Fall Payroll Training Workshop July 2008
2 Welcome and Introductions Shared Services Center: Kevin Vedder Sandy Skiles Gayla Ruark Karen Ferry and Tracy Sondgerath, Payroll Kim Hoebel, Costing Sasse Steele, Compensation Shasta White and Rita Jackson, Human Resource Services
3 Workshop Purpose and Intent Provide end users information and resources to facilitate the processing of appointments and payroll for the start of the fall semester.
4 Administrative Items Time allotted for questions as topics are discussed Issues tracking and “parking lot” items Breeze session nuances Use of survey form to provide feedback and ask additional questions pertaining to today’s session
5 Today’s Discussion SSC Organization – Kevin Vedder Payroll Review – Karen Ferry Cost Distribution – Kim Hoebel Fall Appointment Review Appointment Actions – Sandy Skiles AY/FY Pay Area Adjustments – Sandy Skiles & Kevin Vedder Changing Pay Areas – Gayla Ruark Form 13/ESS Revisions – Gayla Ruark Position Re-Classifications – Sasse Steele Way Ahead - All
6 Overview of the Shared Service Center (SSC)
7 Weblink:
8 Weblink: nments_by_org.xlshttp:// nments_by_org.xls
9 Summer Savings Program Program allows an amount to be withheld during the academic year to be repaid to participants over the summer. Academic Year Faculty and Staff only. Must enroll annually. Deadline is August 29, Deductions will occur September through April.
10 Summer Savings Continued Forms/instructions on payroll website at: e.html e.html Repayment will be in four payments – May through August on regular Monthly pay days to pay out the entire balance. The repayment percentage will be 16.66%, 33.34%, 33.34%, 16.66%, respectively.
11 Monthly Payroll Paid August 29th PA forms due to Shared Service Center by 5:00 p.m. August 13 th. Cost Distribution must be complete by Friday, August 22 nd at 5:00 p.m. Payroll will begin to write Monthly payroll Monday, August 25 th and continue through Wednesday, August 27 th.
13 Off-Cycle for AY/FY staff in September For AY and FY PERNRs not previously paid in August: This includes New Hires, Rehires and Add Additional Appointments (Not Fellowships). For all other appointments (i.e. change in pay, return to work from leave, all fellowship actions, etc.): Either Process an Off-Cycle form by 9/3/08 to be paid on September 15 th Or System will retro and pay on 9/30/08 If you do not need a payment on 9/15, you do not need to submit an Off-Cycle form.
14 Off-Cycle for AY/FY staff in September Off-Cycle will be written Sept. 10 th which allows 3 business days for processing direct deposits on Monday, September 15 th. Payroll will distribute the list of employees paid on the off-cycle payroll to business office personnel. The list will be sent after the off-cycle processing is complete.
15 Deadlines for Off-Cycle Payrolls- General Information Allow 5 business days before the scheduled off-cycle processing date for: Off-cycle payment requests submitted with a PA form Biweekly off-cycle payments with time-entry to be completed by Payroll (retro time prior to 2 pay periods) Attach a copy of the PA form submitted to SSC.
17 Biweekly Payroll Paid September 10 th (BW #19) Time Entry must be complete by Noon, Wednesday 9/3. Error reports for BW19 must be completed by Noon, Wednesday 9/3. If you need to make ANY corrections after that time, please with PERNRs of who you changed.
19 Biweekly Payroll Paid September 10th Payroll must run reports to bring CATS entries into SAP. Cost Distribution must be complete by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday Sept. 3 rd.
20 Off-Cycle for Biweekly Employees BW Off-Cycle will be written Sept. 11 th for pay date Sept. 12 th (Friday). All payments will be checks – not direct deposits.
22 Cost Distribution for August Payroll(s) For AY staff Pay Period #8 cost distribution must be based on dates below: The range of dates for cost distribution for the 2008 Summer Session Pay is 5/16/08 – 8/14/08 May: 5/16/08 – 5/31/08 June: 6/1/08 – 6/30/08 July: 7/1/08 – 7/30/08 August: 7/31/08 – 8/14/08 Cost distribution for the academic year will begin on 8/15/08.
23 Cost Distribution Reminders Summer Session Pay is paid as lump sum payments monthly. The cost distribution that is applied to the payment is determined by the origin date of that payment. You should set the cost distribution to the same value for the entire month. To view summer payments use PA20, Info Type 15, Sty 1315
24 Cost Distribution Reminders Use the copy button rather than the change button (pencil). Verify that the distribution equals 100% -If it is less than 100% the difference will go to your default account. Do not enter more than 12 lines of distribution. -Anymore than 12 lines will combine with the 12 th line and go to your default account. Do not enter a cost center with a real internal order -A cost center with a real internal order may cause your fringes to post to the incorrect account.
