Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” GAA SLO Submissions January 17, 2014 Thank you for joining in today. The session will begin shortly. Please remember to complete your Audio Setup Wizard. Roll Call! Please enter your district name into the comment box so we have a record of who attended this morning. Thank you!!! 1
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” All teachers in Race To The Top districts must have a student growth measure (SLO and/or SGP) in Teachers who provide instruction in classrooms or courses with less than 15 students are required to administer SLOs. – Student data will not be used in the Teacher Effective Measure (TEM) but it will be reflected in the Leader Effectiveness Measure (LEM). 2 Teachers of Students With Disabilities
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Students Assessed Using GAA Required rubrics utilize academic standards. – ELACC Comprehension and Collaboration Speaking and Listening – ELACC Reading Literacy Key Ideas and Details Districts will use the Comprehension and Collaboration Rubric OR the Reading Literacy Rubric. Districts may use the Comprehension and Collaboration Rubric AND the Reading Literacy Rubric. – There may be a need for a different academic focus at different school levels. 3
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Students Assessed Using GAA The ELA and Reading standards utilized in the rubrics were chosen based on frequency of use in the GAA. Student information/data generated for the SLO may come from instruction in the same standards that have been chosen for the GAA if the district determines it to be appropriate. Please note that the materials chosen as assessment evidence to be placed in the GAA binder are secure and cannot be duplicated. However, performance data can be collected during these activities. 4
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Students Assessed Using GAA K-2 grade students who will be participating in GAA when entering the 3 rd grade should be included in the SLO assessment. It is a district decision whether all students assessed by GAA participate in other course SLOs. – For example, high school art or middle school chorus – If students do participate, please utilize the appropriate code when reporting student data on the district SLO data spreadsheet. Courses taught at the access level in high schools 5
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Reading Literacy and Comprehension and Collaboration Rubrics The rubrics are designed to be flexible. – Individualized student needs – Various scenarios and/or performance tasks The consistency of the SLO assessment development process will be reflected in the use of the rubric because the student growth measures may be individualized based on the needs of the student. 6
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Reading Literacy Rubric 7
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Comprehension and Collaboration Rubric 8
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” First Steps…. Review the rosters of the appropriate teachers. Be strategic in choosing the grade level(s) which will utilize the GAA SLO. Remember the SLO does not have to be inclusive of all students in the class. – Student growth measures are not fully implemented. There may be courses in a teacher’s day that do not have growth measures. The minimum requirement for teachers in Race To The Top districts is one growth measure during the school year 9
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Next Steps….. Determine which grade level will be used for the SLO for each teacher. Identify which students are in that grade level. Decide if one or both rubrics will be used. Review the example scenarios on Share Point, GAA Resources, or other curricular supports. Districts may choose to develop new scenarios. 10
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Next Steps….. Once the scenario(s) or task(s) have been chosen, determine how each scoring section of the rubric should be completed. Complete the rubric with the information so that it reflects the specific scenario or performance task. 11
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Example of a Scenario 12
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Example of Scenario The district will determine the specific information included in the scoring section of the rubric based on the scenario. 13
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Completed Rubric From Example Scenario 14
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Platform Submission Process Submit the SLO Statement on the TLE Platform using the electronic form. Utilize these course numbers for platform submission process only. – XL.001 Comprehension and Collaboration Rubric – XL.002 Reading Literacy Rubric Please be mindful of the semester time frame when setting a growth target. A Table of Specifications and Criteria Table will NOT be a required part of the GAA/SLO submission process. 15
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” Sharon Ericson, Evaluation System Specialist Chris Leonard, Evaluation System Specialist Tawni Taylor, Evaluation System Specialist 16 SLO Team Contact Information Becky Bryant Evaluation System Specialist Shauntice Bryant Evaluation System Specialist Michele Purvis Program Manager Sharon Ericson Evaluation System Specialist Chris Leonard Evaluation System Specialist Wina Low Evaluation System Specialist Tawni Taylor Evaluation System Specialist