Welcome to the launch of the Steering Group for a Next Generation Satellite System (NGSS) Eurocontrol, Brussels 26 November 2002
Why are we here ? Eurocontrol and other organisations believe that satellite communication systems have more potential to support aeronautical communication than is currently thought You are a representative group of stakeholders with an interest in satellite communications You have agreed to provide feedback and guidance to Eurocontrol to help guide its programme Let’s introduce ourselves….. 1-1
Item 2 - Acceptance of the Agenda
Agenda Overview Comments ? Welcome and Introduction Acceptance of the agenda Overview of the satellite communications activities to date Relationship with activities underway in the European Space Agency (ESA) Review Terms of Reference of the Steering Group Presentation of the planned activities Discussion of future activities Date of future meetings Comments ? 2-1
Item 3 - Overview of Satellite Communication Activities to date
The European problem ! 3-1
In any case a gap will exist Capacity Vs Traffic needs What is the foreseen situation for communication resources in Europe Additional communication capacity needs to be made available outside the VHF band The Aeronautical Mobile Communication infrastructure needs, in congested airspace, to accommodate Traffic growth In any case a gap will exist Ideal case: ALL airspace in 8.33 2015 2002 VHF situation in Core Europe Capacity demand We will be somewhere here with 8.33 below FL 245 8.33 over FL 245 in ECAC 3-2
Increasing Requirements The Aeronautical Mobile Communication infrastructure needs also to evolve to support new ATM Concepts : 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Increasing flight safety, security and efficiency based on data exchanges, Pronto ! however still relying on voice exchanges for emergency and non-routine exchanges. 3-3
Avoiding coverage gaps For efficiency, ATM/CNS should be homogeneous Terrestrial infrastructure is not economically feasible everywhere 3-4
Options Communication capacity has to be made available outside the VHF band which is close to saturation in Europe - even with 8.33kHz channels Eurocontrol is pursuing two options - terrestrial-based using UMTS-type technology satellite-based using enhancement of existing AMSS as a Next Generation Satellite System - NGSS applicable to Europe and the rest of the world Timescale is be operational by 2010 to 2015 3-5
Eurocontrol Strategy The Eurocontrol Communication Strategy already refers to satellite services to support voice and data services Extract from Eurocontrol Communications Strategy - ‘Enhanced air-ground data links:…... New satellite systems may offer cost reduction opportunities with increased performance and availability.’ 3-6
Operating concept 3-7
Why satellite systems ? Among candidate systems, geostationary satellite-based technologies are considered promising due to their : global nature - with global beams regional nature - with regional/spot beams adaptability to specific airspace (e.g. low density/oceanic airspace, upper airspace) adaptability to support specific services (e.g. ground-to-aircraft broadcast). capability to complement terrestrial systems (thus reducing pressure on the VHF spectrum) 3-8
What choices are there ? There are several current (e.g. ICAO AMSS) or emerging satellite technologies (e.g. Iridium) but they are designed to support shared use or non-safety traffic only Some support AAC, APC - some may support AOC and ATSC as well (e.g. AMSS) No system supports only AMS(R)S Previous experience has shown that reliance on a shared business case can cause problems Where safety and regularity of flight communications are to be carried by a communications system specific measures must be put in place to safeguard them 3-9
What About the Current AMSS? Due to historical design choice, the current AMSS has limitations Designed to meet full range of users leading to more complex system design Expensive aircraft installation and avionics Limited number of Large Ground Earth Stations (GES) leading to limited options for communications service provision No Guaranteed service restoration delay after interruption Shared use of spectrum between safety and non-safety services Perceived as only applicable to low density traffic areas due poor performance……but 3-10
Reuse and improve A good infrastructure has been built-up so let’s re-use it GEO Satellites GESs Spectrum in L-band Terrestrial networks Institutional arrangements but improve on it by... 3-11
