Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation 18 February 2014 Chairperson :NLB Prof. Alfred Nevhutanda
Presentation Outline Introduction Strategic Plan Summary on Sports Funding Allocations per Sector Infrastructure Spend Highlights (Report on current Funding Programs) Challenges Concluding Remarks Discussion 2
NLB Structure Operates the National Lottery and National Sports Pools under Licence NLB NLDTF DA Charities DA Art & Culture DA Sport DA RDP DA Misc 28% 45% 22% 5% 0% Weekly transfer Central Applications Office NGOs CBOs Applications Payments GIDANI REGULATIONDISTRIBUTION OTHER LOTTERIES
Grant Funding: Sports DA Consists of independent members appointed by the Minister of Trade & Industry in consultation with the Minister of Sport The role of the DA as per the Act is to adjudicate on all the applications received No allocations are made without an application as per legislation The role of the Grant Funding Division of the NLB is to provide administrative support 4
Strategic Plan Promote social cohesion and nation building through sport Promote healthy lifestyle Provide a platform for the historically disadvantaged communities to achieve their sporting potential through: Gender integration Funding of vulnerable groups Partnership with stakeholder, clubs, schools, NGO’s, Municipalities and Organized structures 5
Strategic Plan Transformation & Development Programmes Talent identification Basic facilities Sport equipment Local leagues Provincial-and national competitions Capacity building 6
Strategic Plan Infrastructure Capacity Building Includes courses for clubs, regional, provincial and national facilitators, technical officials, administration and coaches Life skills Generic training courses 7
Strategic Plan…Capacity building International accreditation of coaches International accreditation of technical officials Facilitation and coordination all technical courses to be SAQA accredited Translation of course training manuals/materials Production/development of training material for respective courses Reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities 8
Strategic Plan High Performance Sport-specific research equipment Medical Nutrition International participation 9
Summary of Sports and Recreation Distribution Agency Funding
SRDA Allocation per Sector
Provincial Investment
Infrastructure Spend
Infrastructure Investment component
Highlights - Schools During the year under review 912 schools have been funded to date(31/12/2014), amounting to approximately R91 mil. In addition R17m was allocated towards national championships Top 3 infrastructure related investments nationally (approximate) – 195 Multi-courts have been constructed/maintained- R19.7 mil – 58 Netball courts constructed/maintained – R5.9m – 41 Soccer fields prepared/constructed – 4.1 mil Sport equipment The NLB has noted that a significant portion of the R91 mil, included funding requests for sport equipment.
Highlights – Tertiary Institutions This sector saw massive investment totalling R70 mil. The most significant investment was channelled towards FET colleges under the umbrella of the South African College Principals Organisation(SACPO)-R62 mil. SACPO represents 50 FET colleges nationally Will act as custodian for sport relating to the FET colleges as well as to the surrounding communities
Highlights – National Federations The NLB’s focus within this sector includes: High performance training Capacity building and training camps International participation and hosting of International events Equipment for high performance activities Top 10 Beneficiaries South African Institute For Drug-Free Sport Sascoc (CHAN) The Sports Trust (Sports Awards) Chess South Africa South African Sports Aerobics & Fitness Federation Squash South Africa S.A Deaf Sports Federation WP Tug-Of-War Association South African Rugby Union
Challenges Demand exceeds available resources Applications based funding model Lack of impact measurement Expectation of recurrent and ‘permanent’ funding potentially crowding out new entrants High rate of declines (due to non-compliance) Fraudulent applications / fund use Provincial allocation / spread inequities Turnaround times 20
Concluding Remarks Appreciate the opportunity to account and engage with the Committee as the elected representatives of the communities we are appointed to serve The implementation of amendments to the Lotteries Act will address most of the fundamental structural impediments for the more effective & efficient distribution of funds from the NLDTF In the meantime the NLB and Distributing Agencies continuously endeavor to improve the operational efficiencies related to the NLDTF activities. 21
Delegation Prof. Alfred Nevhutanda (NLB Chairperson) Tel: Cell: Mrs Thabang Mampane (CEO) Tel: Cell:
Delegation Mr. Jeffrey du Preez (Senior Executive: Grant Funding) Tel: Cell: Mr. Mveleli Ncula (Distributing Agency – Chairperson) Tel: Cell:
Thank You 24