China Communications Magazine TAB Finance Committee Jack Howell, Communications Society May 17, 2011
EIC and Editor information A current bilingual publication of the China Institute of Communications (CIC), with ComSoc technical cosponsorship, to be replaced in January, 2012 by the financially cosponsored (CIC-ComSoc) publication. Steering Committee and EIC: The CIC-IEEE Steering Committee has just been organized. We expect that an Editor in Chief will be named by the time this Phase II proposal is considered by TAB in June, Editorial Staff: To be appointed by the EIC with Steering Committee approval." 8-Oct-152
Society/Council Response to Marketing Analysis Agree with IEEE Product Management and Business Development decision to support the journal proposal and the rationale. We requested a “re-do” of the IEEE marketing projections based on one offering (print and online combo) and same price for all “members”. We are much more conservative with our estimates of paid member subscriptions 8-Oct-153
Society/Council Response to Marketing Analysis Clarifications: Per the MoU, the jointly sponsored China Communications is An English-only publication. CIC is free to solely sponsor an additional Chinese or bilingual publication with some or all of the same content. Initially ComSoc members, other IEEE members, CIC members, and non-member institutions are able to purchase subscriptions to the journal at the same rates.“ The only offering is Print + Online. 8-Oct-154
Financial projections -- (CIC / IEEE Mkting) Issues per year6612 Paid Member Subs117/544123/590130/636 Paid Non-Member Subs0/40/50/6 Print Subscription rate$132$150$360 Paid Member Revenue $K15.4/ / /30.9 Paid Non-member Revenue 0/20/2.70/3.9 Variable cost per Subscriber $37.76$38.82$76.95 IEEE ComSoc expensesUp to $20 TBD 8-Oct-155
Title and Launch (Included in Phase 1 template – No changes from Phase 1) Title: China Communications To be launched by CIC and IEEE in 2012, copyrighted by CIC (with full rights to IEEE). Successor to the CIC's bilingual China Communications, launched by CIC in Frequency: 2012 & issues; issues Pages (English): 2012 – 528, 2013 – 576, and 2014 – Oct-156
Sponsorship (Included in Phase 1 template – No changes from Phase 1) IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) China Institute of Communications (CIC) 8-Oct-157
Scope (Included in Phase 1 template – No changes from Phase 1) China Communications, to be published in English and in conformance with IEEE editorial standards, covers innovative technologies and systems in the broad field of Information- Communication Technology (ICT.) This scope includes communication theory and techniques, systems and networks, applications, development and regulatory policies, standards, and management techniques. It also reports experiences and experiments, best practices and solutions, lessons learned, and case studies. 8-Oct-158
Need (Included in Phase 1 template – No changes from Phase 1) China Communications, an English language publication cosponsored by CIC and IEEE, is the successor to the currently bilingual (English and Chinese) magazine published by CIC in China for the ICT sector. Although currently relying primarily on advanced technical contributions from China, and serving mainly a large readership in China, it is open to authors anywhere in the world with the purpose of achieving an open forum on communications topics that will contribute to the communications industry in China and throughout the world. 8-Oct-159
Alternative Publishing Mechanisms Explored (Included in Phase 1 template – No changes from Phase 1) Only initial offering is Print + online 8-Oct-1510
There is a great opportunity, through collaboration between CIC and IEEE including translation of Chinese- language articles to English for publication in the English-only China Communications, to make available to the world more information from advanced R&D in China that might not be available now because of the language barrier, and to make information from the international technical community more available in China. IEEE co-sponsorship would enhance the publication's quality and size, and would significantly raise IEEE’s visibility in China and the Chinese-speaking world. 8-Oct-1511
Overlap with Existing Periodicals (Included in Phase 1 template – No changes from Phase 1) China Communications covers the same technology space as IEEE Communications Magazine; however, China Communications is focused primarily on technology/ /authors/ readers in China and Chinese communities around the world, and others interested in technology developments and opportunities in China. 8-Oct-1512
It represents a very promising opportunity for IEEE to collaborate with a national professional organization to extend IEEE’s reach into that nation’s technical community and the development of IEEE membership there. It also offers a high-quality and low-cost mechanism to extend IEEE publication opportunities to a rapidly growing population of qualified authors in China. 8-Oct-1513
Visual Landscape (Included in Phase 1 template – No changes from Phase 1) 8-Oct-1514
Paper Source(s) (Included in Phase 1 template – no changes from Phase 1 ) China Communications currently publishes approximately 30 papers per issue, and there are four issues per year. The papers published are mainly from government officers, telecom operators, ICT researchers and professors or experts at universities and communications enterprises. With IEEE co-sponsorship, and an expanded number of issues, the new journal is expected to be very successful in attracting new submissions. 8-Oct-1515
