Vitamins Resources Lecture: 2009, Dr. Sylvia Kehoe, UW—River Falls Textbook: The Veterinary Technician’s Pocket Partner, Marisa BauerResources Walter J. Taylor Agricultural Educator and Co-FFA Advisor Plymouth Comprehensive High School
Learning Targets Identify the functions of various water and fat soluble vitamins in animal nutrition. Describe the symptoms of an animal’s body given a toxicity or deficiency of a vitamin.
Vitamins Fat Soluble – A, D, E, K Water Soluble – C and B complex Abbreviations – Y = Young – C = Cattle – Ch = Chickens – H = Humans – S = Swine – Sh = Sheep – T = Turkeys – A = Adults
Fat Soluble Vitamins Vitamin A Vitamin A – Retinol – Figure is two retinol molecules combined – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Xeropthalmia (Y) Night blindness or permanent blindness (Y) Diarrhea (Y) Convulsions (Y) High cerebropsinal fluid pressures (Y) Incoordination (C) Reproductive failure in males (C) Abortion or birth of weak or dead young (C)
Fat Soluble Vitamins Vitamin D Vitamin D – The sun shine vitamin – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Rickets in young (Y) Osteomalacia in adults (Y) Lameness and sore joints (Y) Crooked legs (Y) Spontaneous fractures of long bones (Y) Negative mineral balance (A) Low bone ash (A)
Fat Soluble Vitamins Vitamin E Vitamin E – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Nutritional muscular dystrophy (Y) Fetal reabsorption (Ch, C, T) Sterility (Ch, C, T) Testicular atrophy (Ch, C, T) Liver necrosis (YS) Fragile red blood cells (YS and YSh) Encephalomalacia (YCh) Exudative diathesis (YCh)
Fat Soluble Vitamins Vitamin K Vitamin K – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Slow blood clotting Subcutaneous hemorrhages
Water Soluble Vitamins Thiamin Thiamin – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Beriberi (H) Edema (H) Heart failure (H) Polynuritis (YCh) Opistothonus (C) Anorexia (C) High blood pyruvic acid (C) blindness (C)
Water Soluble Vitamins Riboflavin Riboflavin – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Facial dermatitis (H) Insomnia (H) Irritability (H) Lesions of the eye (S) Anorexia (S) Vomiting (S) Birth of weak or stillborn young (S) Curled-toe paralysis (YCh) Diarrhea (YC and YSh) Loss of hair (YC and YSh)
Water Soluble Vitamins Niacin Niacin – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Pellegra (H) Diarrhea (YCh) Vomiting (YCh) Dermatitis around the eye (YCh) Poor growth (A)
Water Soluble Vitamins Pyridoidne Pyridoidne – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Convulsions (YS) Anorexia (YS) Poor growth (YS) Brown exudate around eyes (YS) Abnormal feathering (YCh)
Water Soluble Vitamins Pantothenic acid Pantothenic acid – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Poor growth (A) graying of hair in some species (A) Dermatitis (YCh) Embryonic death (YCh) Loss of hair (YS) Enteritis (YS) Goose-stepping (YS) Incoordination in walking (YS)
Water Soluble Vitamins Biotin Biotin – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Dermatitis (YCh, YT) Perosis (YCh, YT)
Water Soluble Vitamins Choline Choline – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Perosis (YCh, YT) Fatty liver (YCh, YT) Abnormal gait (S) Reproductive failure in females (S) Hemorrhagic kidneys (S) Fatty liver (S)
Water Soluble Vitamins Folacin Folacin – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Anemia (H) Gastrointestinal disturbances (H) Impaired coordination (H) Anemia in other species
Water Soluble Vitamins Cobalamin Cobalamin – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Anemia (YCh) Poor feathering (YCh) Perosis (YCh) Low hatchability (Ch and T) Fatty livers (Ch and T) Enlarged hearts (Ch and T) Rough hair coats (S) Uncoordinated hind leg movements (S) Anemia (S) Abortion (S) Other reproductive problems (S)
Water Soluble Vitamins Vitamin C Vitamin C – Deficiency Symptoms in animals Scurvy (H) No other problems in domestic animals noticed