Organic Chemistry Carbon Based Carbon forms bonds with many different elements. Carbon wants to bond 4 times. Bonding is the force that holds atoms in a molecule together. Most of the test is based on Hydrocarbons, names and structures. Carbon bonds 4 times with many different elements, talk about the impurities in crude and products.
Bonding Covalent Bonds Ionic Bonds Making or Breaking bonds. Atoms in a molecule share electrons. Ionic Bonds One atom gives up an electron to the other. Attracted by charges. Making or Breaking bonds. Each bond has a specific Bond energy. Energy, usually heat, will break bonds. Energy is giving off when bonds from.
What is Process Chemistry Study of Hydrocarbons found in Crude oil Classifications Structure and Chemical symbols Study of the Chemical and Physical changes taking place in a refinery. Study of equipment used in separating and chemically changing crude products.
Mixture of Hydrocarbons and Impurities Hydrogen - 14% Sulfur - 1 to 3% Nitrogen - less than 1% Oxygen - less than 1% Metals - less than 1% Salts - less than 1% BS&W These are weight %
A Little History "Drake's Folly" In 1859, at Titusville, Penn., Col. Edwin Drake drilled the first successful well through rock and produced crude oil. Petroleum was prized mostly for its yield of kerosene until the turn of the century. Gasoline was burned off By the 1920s, crude oil as an energy source - not just as a curiosity - came into its own Kerosene was used mostly in lanterns, gasoline become valuable as the internal combustion engine gained ground.
Remarkably varied substance It can be a straw-colored liquid or tar-black Red, green and brown hues are not uncommon Some flow about as well as cold peanut butter.
Basic Types of Crude oils Paraffinic Mostly Paraffin Waxy Naphthenic Mostly cyclo-paraffins Sweet Little or no Sulfur Sour Lots of Sulfur
Hydrocarbons A group of Compounds in Organic Chemistry. Referred to as “Oils” or Petroleum. Compounds are mainly Hydrogen and Carbon Can contain other elements such as Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Heavy Metals. Closely related to vegetable oils, and alcohols.
Classifications of Hydrocarbons Alkanes (Paraffin’s) - Single Bonds Chains, Branched changes (Isomers), or rings (Cyclo-) Alkenes (Olefin’s) - Contain at least one double bond Alkynes – Triple bonds Aromatics – Base is a Benzene ring Naphthalenes – Cyclo-paraffins Mention the endings ane = 1 bond ene = 2 bonds yne = 3 bonds Put the endings in alphabetically order to remember the bonding.
Alkanes Ranging from C1 to C50+ Saturated Hydrocarbons Straight or Branched Chains. All Bonds are single bonds. Ending in – “ane” Chemical Symbols CnH2n+2 Referred to as normal nbutane or nC4. Ranging from C1 to C50+ Saturated Hydrocarbons Meaning it has its full amount of Hydrogen No double bonds. Paraffinic / Waxy Stable compounds Review and spend some time on the formula this will help them later on the test and in Jeopardy, use several examples. Write C4 and ask how many hydrogen, the switch it and say H12 so they can use the formula to go backwards.
Top Ten Paraffin's Methane CH4 Ethane C2H6 Propane C3H8 Butane C4H10 Pentane C5H12 Hexane C6H14 Heptane C7H16 Octane C8H18 Nonane C9H20 Decane C10H22
Isomer’s Included in the Alkanes and Alkenes. Branched Chains Indicated by iso-Hexane, or i-Hexane Same Chemical formula different molecular shape. Different Properties. The Larger the Chain, the more isomers it can have. Isomers are paraffins and have the same chemically formula as a normal, these are referred to as iso-butane or iC4 The molecular structure change, changes all physical properties of the molecule.
Naphthenes Cyclo-paraffin’s May have one ring or several combined. Different Chemical Formula from straight chained paraffin. CnC2n Ringed Saturated hydrocarbons May have one ring or several combined. Different properties than straight chains or isomers of the same Carbon content.
Alkenes Straight or Branched Chains Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Double bonded hydrocarbons. Ending in –ene Referred to Olefins Chemical symbols CnH2n. For 1 double bond Diolefins 2 double bonds Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Are lacking some hydrogen due to double bonds. Formed in refinery in cracking without the presence of hydrogen. Break down readily in treating reactors
Alkynes Triple bonded hydrocarbons Ending in –yne Chemical symbols CnH2n-2 For 1 triple bond. Unsaturated hydrocarbons Lacking hydrogen due to triple bonds Triple bond is slightly stronger than double bond Formed in the same way as Alkenes Break down readily in treating reactors
Aromatics Base is benzene ring Can have sub groups Common names PNA’s Cyclo-alkene Can have sub groups Methyl, Ethyl Common names Benzene Toluene Xylene PNA’s Polynuclear aromatics Two or more benzene rings Environmentally un-friendly
Impurities Sulfides Mercaptans (Thiols) Phenols Pyroles R-S-R Mercaptans (Thiols) R-SH Ethyl mercaptan added to Natural gas Skunk odor. Phenols Alcohol like molecules Pyroles Nitrogen compounds found in crude. Bottom Sediment and Water. BS&W Discuss mainly Sulfides and mecaptans, the chemical structure is on the test. RSH and RSR should be emphasized.
From Crude to your car. Separating the good from the ugly. Distillation Removing impurities Catalytic processes Blending Refined Products
Compounds in Crude Each Compound has different physical properties. These properties are used in the separation or distillation process. Mainly based on boiling point Crude oil is separated into other mixtures. LPG Gasoline Jet Fuel Diesel Gas oils Resid and/or coke.
