11/12/2008 E-W ASTE MORE LIKE E-C ATASTROPHE Andrew Fareri-Caines Cis 1055-Section
11/12/2008 Is a waste type consisting of any broken or unwanted electrical or electronic device. Recyclable electronic waste is sometimes further categorized as a "commodity" while e-waste which cannot be reused is distinguished as "waste". Both types of e-waste have raised concern considering that many components of such equipment are considered toxic and are not biodegradable. E-Waste
E-waste Video
11/12/2008 B IGG E R P ROBL E MS By 2010 it is estimated that 1 billion computers will be discarded improperly As technology advances and gets more affordable there becomes more computers that will be eventually discarded Where are we going to put all of these computers?
11/12/2008 A NEW E LEMENT Computers contain extremely toxic chemicals -Lead- damages nervous system, blood systems, kidneys, reproductive systems. -Mercury- brain damage -Barium- toxic -Beryllium- lung cancer -Chromium- damaged DNA -Arsenic- poison -Cobalt- radio active Harmful to Humans and the Earth
C URRENT W AYS OF D ISPOSAL Currently we Dispose of these items through means of - Landfills - Burning in incinerators - Shipping it off to 3 rd world countries This picture was taken in Nigeria
11/12/2008 E ST. C OMPUTER P RODUCTION FROM 1980 UNTIL 2005 C HART As seen the amount of computer production from 1980 until present has tripled. Source: Economic Report of the President, from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
11/12/2008 W HAT C AN Y OU D O ? Participate in getting legislation passed regarding E-waste. Recycle old Computers Inform others about how serious the problem is and how they can possibly contribute to the growing problem.
11/12/2008 W HAT THE G OVERNMENT C AN D O ? Set up recycling programs that can be paid for by adding $10 to the price of computers and computer equipment Also by having awareness commercials of the problems of e- waste and how we need to act now.
11/12/2008 W HAT C OMPUTER M ANUFACTURERS C AN D O Reduce the amount of toxic material in their products Become responsible for collecting their products and recycling them Work on more energy and bio friendly products
11/12/2008 In Conclusion there should be a 3 part effort by Government, Manufacturers and the people to work on reducing the amount of e-waste. Government should set up programs like e-waste trucks that come around every month and collect old computers and recycle them. Manufacturers should reduce their amount of toxic chemicals in their products. We should all do our part by recycling. Conclusion
Questions? Comments? 11/12/2008
R EFERENCE S HEET 1.Vermaat, Shelly. Discovering Computers 2009: Introductory Meyers, Tim. “Public Works Online.” The Cost of E-waste. June 1 st, news.asp?sectionID=772&articleID=314689http:// news.asp?sectionID=772&articleID= Zangilli, Andrew. “Legal Technology Center.” Responsible e- Waste disposal. August 23, Heller, Zach. “AlterNet.” E-waste and i-Woes. August 15,