Performance Review Commission PRC report 29th Session of the Provisional Council Brussels, 9 May 2008 Jean-François VIVIER Chairman PRC
2 Performance Review Commission PRR 2007: Review of ATM performance in 2007 Recommendation a. The Provisional Council is invited to note the PRCs Performance Review Report (PRR 2007) and to submit it to the Permanent Commission PRR 2007 contents Traffic Safety Capacity and Delays Flight-efficiency Environment Cost-effectiveness An extensive consultation process ANSB (29 January 2008) Written consultation (06 February - 06 March) Consultation meeting, 60 participants (06 March) CMIC (04 March) PCC (8 May)
3 Performance Review Commission PRR Safety (High-risk runway incursions) Recommendation b. The Provisional Council is invited to note that the number of high-risk runway incursion reports is rising, and to request the Director General to report on achieved performance to the Provisional Council on a regular basis saw a number of high risk runway incursions, as well as one accident with direct ATM contribution - a runway collision in Bucharest. Reported high-risk runway incursions
4 Performance Review Commission PRR Safety (Safety Maturity) Recommendation c. The Provisional Council is invited to support the standardisation of safety reporting at a high level of integrity and consistency across EUROCONTROL States, by every available means, and to request non-compliant States to implement ESARR 2 fully. Safety Maturity The safety maturity of ANSPs and that of Regulators further improved in However, ANSPs and Regulators in a number of States will have to make major efforts to reach the 70% maturity line by the deadline, given their progress to date and their current situation. Compliance with ESARR2 improved in 2007, but has reached a plateau.
5 Performance Review Commission PRR Safety (EUROCONTROL Confidentiality Policy) Recommendation d. The Provisional Council is invited to request the Director General to ensure the prompt implementation of the decision taken in May 2007 where PC 27 invited the Director General to undertake a review of EUROCONTROLs publication and confidentiality policy, to ensure the appropriate balance between confidentiality and transparency of safety information. EUROCONTROL publication and confidentiality policy in relation to safety data (EAM 2/GUI 2 of ) addresses the sharing of safety information between ATM service providers, the reporting of safety information to ATM regulators and the provision of safety information to the public, including those provided to the PRC. As a result of this policy, the PRC only receives disidentified, high-level safety data, which does not allow the PRC to review safety performance contrary to the provisions of Article xx of the Revised Convention. Upon a PRC recommendation, the Provisional Council (PC 27, May 2007) requested the Director General to undertake a review of EUROCONTROLs publication and confidentiality policy, to ensure the appropriate balance between confidentiality and transparency of safety information upon recommendation from the PRC. To the PRCs knowledge, this decision has not been acted upon so far.
6 Performance Review Commission PRR 2007 (Capacity & Delays) Recommendation e. The Provisional Council is invited to note that ATFM delays have been rising for the third consecutive year and to request the full commitment of all stakeholders to the planning and implementation of ATC capacity in line with traffic growth.
7 Performance Review Commission PRR 2007 (Flight-efficiency, Environmental impact) Recommendation f. The Provisional Council is invited to note that its flight-efficiency performance target was not met in 2007 and to request the Director General to inform the Provisional Council as to the extent and timing of expected performance improvements arising from airspace programmes coordinated by the Agency in relation to achieving the flight efficiency target. Upon a PRC recommendation, the PC adopted in 2007 a target to reduce the European average route extension per flight of 2 km per annum until The target was not met in Considerable effort will be needed to meet it in the future.
8 Performance Review Commission PRC recommendations arising out of PRR 2007 The Provisional Council is invited: a. to note the PRCs Performance Review Report (PRR 2007) and to submit it to the Permanent Commission ; Safety b. to note that the number of high-risk runway incursion reports is rising, and to request the Director General to report on achieved performance to the Provisional Council on a regular basis ; c. to support the standardisation of safety reporting at a high level of integrity and consistency across EUROCONTROL States, by every available means, and to request non-compliant States to implement ESARR 2 fully ; d. to request the Director General to ensure the prompt implementation of the decision taken in May 2007 where PC 27 invited the Director General to undertake a review of EUROCONTROLs publication and confidentiality policy, to ensure the appropriate balance between confidentiality and transparency of safety information Capacity/delays e. to note that ATFM delays have been rising for the third consecutive year and to request the full commitment of all stakeholders to the planning and implementation of ATC capacity in line with traffic growth; Flight-efficiency, Environmental impact f. to note that its flight-efficiency performance target was not met in 2007 and to request the Director General to inform the Provisional Council as to the extent and timing of expected performance improvements arising from airspace programmes coordinated by the Agency in relation to achieving the flight efficiency target.