25 Key Transaction Dates New Hire Actions : AY Calendar for the Fall Semester 2008 begins 8/18/08 Effective date of PA New Hire Actions should be 8/18/08 SSC will enter 08/15/08 and record the True Hire Date of 8/18/08 on IT0041 (Date Specifications) Cost distribution should be effective 8/15/08
26 AY Graduate/LTL Reappointments Application open 8:00am, 7/30/08 – 5:00 pm, 8/7/08 Reappointment Reports available on 8/11/08 Downloaded Reappointment lists due 5:00pm, 8/13/08 to SSC PA Forms due 5:00 PM, 8/13/08 to SSC AY graduate staff and AY Limited Term Lecturer pay actions will be processed for August 15, 2008 using the reappointment process.
27 IndicatorResult No Action (status unknown) *PA Form Required* The system will establish a reappt action (IT0000), set the base pay record (IT0008) to 0.00 so no pay will be paid out on this appointment. No monitor date is set (IT0019). Contract begin date is used as effective date. The Action Required report will indicate action needs to be taken on this appointment. No Action – (end additional) Add comment to spreadsheet The system will establish a reappt action (IT0000), set the base pay record (IT0008) to 0.00 so no pay will be paid out on this appointment. No monitor date set (IT0019). Contract begin date is used as effective date. The Action Required report will indicate action needs to be taken on this appointment. Shared Service Center will process the End Additional Action from the spreadsheet submitted with appropriate approvals. This will reduce the number of PA forms to be prepared by business office staff. Continue no ChangeThe system will establish a reappt action (IT0000), and the base pay record (IT0008) will update but remain with current values. The contract expiry date will be on date monitoring (IT0019). Contract begin date is used as effective date. Continue with ChangeThe system will establish a reappt action (IT0000), set the base pay record (IT0008) to the proposed values submitted. The contract expiry date will be on date monitoring (IT0019). Contract begin date is used as effective date. Transfer *PA Form Required* The system will establish a reappt action (IT0000), set the base pay record (IT0008) to 0.00 so no pay will be paid out on this appointment. No monitor date will be set (IT0019). Contract begin date is used as effective date. The appointment will not be transferred until the paperwork is received. The Action Required report will indicate action needs to be taken on this appointment. Separation *NO PA Form Required – SSC will enter from list* The system will establish a reappt action (IT0000), set the base pay record (IT0008) to 0.00 so no pay will be paid out on this appointment. No monitor date will be set (IT0019). Separation date is used as effective date. The SSC will enter separations effective 8/15/08 from the spreadsheet submitted. A PA Form is required for future dated actions. GRAD/LTL REAPPOINTMENT ACTION MATRIX
28 Contract Begin Date defaults to 8/15/08 to allow for 11 days of pay for August (PP 8) Enter separation date only when selecting separation status – enter date following last day in pay status. For all separations of AY grads and LTL’s, enter 8/15/08 (DO NOT ENTER 5/16/08) Contract Expiry Date will update IT0019 – date monitoring report. Does NOT stop pay. 08/15/08 05/17/09 08/15/08 AY Graduate/LTL Reappointments
29 AY Graduate/LTL Reappointments REPORTS: For a listing of all current grads and limited term lecturers (both AY and FY) in active status, use T-code ZHR_BASIC_EE_LIST. Select the variant “GRADS AND LTL.”Enter your personal area and/or org unit. This variant will provide you with a listing of all grad staff (J) and limited term lecturers (K) in “active” employment status as of the day you run the report (i.e. concurrent employment). For a listing of all current grads (FY only) in active status, use T-code ZHR_BASIC_EE_LIST. Select the variant “GRADS FY.” Enter your personal area and/or org unit. This variant will provide you with a listing of all grad staff (J) with and Employee Subgroup of 12 mo FY Exempt (Z4) in “active” employment status as of the day you run the report. For a listing of current grads (AY only) in active status, use T-code ZHR_BASIC_EE_LIST. Select the variant “GRADS LTL AY.” Enter your personnel area and/or org unit. This variant will provide you with a listing of all grad staff (J) and limited term lecturers (K) with an Employee Subgroup of 9 mo AY Exempt (ZZ) and in “active” employment status as of the day you run the report.
30 AY Graduate/LTL Reappointments
31 Fellowship Appointments The FA form has been revised: Added a comment to the “change in pay” action – Revise amount. Made changes to the “change in pay reasons” - Extend Fellowship and Revise Stipend Amount. Individuals receiving a Fellowship are not employees of the University: The fellowship stipend is paid via the payroll system therefore the individuals are placed in SAP. Fellowship stipends are not reported on the W-2.
32 Fellowship Appointments Once a PERNR is created for an individual holding a fellowship position, that PERNR should be active to pay a fellowship stipend only. If the PERNR is in withdrawn status, DO NOT choose the PERNR for any action unless the individual is receiving another fellowship. Instead, complete a PA form to “Add Additional Appointment.” If an individual currently holds a fellowship and accepts a Graduate RA/TA appointment, complete a PA form for “Add Additional Appointment.”
