District Wellness Steering Committee Ron Ramspott, Coordinator of Health and PE Michael Kanak, Director of Food Services Charlotte Ijei, Director of Pupil Personnel Lisa Harnacker, Director of Health Services Marlene Pfeiffer, District Dietician
District Wellness Committee Members Juliette Travous, Director of Environmental Services Kelley Garbero, Board of Education Deborah Blount, School Principal Keith Sanders, Assistant Principal Greg Bergner, Assistant Principal Mike Prange, School Counselor Dot Kontak, Social Worker Alice Fleming, School Nurse Mary Landes, School Nurse Mimi Holder, Health Education Teacher Debbie Kirby, Physical Education Teacher Ellen Donovan, Physical Education Teacher
Why School Wellness? “You cannot educate a child who isn’t healthy and you cannot keep a child healthy who isn’t educated.” Joycelyn Elders, former US Surgeon General
Child Nutrition & WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 Required that every U.S. school district participating in the National School Lunch Program to develop and implement a local wellness policy by school year.
Local Wellness Policy Area Goals Nutrition Education Physical Education and Activity Nutrition Guidelines School-based Wellness Measurement and Evaluation
Parkway Wellness Policy, Key Strategies, and Action Plan Adopted Wellness Policy Statement in August ’06 Formed District Wellness Committee Developed Key Strategies and Action Plan for Policy Implementation Developed Process and Outcome Indicators
Parkway Wellness Committee Objectives Develop a committee which resembles the Coordinated School Health Program model Develop guidelines and strategies for implementation Develop a plan which will make the policy and guidelines sustainable, attainable, and a difference-maker.
Primary Goals of Wellness Program Increase Student Achievement Promote Student, Staff, and Community Health Address the Obesity Concerns Facilitate Learning of Lifelong Healthy Habits
Wellness Policy Development Process Wellness Committee Advisory Councils District Committees School Principals Superintendent’s Council Fall 2007
Key Strategies
Key Strategy #1 Adequate Nutrition Education The district will provide students at all grade levels with adequate nutritional knowledge and behavioral skills that emphasize the benefits of healthy eating and principles of healthy weight management.
Key Strategy #2 High Quality Physical Education The district will implement a high-quality physical education program for students in grades K-12, which will provide adequate opportunities for students to develop knowledge and skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities, develop physical fitness and regularly participate in physical activity.
Key Strategy #3 Increased Physical Activity The district will increase opportunities for students to engage in movement, exercise, and physical activity during and beyond the school day.
Key Strategy #4 Quality School Meals The district will maintain a quality school meals program that complies with the USDA Dietary Guidelines and the Missouri Eat Smart Guidelines.
Key Strategy #5 Healthy Food Choices The district will ensure that students have appealing, healthy choices in foods and beverages offered outside of the school meals program.
Key Strategy #6 Promoting Overall Wellness The district will promote overall wellness by responding to the physical, social, and mental/emotional needs of all students.
Key Strategy #7 Protecting Student Health The district will protect student health by promoting healthy behaviors through school-based services/programs designed to address both acute and chronic illnesses.
Key Strategy #8 Promoting Staff & Community Wellness The district will promote wellness throughout the district by offering parent education programs, community events, and staff wellness programs.
Key Strategy #9 Monitoring Outcomes of Wellness Policy The district will form and maintain a district wellness committee to assist in monitoring outcomes and advise the district on continuous improvement to further enhance health and wellness in the district.
Measurement and Implementation: Process Indicators Policy Development District Wellness Committee District Training and Development
Measurement and Implementation: Outcome Indicators BMI & Fitness Scores School Wellness Report Student Absenteeism & Behavior Referrals District Wellness Survey Risk Behavior Survey
School Wellness Report Wellness Policy Implementation Evaluation Tool
District Wellness Policy Implications for Parkway District Food Services Health Services (i.e. Health Screenings) Counseling Services Curriculum Adaptations/Modifications Wellness Survey District Programs/Events Staffing Schools Implementation of guidelines School wellness evaluation Staff development & wellness programs Staffing programs (i.e. intramurals) Teachers Collecting data (i.e. fitness scores, BMI) Implementation of curriculum Coordinating programs/curricular areas Health and wellness leadership
District Wellness Policy: Funding Sources