English Intensive Instruction: Colton Joint Unified School District’s Journey to Implement Effective Reading Intervention at the Secondary Level COLTON JOINT USD
Overview Background: Why CJUSD chose READ 180 What is READ 180 Intensive? Implementation Design Implementation Timeline Preparation Implementation Revision Year One Results Q & A COLTON JOINT USD
Why READ 180? DAIT mandate for secondary intervention Middle-to-High school overlap of intervention SRA REACH Program Hampton-Brown Highpoint Research-based: gold standard Intensive component allows students to earn core credit for English Instructionally strong & appealing to struggling students Committee’s top choice COLTON JOINT USD
What is READ 180 Intensive? a research-based, intensive reading intervention and acceleration program designed for students in elementary through high school who are reading below grade level PLUS Core English curriculum integrated into the READ 180 program to meet UC requirements for college preparation courses in English COLTON JOINT USD
The Instructional Model 20 minutes Instructional Software 20 minutes Small-Group Instruction 20 minutes Whole-Group Instruction 10 minutes Whole-Group Wrap-Up 20 minutes Modeled and Independent Reading COLTON JOINT USD
Whole-Group & Small Group Instruction 20 minutes Small-Group Instruction Whole-Group Instruction Whole Group Wrap-Up 20 minutes 10 minutes COLTON JOINT USD
Whole-Group and Small Group Instruction Curriculum: rBook, SBE Text (Prentice Hall), core novels and texts Direct interactive instruction in Whole Group Differentiated instruction in Small Group Instructional focus Emphasis on academic vocabulary and word study Lessons in grammar, usage, and mechanics Modeled fluent reading Reading skills and strategies Instruction in key writing types Structured engagement routines Teacher conferences to check progress and set goals COLTON JOINT USD
Instructional Software 20 minutes Instructional Software COLTON JOINT USD
Instructional Software provides individualized instruction and practice in: Phonics and decoding Comprehension Automatic word recognition Vocabulary Fluency Spelling COLTON JOINT USD
Modeled and Independent Reading 20 minutes COLTON JOINT USD
Modeled and Independent Reading helps students become better readers with: Leveled reading practice Access to grade-level texts Modeled fluent reading Think alouds that demonstrate reading skills and self-monitoring strategies Opportunities to respond to reading in writing COLTON JOINT USD
Implementation Design Deliberate planning Scheduling Clear entrance and exit criteria Dedicated classroom labs Staffing and support COLTON JOINT USD
Deliberate Planning Year-long process before implementation Close partnership with Scholastic Committee decision-making Included key stakeholders: district and site administrators, teachers, support staff Site visitations Curriculum writing and revision Clear and focused action plan Purchasing Infrastructure District curriculum approval process
Scheduling Double-period blocks Consecutive Total instruction time: 110 minutes Credits earned Five: English graduation requirement Five: English Elective COLTON JOINT USD
Clear Entrance and Exit Criteria CST scaled score 375 or lower SRI score of 850 or lower (ninth grade) SRI score of 900 or lower (tenth grade) Exit SRI score equivalent to at-grade-level Minimum of 80% mastery scores in Curriculum READ 180 software Independent Reading COLTON JOINT USD
Dedicated Classroom Labs Technology Set up and maintained by IT department (key player in implementation success) Computer stations for 1/3 of class (10) Teacher computer work station Classroom setup supportive of READ 180 Instructional Model Computer center w/adequate network capabilities Flexible furniture to accommodate whole & small groups plus independent reading area/materials Dedicated use Classroom used only for English Intensive OR Classroom used by single teacher COLTON JOINT USD
Staffing and Support Carefully-chosen instructors Ongoing staff development and instructional support SB 472 Training Monthly Cohort meetings District coaching and support (Secondary Curriculum Program Specialist) Ongoing adoption support Scholastic Technical Support Scholastic Implementation Consultant Coaching Data analysis and interpretation
Implementation Timeline See handout
08-09 English- Language Arts 2008-09 Year End Results Overall Results Site 08-09 English- Language Arts CST Growth R180 Lexile Growth English I English I Intensive Bloomington HS +7.8 +27.6 57 Colton HS +8.3 +26.8 112 Washington HS -2.2 +24.6 79 AVG. +4.63 +26.33 82.67
08-09 English- Language Arts 2008-09 Year End Results Significant Subgroups I Educational Program 08-09 English- Language Arts CST Growth R180 Lexile Growth English I English I Intensive EL +7.2 +28.5 +62 I-FEP +4.5 +26.7 R-FEP +8.1 +43.9 RSP +5.1 +18.9 +60 SDC +4.0 (SDC Eng I) +23.7 AVG. per Group +5.78 +28.34 +61
2008-09 Year End Results Significant Subgroups II Demographic 08-09 English- Language Arts CST Growth R180 Testing Lexile Growth English I English I Intensive Black/African American +10.3 +26.4 +134 Hispanic +7.1 +26.2 +73 White/ Caucasian +11.6 +39.8 +29 AVG. per Group +9.7 +30.8 +78.7