NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb: A Web-Based Tsunami Model Forecast Tool System Architecture and Development Eugene F. Burger 1, Linus Kamb 2, Tracey Nakamura 2 1 Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA, Seattle, WA 2 Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Washington, Seattle, WA NOAA Center for Tsunami Research (NCTR) Located at PMEL in Seattle, WA
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Presentation Topics 1.Define Tsunami Forecasting and Tweb 2.Why develop Tweb? 3.Functionality and system goals 4.Architecture and system tier overview 5.Challenges 6.Tweb client snapshots Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 2
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tsunami Forecasting Provide real-time guidance for rapid, critical decisions in which lives and property are at stake 1 –Threat areas –Wave arrival time –Flooding –Current speed 1 Vasily V. Titov (2009): Tsunami Forecasting, in Tsunamis. The Sea, Volume 15, edited by E.N. Bernard and A.R. Robinson, 371, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA and London, England. Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 3
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research The Forecast Lifecycle 1. Seismic event detection 2. Basin wide propagation forecast 3. Identify risk areas 4. High Resolution Flooding forecasts 5. DART™ Data Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 4
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research What is Tweb Tweb is a web-based tsunami modeling tool for generating and viewing tsunami forecasts –Operator can run forecasts models & share results –View-only client for viewing shared forecast result Tweb collects and extends tools developed at NCTR/PMEL for use in both research and operational tsunami forecasting. Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 5
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Screen Shot of Tweb Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 6
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Motivation Enable model initiation and viewing of forecast results for –Research partners –International collaborators Evaluate –Research modifications to the tsunami model –Methodologies for presenting tsunami model results Platform –Web-based SaaS –Single point software updates & maintenance Integrate –Existing forecasting NCTR/PMEL tools into a single tool Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Functionality Goals Utilize NCTR/PMEL Tsunami Forecast Methodology Feature-rich client user interface No browser plugin Full user authentication ACL for sensitive information Manage access to functions and data by user group Integrates decentralized model runs Multi-language support –English, French and Spanish Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 8
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb System Goals Build upon the existing SIFT tsunami forecast system –SIFT has been developed for use at the NOAA Tsunami Warning Centers –SIFT is a LAN-based desktop client-server application –Tweb is a web based system that utilizes the SIFT back end Web application Inter-tier HTTP protocol Independent tiers –one or more tiers could be in the cloud QoS assurances –Dedicated SIFT instances by group –SIFT scale-up for high demand Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 9
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Logical Components Application server SIFT SIFT Translator Tiled overlay generator Data storage Client EIDS Seismic information GTS (DART) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 10 Multiple SIFT instances are supported
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Application Tier Written in Java Authentication & client session management Handles client data requests Monitors tsunami event status EIDS listener (earthquake data) Process management –SIFT –Generation of tiled overlays (Google Maps) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 11
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Auxiliary Services Tiled overlay renderer –Written in Java –NetCDF gridded data input –Produces Google Map tiles (png) Database –Postgres with PostGIS –User, session, tsunami event information Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 12
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Client Technologies Implemented using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Sencha GXT –UI widgets from GXT –GXT MVC framework –GWT RPC HighCharts Charting library Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 13
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Tweb Challenges Charting in client –No Flash plugin –Modeling tool specific requirements Updates to tsunami-event data streams –Data parsing on client Initial latency as client loads tsunami event information Lack of support for Google Maps Polyline labeling Poor GWT support for Google Maps API Multi-language support for server generated text Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 14
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Event Overview Multiple model runs Energy map with arrival time contours and wave- front location Event summary Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 15
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Multiple Events Tweb allows the user to switch between multiple tsunami events. New tsunami event alert Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 16
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Initiate Flooding Forecasts Run status of user initiated flooding forecasts Select flooding forecasts to run Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 17
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Event Overview More detail Select Flooding Forecast result overlays Define a new solution Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 18
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research View Flooding Forecast Zoom in on map to view flooding forecast detail Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 19
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Share results with selected others Model results can be shared for select users to view on a Tweb view-only client Shared Unshared Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 20
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research View-Only Client Allows view- only access tsunami-event information Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 21
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research View-Only Flooding Forecasts Allows view- only access tsunami-event information Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 22
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research More Information Eugene Burger Linus Kamb Tracey Nakamura Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 23