What is CiviReport? CiviReport allows you to create, run and schedule reports based on the data CiviCRM has about your contacts and their interactions with your organisation. Many report templates are designed to work with a specific CiviCRM component, such as CiviContribute or CiviCase. CiviCRM comes with a number of predefined report templates that are used to create reports. For example, the Membership Report template can be used to create a report that shows all student members that have joined your organization within the past year. Note: Writing a new report template requires some PHP and SQL skills. A well-written template will be flexible enough to meet your specific needs as well as the needs of others. Techniques for developing report templates are explained in the section of this book which covers methods of extending and customizing CiviCRM.
Open Source CRM: CiviCRM, MPower & SugarCRM
What we are watching? "Tool centric" session focusing on real users talking in detail about real tools. What problems do the tools solve? What problems do the tools create? How do the tools fit into the specific selection process the speaker underwent? Dedicated Q&A portions Pay attention to the needs, the implementation, use, and the assessment of each tools. These are all important methodologies that you can and should utilize in potential CRM projects.
Relevant Links Causecast - "Causecast provides a suite of solutions to incorporate actions, incentives, and impact tracking for your cause- related marketing efforts. We will craft a solution that lets you answer your audience's and advertisers' call for cause-based engagement." CRMs Addressed: Mpower- SugarCRM - crm&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 crm&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 Orange Leap CiviCRM -
Scenarios Evaluating turnout for an event Determining total contributions for all people in a household Targeting a mailing for a fundrasing
Report Templates and Report Instances Two key concepts in CiviReport are: report templates: A report template is the base for creating a report instance. In other words, you can generate any number of report instances from one report template. For example, the Top Donors Report template is used to show those people who have given most to your organisation. An instance of this report might show the top 10 donors that have given to your organisation this year-to-date.
Report v. Search The current report interface does not support most common batch actions such as "Update via Batch Profile," "Smart Group" creation, etc. This means that if you want to perform any action against a result set, it is better to use search rather than report. Reports are more flexible than searches. Reports allow you to change display columns in selector, support column grouping, the report and also save it as dashlet. Because you can create multiple report instances from a single report template, you can use the same report to show different iterations of the report, such as monthly donations or quarterly donations.
Configuration Report Templates Report Criteria Set Filters Report Settings Title Description and formatting options Settings Adding reports to the Dashboard