Viscosity Measurement of thickness of a liquid. How easily it pours or flows The heavier the material the higher the viscosity (usually) Test method for diesel, jet, and lube oils.
Vapor Pressure and Flash point Referred to as RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure) Equilibrium of liquid and vapor in a closed atmosphere. The lighter the material the higher the vapor pressure. More volatile. Flash point – temperature which compound will ignite. Volatility. Flash point, Volatility are test questions as well, need to emphasize how they relate to light and heavy hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbon BP °F Product Range Methane - C -258 Natural Gas Octane-C8 258 Gasoline Ethane – C2 -127 Nonane-C9 304 Gasoline/ Distillate Propane – C3 -43 LPG Decane-C10 345 iso-Butane – C4 11 Undecane-C11 385 n-Butane – C4 31 LPG/ Gasoline Dodecane-C12 421 Pentane – C5 96.8 Tridecane-C13 456 Hexane – C6 155 Octadecane-C18 601 Benzene – C6 176 Eicosane-C20 651 Distillate/ Gas oil Cyclohexane – C6 177 Gas Oils-C20+ 650-1100 °F Heptane-C7 209
Boiling Ranges Note percentage overlaps: 40% of Huk is Jet 1st Frac ovhd 20-25% jet in it that is sent out as HUK, maybe some jet give away. Depends on tank farm needs and product value. 10% roughly of hot drum material is LUK – To much cold reflux to hot reflux ratio? Future slide shows correlation between hot drum outlet TI and cold drum FBP. Only a 5% or less overlap between 2nd ovhd and jet, good separation. 1st stage overhead has 20-25% overlap with jet fuel, reducing ovhd 95% point can increase jet production. Jet flash of 140 = 296 F IBP ± 4 Jet Freeze –56 = 600 F FBP 2nd Stage overhead is 60% LUK material, activity on R4? Notice that NO LUK material is being sent over from first stage fractionation. All LUK product in second stage is being produce by R4 reactor. The 1st stage bottoms material does should not contribute to the top ΔP, all is jet fuel. 1st Stage frac bottoms is as expected roughly 50% jet fuel. RCO has 5-8% jet in it, keeping reboiler at max. temperature and tower pressure at a minimum aids in removing the jet material.
Boiling Points What is IBP What is FBP Initial boiling point Final boiling point IBP is on the test,
Distillation Physically separating compounds from a mixture based on boiling points. Each compound in the mixture has a different boiling point. Distillation is on the test relating to separation based on boiling points.
Fractionation Simple distillation fine tuned. The taller the tower and more trays adds in separation. Debutanizer Removes Butane and lighter Dehexanizer/Splitter Removes Hexane and lighter.
Natural Gas Natural Gas Contains mainly Methane and Ethane Referred to as C1 Methane C2 Ethane Found with crude oil but removed at the sight. Low heat energy
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas. In crude oil Propane (C3) Butane (C4) In crude oil Produced from refinery processes Sold as product Butane can be used in gasoline blending. Low heat energy
Gasoline Gasoline Contains Pentane (C5) Hexane (C6) Heptane (C7) Octane (C8) Nonane (C9) Gasoline boil in the range of 55 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. More heat energy than LPG
Jet Fuel and Diesel Jet fuel and Diesel are group as Distillates Jet fuel boil in the range of 200 to 550 degrees Heat energy higher than gasoline Diesel, at about 300-700 degrees. Higher heat energy
Gas oils and Resid. Heavy oils - C14 and larger Can be used as Bunker Fuel Feed Stocks to Cracking units and Coker. Asphault Gas oils boil in the range of 600 –1100 degrees. Greatest heat energy
Hydrogen Plant Main producer of Hydrogen for the Hydrocracker. High Purity Hydrogen. By-products are CO and CO2 CO2 Sold as product Steam Reforming Process
Hydrotreating Catalytically removes impurities. Mostly Sulfur and Nitrogen. Consumes Hydrogen Produces H2S and NH3 Fuel specifications and environmental concerns. Makes corrosive salts.
Hydrotreating All ranges of products are treated. NHDS (Naphtha Unit) Treats Gasoline DHDS (Diesel Unit) Treats Diesel Hydrocracker Treats Gas oils. ISOM Unit will also treat gasoline. Caustic washing will remove light mercaptans and H2S
Removing Impurities DEA Plant Sour Water. DEA absorbs H2S Chemically. Releases it in Regenerators. H2S is combusted with H2 and air Elemental Sulfur is removed. Sour Water. Water absorbs the Ammonia and H2S Sour water is stripped Removing the H2S and NH3 gases. Vapor Recovery
Cracking Making usable products from less valuable heavy oils. Breaking Large molecules in to smaller ones. Heavy gas oils and Resid are not worth as much as jet and gasoline. Hydrotreating
Hydrocracking Cracking in Controlled Environment. Catalyst is used to make Reaction Conditions less severe. Temperature controls rate of reaction. Broken Bonds are saturated with Hydrogen. Produces Paraffinic products
Coking Thermal cracking. With out the presence of Hydrogen Heating oil under pressure to cracking temperature. Quickly reducing pressure in the drums causing hydrocarbons to crack into smaller chains and carbon to solidify With out the presence of Hydrogen Produces unsaturated olefins.
Reforming Reformulates paraffinic material into higher octane molecules. Aromatics Isomers Naphthenes Breaking the Hydrogen - carbon bond. Produces Hydrogen as a by-product. Major Refinery Hydrogen Producer
Isomerization Similar to Reforming. Benzene Saturation – Bensat Reactor. No Aromatic formation – using isomers for increase in octane of product. Re-arrange molecular shape. Straight Chains to Branched Chains. Increases Octane and RVP.