33 Fellowship Appointments If an individual currently holds a fellowship that is ending and the department is offering a Graduate RA/TA appointment: Complete a PA form to “Add Additional Appointment” and a FA form to “End Additional Appointment.” See the Personnel/Fellowship Action scenario Guide – updated July 2008 on the website – People/Appointment Changes/Resources.
34 AY/FY Pay Area Adjustments Due to the difference in AY and FY pay calendars, grad’s with partial payments for JUL and/or AUG will be underpaid or overpaid based on the following: FY Pay Area GRAD with NEW,ADD or END ADDL AY APPT in July (Summer Calc) No Issue AY Pay Area GRAD with NEW or ADD ADDL FY APPT in July (ADPAY Form) Results in Underpayment since 7/31 NOT in AY Pay Area FY Pay Area GRAD with NEW or ADD ADDL AY APPT in AUG (PA Form) Results in Overpayment (21- FY vs. 22 – AY Days for AUG) AY Pay Area GRAD with NEW or ADD ADDL FY APPT in AUG (PA Form) Results in Underpayment (21 – FY vs. 22 – AY Days for AUG) NOTE: Grad Separations or END ADDL appointments in JUL or AUG resulting in overpayments due to pay area differences WILL NOT be recovered.
35 AY/FY Pay Area Adjustments Payment Calculator spreadsheet will be provided to determine the amount of the underpayment or overpayment and forwarded to the SSC along with the ADPAY or PA Form Faculty conversions (AY to FY or FY to AY) should be handled via direct coordination with the SSC
37 Changing Pay Areas (BW to MO) This shows what is happening on this date: Note: While a Grad FY appointment was added, it is staying on the BW Payroll area until the first of the next month The FY pay will be prorated on the BW paycheck. The Payroll area was changed to FY on 8/01/08 because that is the start of the next FY month. The BW hours from 8/01/08 will be added to the FY paycheck paid on 8/29/08.
38 Changing Pay Areas (BW to MO) Now we’re looking at the first day of the next FY month to see what’s happening The Payroll area was changed to FY on 8/01/08 because that is the start of the next FY month. The BW hours from 8/01/08 will be added to the FY paycheck paid on 8/29/08.
39 Changing Pay Areas (MO to BW) AY transferred to a BW position effective 7/14/08, which is in the middle of a BW pay period, so the position stays on the AY payroll area until the beginning of the new BW pay period. (BW 16 * 7/7 – 7/20) (BW 17* 7/21 – 8/3) Should NOT change to BW Pay Area if another follow-on MO position Is possible
40 Changing Pay Areas (MO to BW) Notice, on 7/21 the Payroll area is changed to BW
41 Form 13/ESS Revisions Effective August 1 st a new Form 13 will be used Key Changes Include: Consolidation of Long/Short Form into 1 form Name Change Only Section Highest Education Completed Section Creation of the Self-Identification Compliance Form Collects Race/Ethnicity/Veterans Status Information for AAO compliance and reporting requirements Completion status report will be generated and sent to Business Offices ESS updated with new Veterans Status reporting information effective August 6 th, 2008
42 Position Reclassifications The term “position reclassification” covers an expanded number of employee groups (i.e. other “1 to 1” employee groups such as Faculty Tenure/Tenure track) An Org Management form should be submitted with the PA form for all faculty type positions when the appointment changes. There is no change to the meaning of position reclassification as it applies to Clerical, Service, Operations Assistant, Administrative/Professional, Professional/Management and temporary A/P and C/S employee groups Departments continue to work with your HR Compensation Analyst to review descriptions/temp. requests and classify positions. Supervisors and Business Managers are notified via of the results of a position review. This should be attached to the PA form Your Compensation Analysts must reclassify the position in SAP using an effective date of the change before SSC processes the PA form to move the change to the person level. This process tracks position history as well as person history
43 Position Reclassifications
44 Position Reclassifications Which action do I use on the PA form - transfer or position reclassification? Transfer Action - Suzy Secretary is moving from a 4th level position to a 5th level position within the same org unit (i.e. different position numbers) The reason is “Same Org Unit Promotion” Complete the remaining fields on the PA form – making changes to level, salary, etc. if applicable Position Reclassification Action – the department recently updated the 4th level position description and the result of the position review is a higher level Your Compensation Analyst will change the position level in SAP using a specific effective date. The department will prepare a PA form using Position Reclassification Action (i.e. position number did not change) The reason is “Higher Level” Complete the remaining fields on the PA form - making changes to level, salary, etc. if applicable NOTE: Prepare one PA form for multiple changes for the employee - change position number, position title, salary, level, etc. should be included on the same PA form. Specific Infotype screens appear based on the action chosen when entered by SSC
45 Way Ahead Today’s Purpose and Intent: Provide end users information and resources to facilitate the processing of appointments and payroll for the fall semester. Review Issues Board/follow-up actions Please complete Session Feedback Forms Today’s session, materials, FAQs and BREEZE recording will be available on the payroll website at: