How we got there APRIL 4, 2013
Server Developer 2 Front End Developers 5 Back End Developers 5 Web Editors Marketing Program Manager Web Graphic Designer Project Specialist Information & Social Media Architect Student Web Systems Manager Creative & Editorial Manager Me Director VP of Marketing e-Health
Server Developer 2 Front End Developers 5 Back End Developers 5 Web Editors Marketing Program Manager Web Graphic Designer Project Specialist Information & Social Media Architect Student Web Systems Manager Creative & Editorial Manager Me Director VP of Marketing e-Health Where does your web team report? Marketing? IT? Other?
UW Health
It’s complicated. (Can you relate?)
Integration among our hospital and physician practice organization Late 90s
More Integration UWHC Intranet UWMF Intranet +=
Enter the UW School of Medicine and Public Health Planning for a consulting engagement underway Began talking to e-Health
Enter the UW School of Medicine and Public Health No central site maintenance or strategy Lack of trust due to history of difficulty with web projects Outdated design; outgrown navigation Very cumbersome content management Poor search engine performance
Recommendations From consultants Form a governance structure for the web Provide funding to e-Health to take on the development and maintenance of UWSMPH websites From leadership Show more connectivity between the academic and clinical enterprises
Lessons Learned There is a time and place for consultants. Engagements helped build credibility for both UWSMPH project and in 2002 for A UWSMPH champion was critical to our success and continues to play an important role.
What are we building? Total Integration Requires single brand and URL among all entities Demonstrates the strong connection and competitive advantage of an AMC Treats all audiences the same (potential students, patients, etc.) Visual and Navigational Integration Allows UWSMPH and UW Health their brands (color schemes and logo) Caters to the specific audiences (potential students, patients, etc.) Demonstrates the strong connection and competitive advantage of the AMC
Lessons Learned Know what you are going to build and get the appropriate buy-in before you start. Find out what’s important to leadership.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Design Process Tendency to focus on tiny details vs. overall concept (e.g. placeholder copy and background images) People will want to add their “stuff” to the home page Design needs to feel special What We Learned
Lesson Learned It’s important to define project scope.
Who’s In and Who’s Out
Lesson Learned Small efforts (even those outside of scope) can lead to big gains.
The Template
Measuring Success Anecdotal… Skeptics turned supporters Request from clinical chair to have e-Health maintain his departmental site Surprising adoption of the departmental templates with continued interest years later Currently looking at expanding e-Health’s scope to include centers and departments
1 st Result 3 rd Result 4 th Result Measuring Success Google Page Ranking TermsPost-redesign rank MD Program3 rd Wisconsin MD Program1 st -4 th Rural Medicine3 rd Public Health3 rd Medical School4 th Pre-redesign, site was buried in search results. MD Program, Rural Medicine, or Public Health Wisconsin MD Program Medical School Now when you search for…
Measuring Success Google Referrals 10 k Average visits a month k Average visits a month % increase
Today’s Challenges How do you add staff to expand scope? Need parts of many types of FTEs What do you need the most of? What can be outsourced? Prioritizing technical projects for the school among those of the clinical enterprise Getting leadership comfortable with social media (e.g., student blogs) Keeping up with technology Responsive/mobile Apps Keeping up with client and user expectations
Lessons Learned Skeptics will be skeptical. Change is hard.
Lessons Learned Same battles, different day. Sites have an audience and a purpose, so hold your ground.
Lessons Learned Act on requests promptly, even in development. (earning credibility; fighting historical perceptions) Beg, borrow and steal to get content. Better to give them something to react to if they don’t know how to start.
Final Lesson Don’t just move what was there — make it better. Not everything needs to be on the site, even if it’s been on the site already. Look beyond what you have today.