September 12, 2014
Conewago – Mrs. Cathleen Klassen East Hanover – Mrs. Ashley Edwards East Hanover – Mrs. Amy Sell Londonderry - Mrs. Gwen Ressler – Gr 1-3 Londonderry – Mrs. Leslie Hicks – Gr 4-5 Londonderry – Mrs. Shannon Bastian Nye - Dr. Mary Klinger South Hanover – Mrs. Kathy Baum
◦ A federally funded program focused on building a connection between school and family ◦ Additional reading instruction and practice targeting the specific needs of students ◦ A small group setting ◦ Brief and frequent sessions coordinated with the classroom teacher’s schedule A statement about the quality of Title I teachers is sent home annually, and parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of teachers at any time.
Previous and current teacher recommendations are collected. Data from previous and current assessments and screenings are examined. Diagnostic assessments (Developmental Reading Assessment, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System, Qualitative Reading Inventory) provide additional information. Progress is monitored throughout the school year.
Each student will… become a strategic reader score in the proficient range on the grade level standards and assessments build confidence become a lifelong reader build reading stamina
Read every night! Listen to your child read, and read to your child. Research shows again and again that kids who read succeed! Remember that I am here in the Reading Center to help your child. My goal is for your child to have a wonderful and positive experience in the Reading Center.
1.Please feel free to communicate with me at any time. – or phone I will respond as soon as possible. 2.Please check your child’s reading folder regularly. There is a communication sheet in the folder where we can write notes to each other. Let’s keep in touch! 3.Reading Center Progress Reports will no longer be given because student progress in reading center is included in the classroom teacher’s progress reports. 4.Conferences - I will attend Fall and Spring conferences with classroom teachers when possible.
1.Please note these upcoming Title I Parent Meetings: a.Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) - November 5 th from 6:30-7:30 at Nye Elementary School for all parents of Title I students b.Spring Event - April 30 th at Nye Elementary for all Title I students and families 2.Please check my Nye website for information.
All teachers must follow the Pennsylvania PA Core Standards. You can view these standards at the following website: Choose your child’s grade level and subject area. Lower Dauphin School District Curriculum expectations are presented on the Lower Dauphin website for reading, writing, mathematics and encore subjects. Choose your child’s grade level to see your child’s el I CAN statements.
Grade Level: Assessments: FirstSight Words (Oral and Written, 89 words), DRA2, DIBELS Next SecondSight Words (Oral and Written, 117 words), DIBELS Next (NWF, DORF), District Benchmark Assessments (comprehension) ThirdDIBELS Next (DORF), District Benchmark Assessments FourthDIBELS Next (DORF), District Benchmark Assessments FifthDIBELS Next (DORF), District Benchmark Assessments *Note: Reading Teachers use additional assessments as needed.
Read to your child Encourage your child to read to you Let your child see you reading Praise your child Be patient with your child Talk with your child Play games with your child Visit the library with your child Visit the Parent Resource Center Make sure your child reads daily!
The Reading Hand Monitoring Prompting
Visualizing - picturing as we read Making Inferences – figuring out what is unsaid Monitoring comprehension Predicting Questioning Retelling and summarizing QAR (Question Answer Relationship) Prove It! – finding evidence in text
RAZ Reading Program Tumble Books– Go to and to Nye, Our School, Library. click on Tumble Books. This is a great resource for students!
Home/School Involvement Agreement (Parent/Guardian, Student, and Teacher): - Communicate with the teacher - Be prepared for school Read to your child Read with your child Listen to your child read Talk to your child about what they are reading Title I Parent Involvement Policy: - Specific for each elementary school - Feedback is desired
Read to me riddles and read to me rhymes Read to me stories of magical times Read to me tales about castles and kings Read to me stories of fabulous things Read to me pirates and read to me knights Read to me dragons and dragon-book fights Read to me spaceships and cowboys and then When you are finished – please read them again. Jane Yolen
Please send any questions to Dr. Mary Klinger. I would love to hear from you!