Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases Chapter Contents 11 pg Lesson 11.1Lesson 11.1 Get Started with a Database (pg. 361) Lesson 11.2Lesson 11.2 Sort Data and Create Queries and Reports (pg. 370) Lesson 11.3Lesson 11.3 Use Online Database Forms (pg. 376) Lesson 11.4Lesson 11.4 Integrate Databases with Applications (pg. 380) Lesson 11.5Lesson 11.5 Create a Web Page with a Database (pg. 384) Chapter Assessment Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases You Will Learn To 11 Create a database and enter data Sort data Create, run, and modify a query Create and modify a report Locate and use online database templates Insert a database report into a Microsoft Word document Copy a database table and paste it into a spreadsheet Create and modify a data access page to view a database via the Web
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools database A software application that stores a collection of related information and allows easy retrieval of the information. Databases pg Get Started with a Database What Is a Database? You can use Access, Microsoft Office’s database software, to store millions of records. Business Use of Databases Businesses use databases to keep track of: Customer orders Personnel records Inventory Sales 11
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools field A category that holds one piece of information in a database. record A collection of fields for one item in a database. primary key A field that contains a unique identification for each record in a database. Databases pg Get Started with a Database How Are Databases Structured? A database consists of: A table (columns and rows of data about one topic) Columns (contain fields) Rows (contain records) Entries (the information that appears in the fields for each record) A primary key (a field that contains information that is unique to each record) 11
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Get Started with a Database 11 What types of databases, including both paper and electronic, have you used either at home or school? Lesson 11.1, Rubric
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg st CENTURY CONNECTION Integrity at Work Good General Practices Living with integrity allows you to be true to yourself, which benefits both you and those around you. You can practice living with integrity by: Working to achieve your own personal goals, as well as those of others, so all will benefit Sharing your knowledge with others and being open to learning from them Putting your best effort into every project you do
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg st CENTURY CONNECTION Integrity at Work Technology and Tools You can show integrity at work by: Not using employer-owned digital tools and other equipment for personal projects Using your own digital tools on your own time Using at your workplace for work-related correspondence only
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg st CENTURY CONNECTION Integrity at Work Communicating with Integrity When writing or speaking at work, you should: Check facts carefully Be clear and brief Show respect and consideration for your coworkers’ responsibilities and goals Be careful with humorous comments to avoid offending coworkers or employers
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg st CENTURY CONNECTION Question Why should you not check personal or make nonessential personal phone calls during work hours? Possible answers include: Using work time for personal purposes will slow down your productivity, which is unfair to employers, clients, and coworkers who may be relying on your commitment to your aspect of the job By making personal phone calls from your cubicle or in public workspaces, you are not showing consideration for those around you who can overhear or be distracted by you Claiming pay for hours spent responding to personal e- mail or making personal phone calls does not show respect for your employer or coworkers
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools ascending sort A sort of data arranged in alphabetical (A–Z) order or numerical (0–9) order. descending sort A sort of data arranged in high to low alphabetical (Z–A) order or numerical (9–0) order. query A database object that enables you to locate records that meet a certain criteria. Databases pg Sort Data and Create Queries and Reports Find Data Quickly You can arrange the data in a database table in a(n): Ascending sort Descending sort Query—An Important Database Object The query, which will allow you to find the exact data you ask for, is perhaps the most important feature of databases. 11
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Sort Data and Create Queries and Reports Report—A Useful Database Object Give a report a professional appearance by adding: Titles Column headings 11 Database reports can be copied and pasted into Word. Wizards provide step-by-step guidance for completing a task. report A database object used to present the information in a database in a way that is easy to read.
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Sort Data and Create Queries and Reports 11 Lesson 11.2, Rubric Brainstorm five different queries for a database created at the grocery checkout when purchases are scanned. Give examples of types of reports you might want to create if you were the grocery store marketing manager.
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Use Online Database Forms Find Database Forms Online When creating a database form, you can save time by: Downloading a template Saving it to your computer Editing the form to fit your specific needs Saving Time You can access and download database forms from: Microsoft’s Web site Independent Web sites 11 Often, a particular business form could be created in Word, Access, or Excel. Large files created in any program can be zipped or compressed to make them easier to save or send via e- mail.
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Use Online Database Forms 11 Which of the business forms that you have learned about could have been created as databases? Lesson 11.3, Rubric
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg st CENTURY CONNECTION Setting and Meeting Your Goals Be Realistic Create a strategy for following through and achieving your goals by: Recording the things you want to accomplish Calculating the time frame by which you hope to do this Breaking goals into smaller parts Tracking your progress
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg st CENTURY CONNECTION Setting and Meeting Your Goals Digital Tools Help Turn Ideas into Reality You can use digital tools to help you plan for your future by: Using the Web as a source for postsecondary educational programs and career information Making a detailed map of your career goals in an Excel workbook Recording your target goal dates and reminders in an Outlook calendar or PDA
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg st CENTURY CONNECTION Question How can using an Excel workbook to list your career goals help you to plan for your future? Possible answers include: You can create separate sheets containing your occupational interests, educational information, job facts, and relevant target dates You can easily organize and update information as you gain more experience or change your mind about what you want to do in college or the workplace You can record your thoughts about the process as you progress toward your goal
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Integrate Databases with Applications Integrating Access, Word, and Excel You can insert Access reports into: Word documents Excel spreadsheets 11
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Integrate Databases with Applications 11 What are some reasons why you might want to use Access data in Word or Excel documents? Lesson 11.4, Rubric
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Create a Web Page with a Database Publishing Access Data on the Web Creating a Web page from the data in your database table is an easy way to display database information on the Internet. Creating a Data Access Page A data access page allows you to: Review and use the data in a table created in a database Add to, edit, and manipulate the data stored in the database 11 Word and Excel documents can also be saved as Web pages.
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases pg Create a Web Page with a Database 11 Why do you think a company might want to display database information on a Web site? Lesson 11.5, Rubric
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases Chapter Assessment 11 Question 1 Give three reasons why businesses use databases. (Lesson 11.1) Answers may include that businesses use databases to: Keep track of records such as customer contact information, customer orders, personnel records, inventory, and sales Find specific information about the records they hold and to create reports about the data
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases Chapter Assessment 11 Question 2 What is a query? (Lesson 11.2) Answer: A query is a database object that enables you to locate records that meet a certain criteria.
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases Chapter Assessment 11 Question 3 Describe the advantages of databases to a business. What are the possible disadvantages? Advantages of databases to a business may include: Databases can store a huge amount of data, far more than the business could manage using paper files or spreadsheets Using queries, databases make finding and sorting data quick and easy Databases also allow users to generate professional- looking reports
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools Databases Chapter Assessment 11 Answer 3 Possible disadvantages include: The records in a database can quickly become outdated and need work to keep current The database needs to be designed carefully to make sure all records are relevant to the business and will give useful reports
Glencoe Digital Communication Tools For more resources on this unit, go to the Online Learning Center at Unit Resources 3 3 Digital Communication Tools in the World of Work