Research & Innovation EU initiatives for Universities and Researchers Adeline Kroll DG Research and Innovation Skills Unit MURG Workshop Brussels, 12 November.


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Presentation transcript:

Research & Innovation EU initiatives for Universities and Researchers Adeline Kroll DG Research and Innovation Skills Unit MURG Workshop Brussels, 12 November 2013

Research & Innovation We need More Knowledge Intensive Economies

Research & Innovation 3 Too few researchers per 1000 labour force EU6 US 9 Japan 11

Research & Innovation 4 Too few researchers in the private sector EU46% Japan68% US79%

Research & Innovation Investment in R&D is part of the solution to exit from the economic crises

Research & Innovation 6 A quick survey: EU INITIATIVES FOR UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCHERS 1.Instruments (partnerships, programmes, policies) 2.Open Method of Coordination (EU) 3.European Semester 4.Programmes (Horizon 2020, Erasmus for All, Structural Funds) 5.Policies (Europe 2020 Strategy, ERA, European Higher Education Area) 6.Europe 2020 Strategy (7 flagship initiatives) 7.Youth on the Move and Innovation Union 8.ERA and an open labour market for researchers 9.Euraxess, HR logo, European Framework for Researchers Careers 10.Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training 11.The new Scientific Visa and European Pension Fund 12.Widening, closing the research and innovation divide in Europe 13.U-Multirank 14.Reporting

Research & Innovation Partnerships Programmes Policies Instruments

Research & Innovation Member States European Commission Stakeholder Organisations Experts, Networks, Pilots Partnerships

Research & Innovation Objectives Indicators Benchmarks Reporting (Scorecards) Open Method of Coordination (EU) Stocktaking (Bologna)

Research & Innovation 10 European Semester National Reform Programmes Country-specific Recommendations

Research & Innovation Horizon 2020 Erasmus for All Structural Funds Programmes

Research & Innovation Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Horizon 2020

Research & Innovation 13 Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks  Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nano, materials, bio, manufacturing, space)  Access to risk finance  Innovation in SMEs Excellent Science Base  European Research Council  Future and Emerging Technologies  Marie Curie actions on skills, training and career development  Research infrastructures Shared objectives and principles Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Supporting the objectives: European Institute for Innovation and Technology Joint Research Centre Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area Simplified access International cooperation Dissemination & knowledge transfer Tackling Societal Challenges  Health, demographic change and wellbeing  Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio- based economy  Secure, clean and efficient energy  Smart, green and integrated transport  Climate action & Resource Efficiency including Raw Materials  Inclusive, innovative and secure societies

Research & Innovation Erasmus for All (mobility, including work placements, Strategic Partnerships of HEIs on curricula, Knowledge Alliances with companies) Horizon 2020 Structural Funds (Smart Specialisation Strategies with obligatory focus on innovation: training, incl. researchers, campuses and labs, networking, mobility cross-sectors, knowledge tranfer, incubators spin-offs en start-ups) Combine Programmes

Research & Innovation Europe 2020 Strategy European Research Area European Higher Education Area Policies

Research & Innovation Europe 2020 strategy Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive growth Headline targets, including 3% of GDP investment in R&D and 40 % tertiairy or equivalent graduates 7 Flagship Initiatives

Research & Innovation 1. Innovation Union 2. Youth on the Move 3. A Digital Agenda for Europe 4. Resource Efficient Europe 5. Industrial Policy for Globalisation 6. An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs 7. European Platform Against Poverty Seven Flagship Initiatives

Research & Innovation Education & Training 2020 Erasmus for All Bologna (EHEA) Youth on the Move

Research & Innovation 19 Bologna Action Lines 1) Tree Cycles 2) Quality Assurance 3) Recognition (Lisbon Convention, ENIC-NARIC,ECTS/DS) 4) Social Dimension (Access/ Employability ) 5) International Dimension

Research & Innovation Innovation Union 34 commitments setting boundary conditions, Including: Standardisation, public procurement and venture capital, a unified European patent Quality of doctoral training and skills mix International attractiveness and careers Completing the European Research Area

Research & Innovation "in which, researchers, scientific knowledge and technology will circulate freely" [like a single market] European Research Area Treaty (Article 179)

Research & Innovation 22 ERA Priorities 1) More effective national research 2) Cooperation and Competition 3) An Open Labour Market for Researchers 4) Gender Equality 5) Circulation of Knowledge

