1 New Governance Arrangements Presented by the Director General European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation Provisional Council Agenda item May 2008
2 Reinforced EUROCONTROL governance arrangements New role and involvement for the ANSB Supervisory/Management boards with external (non-executive) participation Streamlined stakeholder consultation mechanism, increased transparency Enhancement of existing civil-military cooperation & coordination Common design & management of the European ATM Network New Governance Objectives
3 Good governance vis-a-vis legal and institutional constraints Under the present legal framework, short-term institutional change not possible So we should agree what improvements we want and find pragmatic ways on how to implement them in the short term. Stakeholders (ANSB) need to be more closely involved in the strategic direction and business priorities of the Agencys Pan-European functions and CND. Member States continue to supervise policy issues and to provide direction. Responsibilities and reporting lines in the new governance structure should be clear and transparent. Pragmatic solutions can be implemented quickly provided that all parties agree!
44 Proposed Changed Governance (1) CND Agency Directorates involved in CND are currently subject of a re- organisation implementation of the resulting new governance structure can be expected in early 2009 Discussions should meanwhile start to enhance and clarify the involvement of the present SCG and ANSB in the new CND governance process Supervision of CND through a Management Charter possible
55 Proposed Changed Governance (2) CFMU and CRCO DG could allocate responsibilities to a Management/Supervisory Board, composed of directly involved Agency Directors and (non-executive) external Directors, through a Management Charter Management/Supervisory Boards (M/SB) report to DG, perhaps through the reformed ANSB acting as either the M/SB itself or as the arbiter between M/SBs Roles of the enlarged Committee & Consultative Groups to be clarified In principle DG accepts M/SB reports, but free to seek advice from the PC
66 Proposed Changed Governance (3) Maastricht UAC Maastricht Coordination Group (MCG) was created in 1986, but its TOR fully cover the majority of issues a future M/SB should address. Pursuant to Article 3 of the Statute of the Agency and Article 6 of the Maastricht Agreement DG could exercise his wide management independence vis-à-vis the MUAC through the MCG, but with further instructions and guidelines to be agreed with the 4 States. DG plans to coordinate with the 4 States (at DGCA level) on how the MCG could evolve