Next Generation Satellite System Low cost AES by tailoring the system to meet safety and regularity of flight communications only Use of newer techniques e.g. CDMA to improve multiple access and overall efficiency Two levels of service - global (low rate) and regional (higher rate) Option to use Ku-band feeder links enabling small GESs can be deployed locally without extensive ground network Design in high levels of availability, reliability and continuity required for safety and regularity of flight communications 3-12
Initial Deployment in ECAC Existing resources 3-13
Evolution if/when required Additional capacity “VSAT Access” 3-14
Example Spot beam coverage ARTEMIS 3-15
High level Requirements for an Next Generation Satellite System 3-16
Capacity and coverage ATM concepts seem to need modest instantaneous throughputs - these can be met by a medium rate highly reliable communication system (approx. ~1 kb/s* for data) Provide anytime, anywhere a minimum communication capability to the users (~7 kb/s per aircraft) Flexibility to increase the capacity in specific areas (e.g. regional beams) (~30 kb/s per aircraft) Relieve terrestrial systems in congested areas *Eurocontrol Report ‘Operating Concept for the future mobile communication infrastructure - D2’ 3-17
Supported Services High levels of availability, reliability and continuity required for safety and regularity of flight communications ATS Voice - emulate VHF R/T and ‘party-line’ Data - meet needs to support ODIAC services plus specific protocols for periodic short data messages (e.g. ADS) and also broadcast information AOC Voice - meet continuing need for voice communications Data - support increasing exchange of data messages 3-18
Service Provision Requirements to be satisfied Unique technical standard to guarantee interoperability worldwide Capability for accommodating multiple competitive communication service provision User would choose his provider where a choice exists Connectivity should be transparent to service provider choice Capability for communication service providers to choose their satellite capacity supplier Signal in space is standardised in the Service band (L-band) Feeder links are an implementation issue Fixed network deployment Must satisfy the overall connectivity requirements Interoperability to be satisfied irrespective of standards in the ground segment 3-19
Ground networking 1 3-20
Ground networking 2 3-21
Implementation scenario Complement to the terrestrial system (which will stay for the foreseeable future) is a key feature The goal is that the NGSS has a similar Quality of Service to VHF voice systems, therefore the transition between the two should be easier, if not transparent 3-22
Costs Avionics cost at affordable level (similar to VHF) for aircraft ranging from GA to airliners specifically tailored to requirements economies of scale Minimize the up-front investment for infrastructure Initially use existing space segment (e.g. Inmarsat) Minimal changes to existing GESs Communication costs a regional resource of dedicated capacity Stakeholder buy-in from an early stage reduce retrofit costs 3-23
Spectrum Requirements Spectrum requirements are dependent on applications (ATS - Voice & Data; AOC Voice & Data) Initial estimates show that approximately 4 MHz are needed in ECAC using a regional beam Operates in the L-band (1.5 / 1.6 GHz) where aviation is a privileged user but under threat There is guaranteed long term availability of global coverage for safety communications due to IMO (Maritime) obligation to support GMDSS 3-24
International Activities outside Europe 3-25
Work will be progressed in the ICAO framework ICAO/AMCP is recognising the interest of a Next Generation Satellite System Task on NGSS expected to be restarted in Feb 2003 High level SARPS already exist ICAO Communications Roadmap Document for the 11th Air Navigation Conference is expected to explicitly include NGS Standardisation work will be progressed with interested parties (e.g. Japan and other AMCP participants) 3-26
Co-ordination with Japan JCAB uses AMSS and is about to launch it own satellite (MTSAT) for supporting the current AMS(R)S services, JCAB identified deficiencies (e.g. delay for service restoration following a satellite or GES outage), and are interested in enhancing the current system, Co-operation intended to be formalised for: System definition, Common approach for spectrum availability, and Participating in technical tasks 3-27
Item 4 - Relationship with ESA
The European Space Agency and Eurocontrol are co-ordinating their effort An Agreement of Co-operation has been signed and one task is to progress the definition of a Next Generation Satellite System 4-1
European Space Agency Presentation
Item 5 - Terms of References of the NexSAT SG