Research & Innovation 1)Open recruitment 2)Acces to and portability of grants 3)Euraxess personalised information 4)Structured doctoral training 5)Career development 6)Industry Acadeæmia cooperation 7) Recognition of degrees 6)Social security & pensions 8) Visas and permits An Open Labour Market for Researchers

Research & Innovation 1)EURAXESS 2)Charter & Code – HR peer review 3)Research Careers 4)Doctoral Training 5)The New Scientific Visa 6)European Pension Fund 7)ERA in Horizon 8)Closing the divide 9)U-Multirank 10)Reporting 10 dossiers

Research & Innovation Jobs (including Naturejobs) Services Rights Links (offices in all continents) EURAXESS Portal & 200+ Centers

Research & Innovation Charter & Code - HR Strategy Peer Review Logo

Research & Innovation R1 - First Stage Researcher R2 - Recognised Researcher R3 - Established Researcher R4 - Leading Researcher European Framework for Research Careers

Research & Innovation 28 Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training 1 ) Research Excellence 2) Attractive Institutional Environment 3) Interdisciplinary Research Options 4) Exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors 5) International networking 6) Transferable skills training 7) Quality Assurance

Research & Innovation 29 In short: Doctoral Training should become:« Triple i » International Interdisciplinary Intersectoral

Research & Innovation 30 How were the Principles identified? The principles were adopted by the ERA Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (ERA- SGHRM) as part of a Mapping Exercise on Doctoral Training in Europe. The Principles were defined with the help of experts from university associations; industry and funding organisations. They reflect the Salzburg Principles of EUA, good practice in Member States and the Marie Curie experience.

Research & Innovation Wide Endorsement 31 Council Counclusions:"Link, where relevant and appropriate, national funding to the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training" Research Stakeholders Organisations MoUs: develop in line with Principles Subject specific: ORPHEUS/AMSE/WFE

Research & Innovation 32 Exploring the Wider Take Up of the Principles Study (mapping update, site visits, interviews) with Schools across Europe Working Group of the ERA Steering Group Huma Resources and Mobility Working Group Recommendations Steering Group Human Resources and Mobility end of 2013

Research & Innovation Funding for Innovative Doctoral training 33 Marie Curie Pilot Projects (European Industrial Doctorate and Innovative Doctoral programmes) Big Numbers Horizon 2020, MSCA Co-Fund, Structural Funds, Member States, Industry

Research & Innovation The New 'Scientific Visa' Facilitates the procedure of admitting third-country nationals for the purpose of research, studies, pupil exchange, remunerated and unremunerated training, voluntary service and au pairing. Building on the existing Directives 2005/71/EC and 2004/114/EC.

Research & Innovation More Rights For 3C Nationals Equal status to that of nationals in terms of pay and working conditions, access to goods and services, recognition of professional qualifications and social security A residence permit may be granted to family members for the duration of the researcher’s residence permit. Family members will be allowed to work The researcher can take up a teaching position Upon finalisation of their research project researchers will be allowed to remain in the Member State to look for work for a period of 12 months You Can Move Around (up to 6 months without a new hosting agreement)

Research & Innovation Smoother cooperation of national funds (long term solution for all) European Pension Fund for Researchers (for ambitious employers of researchers) Pension Solutions

Research & Innovation Cross-cutting issues Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ERA Chairs Institutions with Innovative concepts ERA in Horizon 2020

Research & Innovation Widening: Closing the Divide in Research and Innovation Structural Funds Smart Specialisation Strategies Horizon 2020 Twinning, Teaming, ERA Chairs 38

Research & Innovation 39 ERA Chairs: Attract outstanding academics to institutions with a clear potential for research excellence Twinning:Teaming of excellent research institutions and low performing MS/Regions (in terms of Research and Innovation). Creation of new centres of excellence in low performing RDI Member States and regions, strongly linked with local /national Smart Specialisation Strategies Teaming:Twinning aims at significantly strengthening a defined field of research in an emerging institution through links with at least two internationally-leading institutions in a defined field.

Research & Innovation Multi-dimensional User-driven International Including Research Institutes U-Multirank

Research & Innovation MORE 2 Researchers Report ERA Progress Report Innovation Union Scorecard Innovation Union Competitiveness Report Reporting

Research & Innovation 42 THANK YOU!