Lesson 2 Medicine and Health
Lesson objectives To be aware of the role that our genes and our minds play in determining our health To develop an awareness of the basics of reproductive medicine and its developments Success Criteria All students will be able to identify some of the different impacts that our genes and our minds can have upon our health All students will be able to establish the basics of reproductive medicine and how it is developing technologically
Our genes What are genes? What do they do? Read GENES and highlight the key points Answer on your whiteboards Are our genes responsible for our health? WHY? Discuss
Is our health in our mind or in our genes? Watch this video clip and discuss in small groups of 3 or 4
Minds or genes?
Put two columns in your books MINDS GENES Bullet point three simple arguments for each that explains how each can have an impact upon your health
Reproductive medicine Reproductive medicine deals with prevention, diagnosis and management of reproductive problems; goals include improving or maintaining reproduction and allowing people to have children at a time of their choosing. What does the future hold?
Brainstorm Issues related to designer babies
Discuss the relevance of this image
Review of Lesson objectives To be aware of the role that our genes and our minds play in determining our health To develop an awareness of the basics of reproductive medicine and its developments Success Criteria All students will be able to identify the different impacts that our genes and our minds have upon our health All students will be able to establish the basics of reproductive medicine and how it is developing technologically
Independent learning Further reading; The Ethics of Eugenics and Disability– The Sunday Times misses the point June 27, 2006The Ethics of Eugenics and Disability– The Sunday Times misses the point