are already implemented and the remaining ones are planned in line with the relevant EC Regulation 1032/2006 (deployemnt date: 02/2015) Reasons: Topic very mature, covered by existing EUROCONTROL Specifications. A number of these messages are already available in newer generation FDPS across Europe. ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR
11 Links and contacts Objective Coordinator: DellOrto Luca, EUROCONTROL Objective Expert: Stephen Morton, ESSIP Plan 2013 / Objective ITY-COTR