Louis Clabburn Introductions Making the case – Why? Case study Reporting functions Marketing planning Evaluations and Prizes! Car-sharing workshop
About liftshare….. liftshare is a social enterprise with a genuine commitment to “encourage and enable more efficient use of transport”. Over the past ten years, liftshare has won numerous national awards for its web-based services including the Queens Award for Innovation through Technology. liftshare runs over 85% of the UK’s car-sharing market and works in partnership with over 1,000 organisations to manage their individual journey matching schemes. Car, Walk, Bike, Taxi BUDi, Consultancy, Surveys, Web Design and many other services Over 310,000 members Over 800 businesses Over 40 universities and colleges
WarwickShare has 355 members 165 have found a match and car sharing 43% men 57% women Savings: Distance932,258 miles Money£170,141 Carbon Dioxide metric tonnes Nitrogen Oxide kg Particulate matter 29.2 kg Carbon monoxide kg Hydrocarbons 21.8 kg Case Study
M.I. Report Building. Web based Monitoring System Multi user access Live Statistics Displayed in graph and matrix format In-built automated reporting tool Excellent communication array Content management systems Automatically fed 24/7 Statistical analysis
cont’d Full support and training Live Forums K.P.Is and Graphs Promotional task checklist Regular Client Support News Access to all private group data Marketing toolkit Cluster mapping Target comparison tool Regular Client Competitions Future events calendar
cont’d Photo bank FAQs Marketing templates Best practice guidelines User feedback reporting CO2 Saving feedback Financial saving feedback Regular user communication Web site hits / session / page breakdown Over 60 pages dedicated to client support
“I am thrilled that I have managed to save a load of money as a result of being a liftshare member (and you can use that in a testimonial if you want to!!)” Ben
Marketing plan example
Thank You Have a safe trip home today For further information contact