The First Texans Why did they come to Texas? What were they following? What HUGE event in history caused this migration?
The Stone Age (Paleolithic Era) The earliest people… Hunted large mammals Depended completely on the environment Were nomadic Lived in lean-to shelters or caves Hand-made tools
The Stone Age (Mesolithic Era) Then they began to… Hunt in groups Develop primitive language Sustain fire Hunt small animals and gather berries/roots
The Stone Age (Neolithic Era ) And finally… Agricultural Revolution!!!! End of Ice Age Development of farming New tools Permanent homes Domesticate animals Need leaders
First humans reached Texas about 10,000 years ago Midland Minnie !
It all started in Africa…200,000 to 150,000 years ago!
What happens next in Texas? Large mammals become extinct, and the First Texans are forced to adapt… What would they find in the different areas of Texas? What do they need to do to survive? How would they adapt and modify the environment? What technology would they have needed?
Stone Tools
The Plains Culture Skilled in hunting and warfare Tribes were nomadic and used horses to travel from place to place Relied on the buffalo for food, clothes, weapons, shelter, etc. Lived in teepees made of buffalo hide and poles In which geographic region(s) of Texas would you expect to find the Plains Culture?
The Pueblo Culture Skilled in trading, hunting, gathering, and using irrigation to farm Wore feathers in their hair and had paint on their faces to show other tribes they came in peace Lived in permanent adobe houses, sometimes built on the sides of cliffs In which geographic region(s) of Texas would you expect to find the Pueblo Culture?
The Southeastern Culture Excellent farmers of corn, squash, beans, pumpkins, etc. Lived in permanent villages since they didn’t have to move around to find food Some tribes also hunted Traded things like shells and stones for things they needed Known for fighting In which geographic region(s) of Texas would you expect to find the Southeastern Culture?
The Gulf Culture Hunter-gathers who travelled to find food Often hunted with bows and arrows Ate things such as fish, deer, and berries Traveled by foot or by canoe Nomadic and lived in campsite shelters made of sticks and grass In which geographic region(s) of Texas would you expect to find the Gulf Culture?
Tribes Plains: Tonkawas, Apaches, Comanches, Kiowas Pueblo: Jumanos, Tiguas Southeastern: Caddo, Wichitas, Atakapans, Tawakoni, Bidai Gulf: Karankawas, Coahuiltecans
Unit 3 Vocabulary Adobe Archaeologist Anthropologist Culture Artifact Historic Prehistoric Bison Migration Bering Strait Ice Age Paleo-Americans Ancient Cultural group Nomads Matrilineal Tepee