Terms of Reference Extract - Providing advice on the strategy for implementing NGSS in the ECAC area; Reviewing and commenting on deliverables (from supporting contractual work) Contributing, where possible, in some of the activities where they are recognised to have the most appropriate expertise; Acting as intermediaries with relevant industries or organisations to progress an identified issue; Providing feedback or advice on NGSS standardisation activities underway in ICAO, EUROCAE, RTCA, etc.; Helping identify demonstration/validation opportunities to prove the capability of the NGSS. 5-1
Item 6 - Planned activities
New activities Contract launched in early November to further progress NGSS Contract awarded to QinetiQ for initial work Not starting from a blank sheet of page will draw on work undertaken by ESA review already undertaken impartially listen to others develop initial Technical Specifications 6-1
Work programme A programme of complementary work is being defined as part of international collaboration Some tasks will be progressed outside this contract For each task provide - A description of the task; The work that has to be undertaken; Recommendations for progressing the work and by whom; Co-ordination with other entities; Timing and duration; Cost of the work and expected funding routes. 6-2
Institutional issues Standardisation new satellite systems capability needs to be standardised for worldwide operation confirm that NGSS SARPS are appropriate - seem so at initial review Access control to space segment - who, how ? Use of AMS(R)S spectrum with many service providers GES operators detailed technical standards co-ordination between them e.g. use of codes, hand-overs, etc 6-3
Business aspects Targeted at AMS(R)S therefore has to be paid by ATSPs and airlines only e.g. no APC traffic revenues however it is not vulnerable to market failure Business case is expected to consider flexible service provision mechanisms goal of making costs significantly lower than AMSS (particularly avionics) which were due to limitation to AMS(R)S usage identification of benefits including ‘do nothing ’ option comparison of technology solutions 6-4
Technical Aspects Technical design concepts are well advanced in ESA’s SDLS concept but still open to refinement Finalisation of design in consultation with aviation community including you - Verify technical asssumptions Data rate - is it adequate to meet requirements (AOC is less clear)? Use of Polling Service - how is it used ? Satellite RF link - need for efficient use of spectrum ATSC voice service design of human interface for access party line acceptance 6-5
Next short term steps A first version of the system description (in ICAO Circular and Technical Manual format) Planned to be finalised end Dec 02 Proposed to be reviewed by E-mail with volunteers by mid Jan 03 To be presented to AMCP8 (Feb 03) for requesting restart of ANC NGSS task Demonstration plan European demonstrations 11th ICAO Air Navigation Conference - September 2003 Others ? 6-6
AMS(R)S Spectrum Defence 6-7
AMS(R)S spectrum availability Since WRC 97, Aviation has lost its AMS(R)S (1.5 - 1.6 GHz) spectrum exclusive allocation (14 10 0 MHz bandwidth), However, ITU recognises aviation as “priority” users of the band pending on supporting services in the 1 - 6 priority levels (according to ITU definition) - ITU footnote S5.357A At Eurocontrol’s request, CEPT CPG confirmed that, when Aviation is ready to operate the service, Administrations will have to ensure access to the frequency in the former AMS(R)S sub-band. 6-8
AMS(R)S spectrum availability ITU WP 8D is looking at the feasibility of introducing priority/pre-emption of intra/inter systems (resolution 222) Such a mechanism is not felt feasible However, ITU did not define deadline for concluding the feasibility study work (WRC06, WRC09 ?) The ICAO position is to ask WRC03 to fix WRC06 as the target date to conclude and define relevant further action Aviation spectrum managers should be pro-active in supporting this position with their National Radio Regulators 6-9
AMS(R)S spectrum availability Now there is a real opportunity for satellite-based communication systems to enhance air traffic management in Europe and the rest of world We have rights to access spectrum in the L-band but this needs to be protected 6-10
Item 7 - Discussion of future activities
Discussion of future activities So you have heard what we are planning to do What do you think ? Where could you offer guidance or support ? Specific areas where you would like to contribute 7-1
Item 8 - Any other business
Item 9 - Actions
Item 10 - Date of future Meetings
Next meeting Proposal is to hold meetings at approximately 6 month intervals Proposed next meeting therefore May 2003 Objective: YOUR feedback on work programme, technical specification, demonstration 10-1