The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page
What is The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page? The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page ( is a content-based website dedicated to the continuing education of practicing chemical engineers and chemical engineering students. Why should I visit the site? Chemical Engineering is a vast field that is continually evolving. The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page can enhance your understanding of many key topics in the field. You’ll also find an abundance of tools to help make your job easier if you’re a practicing engineer. Two Common Questions
What’s at A huge source of great chemical engineering articles Book reviews A chemical engineering message board A software library and various services Internet sources of physical properties A comprehensive site map and search engine A great opportunity to interact with other chemical engineers
Layout of the Site--Frontpage
Layout of the Site--Menu Structure The “Article Resources” section will guide you through the article resources The third sub-section is entitled “Other Resources” and contains items such as the Resource Center, Message Board, Software Corner and others. The sub-divided menu guides you easily through the site. The top section highlight our services.
Services Offered The ChE Services menu lists the various services offered. ChE Assist allows you to easily seek the assistance of “people who know” in the chemical industry. ChE Systems will allow you to easily submit your RFP to several module vendors at once. ChE Surplus is your one stop shopping center for used equipment.
ChE Assist ChE Assist allows visitors to submit inquiries or requests for assistance along with a bid amount that they’re willing to pay for the required services. We’ll submit your request to people qualified to field your inquiry. In short, you get the help you need for the best price possible. You can also request a licensed professional engineer as well.
ChE Systems ChE Systems gives our visitors an opportunity to specify a modular chemical processing unit with an easy- to-use online form. Once we receive your inquiry, we’ll submit it to several vendors for proposals. You’ll receive the proposals for evaluation. Then, once you’ve selected a winning bidder, the system supplier will contact you. All of this at no cost to you! Makes gathering bids easy!
ChE Surplus ChE Surplus makes finding or selling used equipment easy. Submit your used equipment and receive a full page listing with a photo. In addition, we’ll submit your equipment to several used equipment dealers. If you’re looking for a piece of equipment, browse our listing and submit your request. We’ll help you find just the right piece of equipment at no charge.
Article Resources The Article Resources menu lists the types of articles that are available. Feature Articles are the most in- depth, For Your Information articles are more brief, general articles. Some sections are dedicated to a particular field of chemical engineering. Process Engineering As I See It features experience sharing articles and the Archives section functions as a storage area for past articles.
Feature Articles Feature Articles provide the reader with a detailed look at the subject. To add to the usefulness of the articles, they are often accompanied by an article navigation bar. In addition, an Adobe Acrobat ® version of these articles is available for download and easy printing.
For Your Information Articles For Your Information Articles are shorter articles designed to cover a key point or to update information on another topic. On the left, a visitor to the site describes a short- cut method to measure the flow of a discharge pipe.
ChE in Everyday Life Articles ChE in Everyday Life Articles are designed to show students and non- engineers how chemical engineers have an impact on their daily lives. On the left, the article entitled “Ozone Cycle” shows readers why it is important for chemical engineers to minimize the release of chlorine to the atmosphere.
ChE in Action Articles ChE in Action Articles focus on case stories and real solutions from engineering experience. There’s nothing better than learning from other people’s experiences. Discover new ways to solve old problems and learn about solutions that really work.
ChE Business Articles ChE Business Articles cover news and the basics of industrial business practices. Learn more about common transactions, chemical industry news and happenings, negotiating tactics, and much more.
Process Engineering Articles Process Engineering As I See It is a periodic column written by our First Content Manager, Mr. Philip Leckner. Mr. Leckner covers common issues facing the practicing process engineers. On the left is an article on relief valve set pressures which clarifies some points in the ASME code regarding relief valves.
Finding Documents Quickly Finding documents that you need quickly is simplified with our archives listing, a site-specific search engine, and a comprehensive and expandable site map shown on the left.
Other Resources The Other Resources menu links you to additional information such as a site tour, ChE Links, our Resource Center, the search page, Software Corner, Book Corner, our full featured message board, and more.
Other Resources- Site Tour The Site Tour allows first time visits to have an in-depth look at the features and layout of the site. The tour includes a basic overview of the menu system and all of the resources available at the site.
Other Resources- Resource Center The Resource Center contains links to site areas such as the Archives, the ChE Reading Room, Experts in Their Fields, Other Sites of Interest, and several more topics. For students, a Career Research Interview is also included.
Other Resources- Site Search The Search Page allows you to search the entire site for specific key word(s). Concise results are returned with links to the appropriate documents.
Other Resources- Software Corner Software Corner contains links to free chemical engineering software in our download library, a great list of online calculators for chemical engineers, a listing of internet sites that contain physical properties, and discounts on commercial software of interest to chemical engineers.
Other Resources- Physical Properties There may be nothing more frustrating that trying to find that one key physical property that you need to finish a calculation or proceed with a simulation. With our listing of the best physical properties databanks on the internet, you’ll find what you need quickly. Currently 22 sources are listed!
Other Resources- Archives The Archives section is where you’ll find some of the most common questions and answers posed at the site. Also included are some unique question and their answers as well. A brief summary of each message is listed to help you navigate through the list quickly.
Other Resources- Message Board The ChE Message Board allows visitors to interact with one another. Ask a question or post an answer. Features include: Instantly check to see if someone has replied to your message(s) Ability to post in HTML and upload graphics to be included in your post Automatically add your own custom signature to all of your message Edit or delete your own posts
Other Resources- Book Corner Book Corner contains detailed reviews of the most popular chemical engineering titles available. A four star rating system will give you an instant look at our impression of the book. Each book is reviewed by our staff. If you’re interested, a direct link to a site where the title can be purchased is provided with each title.
Other Resources- Author Instructions Some of the content on The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page comes from our visitors. With such a broad field to cover, we need your input and experience to help keep our site fresh and authoritative. We’ve provided “Instructions for Authors” on the site. Send us your article for consideration.
Other Resources- Publication Award Authors requesting proof of their publication on the site can receive a Certificate of Authorship. We appreciate everyone’s effort in helping us to provide great chemical engineering content. Get your work published on the most popular chemical engineering site on the internet.
Industry Recognition The Chemical Engineers’ Resource Page has been featured in industrial publications such as Chemical Engineering Progress and Chemical Processing Magazine
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