The Regional Platform for Access and Innovation for Health Analía Porrás Medicines and Health Technologies (HSS/MT) Health Systems based on Primary Health Care (HSS)
Academic and Research Centers Scientific Research Product Development Market Innovation for Health: The traditional model ? ? Social Needs Social Impact/ Access Innovation to address Health priorities ? Industry Public Funds
Social Need Innovation for Health Priorities Scientific Research Technological Development Product Development Product Access Social Impact Technological Innovation for Medicines and Technologies Health innovation systems: A new perspective
Social Needs Prioritization Scientific Research Technology Development Product Development Products Access Social Impact Regional Perspective GSPoA Access INNOVATION IP
The goal is to create a platform composed of a series of internet based tools that will support and promote innovation, access, rational use and good governance in the area of medicines, technologies and diagnostics with a public health perspective and to serve regional health priorities. The Platform will help to: Develop a participative and cooperative knowledge base Share relevant resources and information Ensure dissemination of trustworthy non-biased information Facilitate brokering and cooperation Catalyze horizontal project integration Raise awareness about key issues and priorities Facilitate technical cooperation and funding of specific projects The Regional Platform for Access and Innovation for Health
Access to essential and strategic medicines, health technologies and diagnostics Intellectual property management from a public health perspective R&D and technological innovation for health Rational use of medicines and health technologies and health technology assessment Pharmaceutical and technologies policies and regulations Regional Platform: The Scope
Social Networks Knowledge Repository and Transfer Information Hub Capacity Development Other organizations Member countries Industry Academia NGOs PAHO Collaborating Centers Civil Society Communities of practice Expert locator Collaborative knowledge spaces R&D&I indicators Pricing Databases Policies and Regulations Intellectual Property Management On-site and virtual learning opportunities Conference audiovisual repository Virtual Library Evidence : Rational use, HTA, good practices Evidence-based rapid response for decision making Innovation Forum (Problems/Solutions) Regional Platform: The Concept
Data Hub Virtual Campus Thematic Library Directories Evidence Based Summaries Price Bank Platform 1.0 Expert/Institution Locator Community of Practice Innovation Forum
HSS/MT José Luis Di Fabio, Area Manager, HSS James Fitzgerald, Coordinator, HSS/MT Analía Porrás, Advisor, Innovation for Health HSS/MT Jaume Vidal, Associate Expert, IP and Pharmaceutical Policies HSS/MT America Valdés, Communications, HSS