Sex Education In Schools Should sex ed be taught in school?
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Vocabulary Sex Education: Instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual activity, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights, responsibilities, sexual abstinence, and birth control Sexuality: Capacity or sexual feelings or a person’s sexual orientation Abstinence: Fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something Contraceptive: Method or device serving to prevent pregnancy
Did You Know? Emergency contraception and comprehensive sexuality education have both proven to reduce the rare of unintended pregnancy. Two young people (ages 13 – 29) contract HIV every hour There is no conclusive evidence that abstinence-only sex education reduces the rate of unintended pregnancy or STIs.
Pro-Con Pro Con - Schools needs to teach young people about sex because parents might not address the topic at home – Orrin Hatch - Utah teachers will not be allowed to inform students about contraceptives, “the intricacies of intercourse, homosexuality, or sexual activity outside of marriage. – Utah state bill - We teach kids about history, we teach them about current events, we teach kids how to drive, why wouldn’t we teach kids about the fundamental of humanity – Mrs. Demaine - It’s a public school and parents should be in charge of that – Mr. Kunze - Yes I do believe sex ed should should be taught. I believe kids should learn the statistics of it the right way – Mr. G - These are our children, and we’re not going to breach the firewall of innocence – Angry Parent, DeWayne Smith
Other I believe sex ed should be taught in the biology curriculum, sex ed shouldn’t be advocating things like oral sex.
Abstinence Only Reason #1 Reason #2 Reason #3 - A mutually faithful, monogamous relationship in the context if marriage is the expected standard of sexual activity - Bearing children out of wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child’s parents and society - Abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out of wedlock pregnancy, STDs, and other associated health problems
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