Variance from Current Norms? (Included in Phase 1 template – no changes from Phase 1) All papers currently published in China Communications follow the norms of International thematic papers. With IEEE co-sponsorship, IEEE periodical norms will be carefully followed. The Joint Editorial Board will be composed of 50% nominees by the CIC and 50% by IEEE ComSoc. A steering committee will be formed by the same 50/50 process and will be responsible for appointments of an Editor-in-Chief and (at its option) one or more Associate Editors-in-Chief to assist the EIC, editorial quality monitoring and control, financial management, advertising– related matters, and publication details. 8-Oct-1516
The Editor in Chief, heading a technical editorial board consisting of internationally recognized Associate Editors, will have direct responsibility for soliciting submissions, allocating submissions to Associate Editors, maintaining an adequate queue of high-quality articles, specifying and managing the reviewing process, and realizing timely publication. It is the intention of the sponsoring Societies that the EIC position alternate between nominees from CIC and IEEE ComSoc. END 8-Oct-1517
8-Oct-1518 Items ChinaCom ( English Only for Overseas Subscribers ) #Issues per Year6612 #Pages per Issue8896 #Pages per Year #Printed Copies per Issue150 #Printed Copies per Year #Paid Member Subscribers #Free Member Subscribers000 #Paid Non Member Subscribers000 #Free Non Member Subscribers000 #Online Subscribers Publication Parameters :
8-Oct-1519 Items ChinaCom ( Bi-lingual for Domestic Subscribers ) #Issues per Year6612 #Pages per Issue #Pages per Year #Printed Copies per Issue #Printed Copies per Year #Paid Member Subscribers000 #Free Member Subscribers #Paid Non Member Subscribers #Free Non Member Subscribers #Online Subscribers
8-Oct-1520 Editorial Office #Editor446 #Proofreader111 #Translator112 #Art Editors112 #Ad Sales Manager223 #Distributor112 #Administrative Staff223 #Total employees12 19
8-Oct-1521 Item ChinaCom ( English Only for Overseas Subscribers ) Member Print Rate per Issue $22$25$30 Member Print Rate per Year $132$150$360 Non Member Print Rate per Issue $22$25$30 Non Member Print Rate per Year $132$150$360 Online Rate$0 Paid Voluntary Page Rate $120/page$130/page$140/page Print Ad Rate$10000/page$12000/page$15000/page Online Ad Rate$1100/page$1200/page$1300/page 2. Distribution & Advertisement Pricing :
8-Oct-1522 #Average Paid Voluntary Pages468 #Paid Voluntary Pages Per Year #Average Print Ad pages per Issue234 #Print Ad Pages per Year #Online Ad pages per Issue011 #Online Ad pages per Year0612
8-Oct-1523 Item ChinaCom ( Bi-lingual for Domestic Subscribers ) Member Print Rate per Issue $2.2$2.5$3 Member Print Rate per Year $13.2$15$36 Non Member Print Rate per Issue $2.2$2.5$3 Non Member Print Rate per Year $13.2$15$36 Paid Voluntary Page Rate $60/page$65/page$70/page Print Ad Rate$1100/page$1200/page$1300/page Online Ad Rate$550/page$600/page$650/page
#Average Paid Voluntary Pages088 #Paid Voluntary Pages Per Year04896 #Average Print Ad pages per Issue268 #Print Ad Pages per Year #Online Ad pages per Issue011 #Online Ad pages per Year Oct-1524
8-Oct Budget : A. Revenue : Item ChinaCom ( English Only for Overseas Subscribers ) Member Subscription Revenue $15444$18450$46800 Non Member Subscription Revenue $0 Online Subscription Revenue $0 Voluntary Page Charge$2880$4680$13440 Print Ad Charge$120000$216000$ Online Ad Charge$0$7200$15600 Total$138324$246330$795840
8-Oct-1526 Item ChinaCom ( Bi-lingual for Domestic Subscribers ) Member Subscription Revenue $0 Non Member Subscription Revenue $1980$3000$10800 Online Subscription Revenue $0 Voluntary Page Charge$0$3120$6720 Print Ad Charge$13200$43200$ Online Ad Charge$0$3600$7800 Total$15180$52920$ Total Revenue$153504$299250$945960
8-Oct-1527 Categories Item English-Only Page Printing (including paper & binding) $2800$2900$5900 Bilingual Page Printing (including paper & binding) $26057$28542$61715 Layout and Film- making $1810$1975$3950 Envelopes for mail delivery $1500$1680$3720 Domestic Postage$16800$21600$54000 Overseas Postage$3299$3616$7644 B. Expense :
8-Oct-1528 Business Publications Audit$2000$3000$5000 Paper Translation$30000$31000$65000 Fixed Assets Purchase$10000$2000$6000 Office leasing ( including property management, water, and electricity ) $15000$16000$30000 Staff Salary$102000$115200$ Social Security & Housing Accumulation Funds $11880$13200$23760 Traveling expense$5000$6000$10000 Promotion expenses$6000$8000$10000 Editorial board meeting expense$1500$2000$3000 Total$235646$256713$498889
8-Oct-1529 Remuneration$5000$5200$11000 Customer reception expenses $1500$2000$3000 Office supplies$1000$1200$2000 Communications expenses $1500$2000$3000 Total$9000$10400$19000 Total Expenditure$244646$267113$517889
8-Oct-1530 Items Gross Revenue$153504$299250$ Business Tariff Rate8.5% After-tax Revenue$140456$273814$ Total Expenditure$244646$267113$ Gross Profit-$104190$6701$ C. Net
8-Oct-1531 CategoriesItem #Issues per Year6612 #Printed Copies per Year English-Only Page Printing, including paper & binding, $2800$2900$5900 Assume 40% of cost is variable $1120$1160$2360 Overseas Postage$3299$3616$7644 Variable cost of printing Highlighted lines are from sections above
8-Oct-1532 Variable Cost of Printing + mailing $4419$4776$10004 #Paid Member Subscribers Variable cost per subscriber ( 40% of production + 100% of postage) $37.76$38.82$76.95 Member Print Rate per Year $132$150$360