March, 2013
Agenda 2017 Every Child a Graduate, College and Career Ready What and how should kids learn? How do we know if they have learned it? How do we ensure kids have highly effective teachers and schools? How should we pay for schools?
Next Generation Science Standards Overview April 4 th -Grades 6-12 April 10 th -Grades K-5
Standard C Standard (c), remedial reading, requires school districts to provide a program to identify and help underachieving students in kindergarten through grade 4. Provide interventions or remedial reading services for a pupil in grades kindergarten to 4
These interventions must: Be scientifically based s (1)(c) Address all areas of need s (1)(c) Be consistent with state standards for reading and Language Arts s (1)(c) Be coordinated with all other reading instruction PI 8.01 (2)(c)3. If 20% or more of district/school students score below proficient on the state assessment, the district shall develop a written plan
A description of how the district will provide remedial reading services. A description of how the district intends to evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to remove reading deficiencies. An assessment of the school district or individual school's reading program. CAUTION!!! Do not plan your RtI system around the SLD Rule (Scott Brown, DPI SLD Consultant)
Interventions not leading towards SLD identification: Evidence-based Documented baseline data Progress monitoring Evidence of effectiveness
Interventions leading towards SLD identification: Scientifically-based Documented baseline data Documented progress monitoring Documented evidence of effectiveness Two such interventions are required
Annual Measureable Objectives in Reading and Math AMO data is reported publicly, but not factored into the accountability index. AMO data for all subgroups are presented on pages 17 & 18 of the School Report Card.
With the new cut scores, statewide reading proficiency is 35.8% and mathematics proficiency is 48.1%. The AMOs set forth in the waiver for “All Students” in show that statewide we are missing both AMOs. 37.9% is the Reading AMO for % is the Math AMO for
WISEdash Get your WAMS ID
DPI in process of developing an Early Warning System in WISEdash to identify 7 th graders who are at-risk of not graduating in 4 years (September, 2013) Start interventions early!
New CESA 10 Accountability Data Services Assisting districts in reading, interpreting and analyzing the accountability report cards Facilitation of a 2-day summer Data Inquiry Retreat Elementary: August 12 th & 13 Middle/High: August 14 th & 15th Providing onsite data support as requested Facilitation of leadership teams in developing school improvement plans based on data analysis Providing technical support in navigating and interpreting the Wisconsin Information System for Educators (WISEdash)
Getting Ready for Smarter Balanced Assessment Teach the Common Core Shifts Verify Keyboarding Skills 4 th –1 page in a single sitting 5 th – 2 pages in a single sitting 6 th – 3 pages in a single sitting Explore the Performance Task Samples
Technology Readiness Survey for the new online testing will be sent to DACs and Technology Coordinators between mid-April and early May Every district needs to complete this survey!
New Resources in EE Newsletter Educator Effectiveness Overview Evaluation of Professional Practice Key Facts About the Educator Effectiveness System PowerPoint on WI Educator Effectiveness System District Readiness Tool
March 21 st at CESA Teachscape 10:30 Oasys 1:00
Save the Dates June 24 th, 25 th, 26 th Kelly Gallagher Writing Retreat
Nancy Forseth