Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-2 n Objectives Discuss the two types of sexual harassment and how employers should respond to complaints Give examples of two other sex-based discrimination issues Discuss the major requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Discuss other bases of EEO discrimination Identify typical EEO record-keeping requirements and records used in the EEO investigative process Discuss the contents of an affirmative action plan (AAP
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-3 n n Discrimination Based on Race, National Origin, and Citizenship Immigration Reform and Control Acts (IRCA) High-technology and skilled worker visas Employer documentation requirements Conviction and arrest records
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-4 n n Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Workplace relationships and romances Types of sexual harassment Quid pro quo Hostile environment Changing legal standards on sexual harassment Definition Tangible employment actions Affirmative defense / reasonable care Employer responses to complaints Sexual harassment policy / complaint process Communication of policy Training managers, supervisors, and employees Investigation / action Pregnancy discrimination Compensation issues and sex discrimination
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-5 n n Sex Discrimination in Jobs and Careers Nepotism Job assignments and “nontraditional” jobs The “glass ceiling” “Glass walls” and “glass elevators” n n Age Discrimination “Overqualified” older employees Age discrimination in the workforce reduction Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA)
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-6
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-7 n n Discrimination Against Individuals with Disabilities Americans with Disabilities Act Who is disabled? EEOC guidelines Mental disabilities n n Employers’ Compliance Essential job functions Reasonable accommodation Undue hardship
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-8 n n Other Bases of Discrimination Religious discrimination Work schedules and reasonable accommodation Expression of religious beliefs Religious dress and appearance Discrimination and Appearance Height / weight restrictions Hair / grooming Sexual orientation / gay rights Veterans’ Employment Rights Seniority and discrimination
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-9
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-10 n n EEO Compliance EEO policy statement EEO records retention Annual reporting form Applicant flow data EEOC compliance investigation process Compliance investigative stages Individual right to sue Litigation Employer responses to EEO complaints Review claim; check employee’s personnel file Take no retaliatory action Conduct internal investigation Cooperate with agency investigators Determine whether to negotiate, settle, or oppose
Chapter 6 IMPLEMENTING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Human Resource Management, 9E Mathis and Jackson © 2000 South-Western College Publishing 6-11 n n Affirmative Action Plans (AAPs) Executive Orders 11246, 11375, and Who must have an affirmative action plan? Contents of an affirmative action plan Internal background review Analyses / comparisons Action / reporting