Grammar Unit Adverbs
Let’s Review... The adverb is the fifth of the eight parts of speech. Just for the record, here are all eight: Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection
First, let's start with a basic definition: Adverbs modify verbs. An adverb can also modify adjectives and other adverbs. mod·i·fy = To qualify or limit the meaning of.
Adverbs answer these questions about verbs: WHERE? WHEN? HOW? HOW OFTEN? TO WHAT EXTENT?
How’s your short term memory? Without looking at your notes, what are the FIVE questions that adverbs answer?
Commonly used “ly” adverbs accidentally angrily annually anxiously awkwardly badly blindly boastfully boldly bravely briefly brightly busily calmly carefully carelessly cautiously cheerfully clearly correctly courageously crossly cruelly daily defiantly deliberately doubtfully easily elegantly enormously enthusiastically equally eventually exactly faithfully fatally fiercely fondly foolishly fortunately frantically gently gladly gracefully greedily happily hastily honestly hourly hungrily innocently inquisitively irritably joyously justly kindly lazily loosely loudly madly merrily monthly mortally mysteriously nearly neatly nervously noisily obediently obnoxiously only painfully perfectly politely poorly powerfully promptly punctually quickly quietly rapidly rarely really recklessly regularly reluctantly repeatedly rightfully roughly rudely sadly safely selfishly seriously shakily sharply shrilly shyly silently sleepily slowly smoothly softly solemnly speedily stealthily sternly successfully suddenly suspiciously swiftly tenderly tensely thoughtfully tightly truthfully unexpectedly victoriously violently vivaciously warmly weakly wearily wildly yearly
Commonly used Non-“ly” adverbs afterwards almost always even far less more never not often seldom sometimes soon tomorrow too very well yesterday
Now, let’s put our Adverbs into categories: WHERE: Here There Away Up WHEN: Now Then Later Soon Yesterday HOW: Easily Quietly Slowly Quickly HOW OFTEN: Never Always Often Seldom
More commonly used Adverbs. TO WHAT EXTENT: Very Almost Too So Really
The two dark cats were walking slowly on the fence. Slowly - modifies the verb walking and tells how the cats were walking Now it is time to trim the very long grass in the front yard. Now - modifies the verb is and tells when. Very - modifies the adjective long and tells to what extent She is never too easily frightened away. Never - modifies the verb is and tells how often. Too - modifies the adverb easily and tells to what extent. Easily - modifies the adjective frightened and tells how. Away - modifies the adjective frightened and tells where. Let’s try some practice sentences...
Take the next few minutes to prepare for the Adverb Quiz
Adverb Homework In a newspaper or magazine, find an article that interests you and is at least 10 lines long. Tape the article to a clean sheet of paper. Underline and identify all the adverb in the article. Due Tomorrow at the beginning of class.