Instructional Coach Training September 30, 2010 AIMS: Generating Reports to Use with CFIP 1
Data Use Continuum Data Source State/National Assessments: NMSBA, ACCESS, NAEP District Benchmark Assessments: DBA, DRA2/EDL2 School/Grade Level Benchmark Assessments: DBA, DRA2/EDL2 Teacher assessments of daily student work Data Availability Annually; end of school year Three times per year Real-time; weekly, daily Data Value & Applicability Long-term district/school improvement planning System-wide alignment of instruction Instructional planning at school; professional development Immediate instructional intervention; adjustment of instructional strategy Accountability/Compliance DataContinuous Improvement Data 2
CFIP Model 6 Step Process Begin with a question. Understand the data source. Look for the big picture. Look for patterns in the data. Indentify and act on the implications of the patterns for your students. Identify and act on the implications of the patterns for your instruction. 3
AIMS Log In Follow Forget your password? link if you do not have a Username and Password.Forget your password? Your Log In information will be ed to you Click on link in body of to activate account Still problems? Help Desk: 4
AIMS My Schoolnet: Curriculum Maps 5
SBA results By class, by teacher Compare with most recent DBA & DRA for data triangulation View individual students’ standards mastery Use in PLC work and data dialogues AIMS 6
AIMS My Schoolnet: Classroom Profile 7
AIMS My Schoolnet: Classroom Assessment Monitor Select Standardized Test results Numbers displayed represent the percent of students in a section who scored proficient 8
AIMS Align Teacher Landing Page: Student Analysis Generate reports by class Any teacher can log in and see students rostered to them Can review LA & Math DBA on same page Teachers with Language Arts/Reading in content areas can see their students Social Studies, Science Most recent DBA and current SBA results for Math and Language Arts SBA results for all content areas for current students 9
AIMS: Student Analysis; SBA All Subjects 10
AIMS: Student Analysis; Reading: SBA, DBA, DRA & EDL Drill down to individual student 11
AIMS: Student Analysis; Language Arts: DRA results 12
AIMS: Individual Student Report Select tabs to view individual information Standardized Test Detail 13
AIMS: Individual Student Report-Test History & Performance by Standard View Test History by Year View Detailed Performance Tables 14
AIMS: Individual Student Performance by Standard for Math, Reading, Science Standard and Percent Correct 15
AIMS Align: View standards mastery by proficiency band Select Standards Mastery Number of students in each performance band by content area; can add to group Select number to see list of students 16
AIMS: Student Mastery Groupings- Sorted by Proficiency Band Can drill down to individual students 17
AIMS: Grade Level Reports with Administrative Login 18 Log in and Select: Account Report Bank Report Type Students Sets
AIMS: Grade Level Reports with Administrative Login 19 Find the grade level for which you want a report and select “Build Report”
AIMS: Grade Level Reports with Administrative Login 20 For the grade level only that you selected, choose a report you would like to generate.
AIMS: Grade Level Reports with Administrative Login 21 A report appears for the grade level you selected. You can export to Excel. You can edit the student set. You can edit the columns.
DBA results View standards mastery by grade level View scores by class, by teacher, by individual student View individual students’ standards mastery Use in PLC work and data dialogues Data Director 22
DBA School & Grade-level assessments, Spring 2010: Data Director User name: APS Employee Number Password: TCHTEST2 (unless you already logged in & changed password) Technical Support Bryan Cockrell, , 23
Data Director: School Exam Report See last year’s DBA results for this year’s students 24
Data Director: School Exam Report Scroll down to rank standards by proficiency Teachers with students Click on link to view student list and scores Administrative access 25
Data Director: School Exam Report for one grade, one test Click link to rank from least to most proficiency by standard To see incoming grade-level performance on last year’s assessment Will not print ranked order as PDF 26
Data Director: Student-level DBA results See last year’s DBA results for this year’s students Select Exam: Reading Assessment Form 3- Spring
Data Director: Student-level DBA results Locate Respondent Statistics Individual teachers will find scores for currently- rostered students 28
Data Director: DBA Results by Class, Incoming 6 th Grade Feeder School Scores 6 th Grade Students Math & Reading Form 3 Results from Spring 2010 Individual teacher login can retrieve current class scores Log on to Data Director; Select Reports 29
Practice Meet with IC’s in your Statistical Peer Group Identify an question you would like to answer with the data Open AIMS, generate the following reports My Schoolnet: Classroom Profile SBA Results for one class, one teacher DBA and SBA comparison report A Student Profile Detailed analysis of a student’s SBA performance 30
Practice Log onto Data Director Generate a School Exam report for one grade level, in one content area Find the Spring DBA scores for one class, one content area If you are at a middle school, find the Spring DBA scores for your current 6 th grade in Reading or Math 31
Practice Discuss: What do you see in the data? What questions do the data generate? What do you see over and over again in the data? What does the data not show us? What are the implications for our students? What are the implications for our teaching practice? 32
Step 1When analyzing data, begin with a question.How can we make AYP? What other timely, important questions? 33
Step 2Understand the data source What assessment is being described in this report? What are the characteristics of the assessment? Who participated in the assessment? Who did not? Why? Why was the assessment given? What do the terms in the data report mean? 34
Step 3Look for the ‘big picture.’What do we ‘see in the data?’What ‘jumps out?’What questions do the data raise? 35
Step 4A Look for data patterns in a single data source.What do you see over and over again in the data? What are the student’s strengths? What knowledge and skills do the students have? What are their weaknesses? What knowledge and skills do the students lack? 36
Step 4B Identify patterns of grade-level/class strengths and weaknesses from multiple data sources. Triangulation: In what ways are the data similar among data sources? SBA: scale score reports, item plots DBA: school & classroom exam reports Classroom assessments In what ways do the results among data sources differ? Why might these differences occur? What patterns do you see over and over from multiple sources of data? 37
Step 5 Drill down to individual students. Identify and implement needed interventions. What are the implications for interventions for what you learned from the data? Which students need interventions?What should interventions focus on? 38
Step 6Reflect on the reasons for student performance. What in our teaching might be preventing all students or a group of students from being successful? How will we change instruction in the next unit? Do we need professional development and/or support and/or collaboration to help us with the gaps? What do the data not tell us? 39
Data Director: School Exam Report Look at performance of different classes in single grade level Can identify areas of strength and weakness for instruction for team members and team as a whole Look at recent DBA results with SBA Item Plots to compare standards emphasis, student strengths and weaknesses 40
Follow-up discussion of School-level & Grade-level DBA data Which standards need the most attention? Which students are not meeting proficiency? By Class? By subgroup? Which students need interventions? How will we plan for them? What other questions are teachers asking about their students? 41
Classroom and Individual Student Reports-AIMS & Data Director With what standards will my students need help? Who are the students who will need intervention in these standards from last year? What else do we know about the areas in which these students need help? How can these students be most efficiently grouped for instruction? 42
Classroom Reports: Data Director & AIMS Find scores from Spring ‘10 DBA for current students Review recent & current scores from DBA testing What distinguishes the successful students from the unsuccessful ones? How do different subgroups perform on each of the standards? What teaching strategies are most associated with increases in achievement? Is there evidence of improvement or decline in performance and to what can it be attributed? Testing Calendar at:
Organizing for Data Dialogues How will you identify your data teams or goal teams? Grade-level Vertical Content What common time can you use to conduct data dialogues on a regular basis? 1 hour every 2 weeks, every week? How will you prioritize issues to be resolved? How will you communicate this to all members of the staff? How will you use results of dialogues? Identify enrichments and interventions for students Plan upcoming daily instruction 44