National Junior Honor Society Joan Craver 8 th Grade English teacher on White Team Adviser and Co-founder of Arcola Chapter
Purpose of National Junior Honor Society “ To create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage citizenship” as established by NASSP (National Association of Secondary School Principals) The NJHS is an opportunity for the faculty to bestow membership “as a student privilege, not a right.”
Membership Consideration Scholarship qualifications met Attend meeting to understand selection process & obligations once selected for possible membership Must complete Student Information Form to highlight activities at Arcola and in the community, leadership, and recognition and awards Must participate in brief interview with 2 or 3 members of Faculty Council Faculty input is gathered regarding the candidate’s character, leadership, and citizenship Vote taken after all members Faculty Council review all information
Scholarship Requirements 7 th grade students who attained a minimum 93% final weighted average for the first three marking periods Grade weights are as follows and grades are not rounded: major subject grades are multiplied by 4 health/phys. Ed. by 2 expressive arts by 1 Seminar classes are not part of this portion of the evaluation process - not all students receive such a grade
Evaluation of Information Student Information Form - ranked on scale of 0 to 3 Items considered Number of activities Variety of activities Time to complete events Interview - ranked on a scale of 0 to 3 Depth of responses, relevance of questions asked Articulation Eye contact
Evaluation of Information (continued) Teacher input - ranked on a scale of 0 to 3 is responsibility shows initiative is conscientious demonstrates willingness to help others displays leadership
Faculty Council The Faculty Council* is made up of five voting members. One major subject area teacher from each of the three academic 7 th grade teams One expressive arts teacher One physical education/health teacher Chapter adviser is not a voting member – organizes faculty council information, meets with candidates, distributes and collects paperwork 7 th grade counselor and adviser offer suggestions to candidates not selected for membership *Subject to change for this year’s selection as the configuration of teams as changed (Faculty Council will meet to make changes)
Leadership A student exercises leadership when he/she Inspires positive behavior in others Is able to delegate responsibilities Demonstrates academic initiative Successfully hold school offices or positions of responsibility Is resourceful in proposing new solutions and making suggestions Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities
Service The student who serves Volunteers and provides dependable and well-organized assistance without any direct financial compensation Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult responsibilities Enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school Does committee and staff work without complaint Participates in some activity outside of school ~ scouts, religious groups, volunteer services for the elderly, poor, disadvantaged Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students
Character The student of character Consistently exemplifies positive and desirable qualities of behavior Cooperates by complying with school policies and regulations and codes of student conduct Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty, academic integrity, and reliability Regularly exhibits courtesy, concern, and respect for others NJHS is a member of the Character Counts Coalition and recommends the use of the Six Pillars of Character. A person of character demonstrates the qualities: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship
Citizenship The student who demonstrates citizenship Demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, or school clubs, activities, and classroom events Has a high regard for freedom and justice Respects the law for all citizens
Service Organization Operate school store Collect pictures for Veterans’ Day assembly Serve Thanksgiving dinner to senior citizens Organize holiday food drive Read to the first graders in several elementary schools Sell flowers and candy for cast/crew of spring musical - profits donated Guides for Open House and 6 th grade tours Contribute to charity: Make-A-Wish, Ronald McDonald House, American Cancer Society, etc. Always looking for new ideas! (last year created 8 th grade time capsule)