NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. LITERACY OVERVIEW & EXPECTATIONS BUILDING COMMUNITY IN THE CLASSROOM Kelley Young, Literacy Instructional Coach SY15-16
Mission & Vision Atlanta Public Schools Mission: With a caring culture of trust and collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college and career. Vision: A high performing school district where students love to learn, educators inspire, families engage and the community trusts the system. Kimberly Elementary School Mission: Provide all students with a quality education through innovative, intellectual choices and enriched learning experiences that foster high academic success, creativity, and college and career readiness exploration. Vision: Provide all students with rich learning experiences that will enable them to maintain success throughout their academic career and beyond.
School Improvement (CIP) Goals Beliefs… All students deserve a free and appropriate education All students should be taught by caring, highly qualified instructors Schools should be safe and orderly “Happy Teachers” teach “Happy Children” therefore we promote positive culture and climate Our Goals… 1.Increase student performance in the areas of Reading/ELA and Writing. 2.Increase student performance in the areas of Mathematics. 3.Improving the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) of our faculty and staff, thereby, increasing our School Climate Rating to 5 Stars. 4.Decrease our Out of School Suspension rates through effective implementation of PBIS. 5.Improve our College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) Score to 61 or higher.
Transition from Common Core Georgia Performance Standards to the Georgia Standards of Excellence The CCGPS for English Language Arts were revised. The revised standards were adopted on January 15, The CCGPS are now called the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). New naming protocol: ELAGSE1RL5 Updated standards and curriculum maps that reflect the new naming protocol and changes to the standards are now available at
Summary of Changes Grades K StrandStandard Reading Literary TextGSEKRL4 GSEKRL7 Reading Informational TextGSEKRI2 GSEKRI7 GSEKRI10 Reading FoundationsGSEKRF3 GSEKRF4 WritingGSEKW6 GSEKW7 LanguageGSEKL4 GSEKL5
Summary of Changes Grades 1 StrandStandard Reading Literary TextGSE1RL5 Reading FoundationsGSE1RF3 GSE1RF4 WritingGSE1W6 LanguageGSE1L4 GSE1L5
Summary of Changes Grades 2 StrandStandard Reading Literary TextGSE2RL5 Reading FoundationsGSE2RF3 GSE4RF4 WritingGSE2W6 Speaking & ListeningGSE2SL5
Summary of Changes Grades 3-5 StrandStandard Reading Literary TextGSE3RL4 Reading FoundationsGSE3RF3 GSE3RF4.d StrandStandard Reading Literary TextGSE4RL7 LanguageGSE4L1 StrandStandard NO CHANGES
Balanced Literacy 101
Fluency Assessments and Running Records Fluency Assessments /Running Records are required 1-2 x’s per month Formative Assessments that keep literacy groups flexible
Shared Reading Text: Journeys K-2 Science/Social Studies Text & Selected Passages 3-5 Close Reads (K-5) Journeys & Close Reads
Lesson Plan Protocol All Lesson Plans are Due on Fridays by 8:00 A.M. Please upload into the Kimberly Sharepoint Portal Grade Levels can split the lesson plans by subject weekly All teachers should work from the same plan
Accessing District Units Units can be accessed through the Phoenix Portal
Unit 1 Preview Literacy 1. Use the highlighter to find the following in your Literacy and Social Studies Units Knowledge Skills Vocabulary EQ’s EU’s Activities Suggested Text Theme
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