Evaluating Web Sources Statement of Objective: Students will evaluate websites to locate appropriate sources to answers to the research question: “Should euthanasia be a legal option for the terminally ill?”
Credibility Is the author easy to identify? Is the person an authority (expert) on the topic? Does he have credentials to prove his expertise?
Reliability Is the site bias free? Is the site objective? Is it free of emotionally charged language? Are all sides presented? Is it free of distortions or outrageous claims? Is this a commercial site that is trying to sell you something?
Scope (Purpose) Who is the intended audience for the site? What is the goal of the site? Why did the author publish it? Who else thinks the website is worthwhile? Try the link test. Type the word “link” and “the address of the site you are checking” in the address line. (The results will be the websites who link to this site).
Accuracy Are sources for data listed? Is the information in the source consistent with the information in other sources? Is it free of spelling and grammar errors?
Currency Is the page updated regularly? Are the sources that are quoted recent? Are the statistics included the most current? Do all links work?
Relevance What specific question does the information on the website answer for you? (Very Important) Is the site easy to navigate? Can you get your information in 3 clicks or less?
Evaluating Web Sources assisted-suicide-program-rarely-used-study-finds suicide.html assisted-suicide/
Evaluating Web Sources assisted-suicide-program-rarely-used-study-finds suicide.html assisted-suicide/
Evaluating Web Sources assisted-suicide-program-rarely-used-study-finds suicide.html assisted-suicide/
Evaluating Web Sources assisted-suicide-program-rarely-used-study-finds suicide.html assisted-suicide/
Evaluating Web Sources assisted-suicide-program-rarely-used-study-finds suicide.html assisted-suicide/
Evaluating Web Sources Class Assignment: Research Question: “Should our democracy permit physicians to assist in a patient’s suicide?” Search Terms: Physician’s assisted suicide the legality of physicians assisted suicide Using the search engine of your choice and locate and evaluate two web sites using the checklist provided. Be prepared to report your evaluations to the class.
Evaluating Web Sources Homework Assignment: Using the evaluation tools in today’s activity, locate sources to identify three reasons to support your argument. On the homework page …. 1. List the sources that you used. 2. Write the reasons provided in the information you read.
Evaluating Web Sources Search Terms: the importance of learning a second language why learn a second language