FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Information Society and Media DG Unit E1 Language Technologies, Machine Translation Luxembourg FLAVIUS Kick-Off Meeting Information Society and Media DG Unit E1 Language Technologies, Machine Translation Luxembourg Aleksandra Wesolowska Tel +352 /
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Overview of the presentation ICT-PSP Call 3 evaluation results Definition of the grant agreement Amendments to the grant agreement Funding rate, overheads Payments Financial statements and Certificates on Financial statements Eligible & non-eligible costs Coordinator’s and partners’ duties Reporting Dissemination of results Reviews
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris ICT-PSP “Multilingual Web” Call 3 evaluation results 22 submitted proposals – 32 M€ requested funding 9 projects retained (8 pilot B’s, 1 Thematic Network) – funding 14 M€ Short abstracts available at:
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Grant Agreement (GA) Core text: GA parameters, special clauses Annex I = Description of Work = Technical Annex –including overall budget breakdown –including Appendix X: common reporting, meetings, dissemination etc. Annex II = General Conditions Annex III: Forms A (accession forms of beneficiaries) Annex IV: Forms B (request of accession of new partners) »Order of precedence (Art. 12) is: special conditions (Art. 8) core text Annex II Appendix X Annex I
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Amendments to the Grant Agreement (Art. II.9) Any substantial change of contract requires a duly processed amendment Identify and communicate amendment needs as early as possible Coordinator requests amendments on behalf of the consortium There is no tacit approval of amendments (absence of rely = rejection)
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Funding rate, overheads All types of activities and all types of beneficiaries: 50 % of eligible costs (Art. 5) Participants have to cover the other 50 % Indirect costs (=overheads): max. 30 % of personnel costs (Art. II.22.2) –flat rate applied mechanically –lower percentage is possible
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Payments Pre-financing (Art. 6) – € –no Guarantee Fund as in FP7 –distributed only to partners who have acceded to the GA (except LW srl & Qype) Two intermediate payments –annual reporting periods (Art. 4) –up to 90 % of total contribution (Art. 6) –staged payment to Overblog in TVTrip (Annex I and CA) Final payment –settles the balance (eligible funding – payments made) –may include costs incurred up to 60 days after end of project under conditions of Art. II.20.1
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Financial statements To be submitted within 60 days after the end of the reporting period (Art. II.4) Include a full set of complete Financial Statement Forms If cumulated EC contribution > €, certificate on financial statement by external auditor (Art. II.4.7) Remember to record and declare receipts (Art. II.24) Obligation to provide clarifications requested by the EC (Art. II.4.1.ii) Possibility to suspend part or full payment, if the work does not comply with the work plan or if suspected irregularities etc. (Art. II.5.3.d) Interest yielded by the pre-financing –must be identifiable (Art. 6) and declared in the Financial Statements (Coordinator) – remains EC property (Art. II.27)
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Financial Statement by beneficiary
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Certificate on financial statements (Art. II.4.7) if cumulated EC contribution > € submitted together with claims of interim payments and final payments can be requested at any time during the project on the basis of analysis of risks done by external auditor chosen by the beneficiary auditor qualified to carry out statutory audits of accounting documents –Guidance document: ents/certification_financialstatements.pdf
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Eligible & non-eligible costs (Art. II.20) Eligible costs (Art. II.20.1): –indicated in the budget table of Annex I –necessary for the project and actual –incurred by the beneficiary –incurred during the duration of the project - exception in Art. II.20.1(2) –identifiable and verifiable –recorded in the accounts of the beneficiary –compliant with usual accounting principles, tax & social legislation –reasonable, justified and economic Non-eligible costs (Art. II.20.2) –among others: resources made available to a beneficiary free of charge, unnecessary or ill-considered expenses, marketing, sales and distribution costs for products and services, indirect tax and duties (e.g. VAT) …
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Coordinator’s duties (Art. II.2) - highlights The Coordinator is in charge of the technical, financial and administrative coordination of the project –(a) transmits to the EC all documents and correspondence relating to the project –… –(e) reviews the reports and deliverables to verify consistency with the project tasks before transmitting them to the EC –(f) monitors the compliance by beneficiaries with their obligations under this GA –(g) informs the other beneficiaries and the EC of any event liable to substantially affect the project
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Partners’ duties (Art. II.2.2, II.3) Article II.2.2 –(b) carry out the project jointly and severally vis-à-vis the Community, taking all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure that the project is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the GA –… –(d) allow the Commission to take part in meetings concerning the project Article II.3 –(b) inform the other beneficiaries and the Commission through the Coordinator in due time of …
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Reporting Defined in Art. II.4 –after each reporting period (M12, M24, M30) –progress report, including a publishable summary –explanation of the use of resources –financial statements, including a report on the distribution of the Community financial contribution between beneficiaries –guidelines on reporting and the related templates: oject_management/index_en.htm –submitted in one paper copy and one electronic copy through the coordinator –progress report enables monitoring of work progress and substantiates cost claims –detailed overview of work completed/launched, deviations from work plan, plans for the next phase
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Reporting and dissemination (Appendix X) project Fact sheet suitable for Web publishing –within 1 month, maintained and updated project Website –within 3 months, maintained and updated project Presentation (PowerPoint, HTML) with key features of the project –within 3 months, maintained and updated Public Showcase (Web enabled or DVD based) –at project’s end 6-monthly reports –month 6, month 18 annual public reports for web publishing –15 th November each year
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Dissemination - website register an.eu domain for the project website register the domain for at least 2 years beyond the project’s end keep the website simple to understand split internal/public website talk to local media make it lively & interesting acknowledge EU funding
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Dissemination Visible reference to EC funding All publications and other dissemination material shall –include the following statement: “the project has received funding from the Union’s ICT Policy Support Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme.” –display the European emblem: –state that it reflects only the author’s views … Commission is authorised to publish any publishable report or other publishable deliverable submitted to it
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Reviews annual reviews (M15, M27, M33) two external experts chosen and paid by the EC review meeting of one day written conclusions within 1 month
FLAVIUS kick-off meeting Paris Conclusion All beneficiaries: read and understand the entire grant agreement The Coordinator is the key link between the Consortium and EC Communicate problems/changes early It is your project turn it into a success Make your project visible in media, conferences Good Luck with FLAVIUS!