UNFPA Sudan - Contingency Planning MENA Cairo, March 2012
Approaches & Achievements Country Context Population of the country around 41 mln Northern Sudan consist of 15 States Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed 9 January,11 - Referendum for the secession (98% independence) 9 July, 11 – Republic of South Sudan was declared
Approaches & Achievements Overall Humanitarian CP for Sudan referendum was focused on prevention of statelessness, promotion of rights and protection of Southerners in the North and Northerners in the South. OCHA estimation figures for NS more than 1, of Sudan population including (279,000 WRA) to be returned from North to South with increased vulnerability of people mainly children and WRA. Approximate breakdown of referendum Contingency Planning figures (1,7 mln) for Northern Sudan as follows: The affected population figures 1. Blue Nile - 175,0005. North Kordofan – 50, Sinnar - 100,0006. Abyei -110, White Nile – 125,0007. South Darfur-140, South Kordofan – 300,0008. Khartoum -700,000
Approaches & Achievements Objectives: CP is to guide the Country Office on actions to be taken to better prepare to provide appropriate, effective and timely support during emergency situation including preparedness, response, following the recovery and rehabilitation phases with the full consideration of existing system of both governmental and non-governmental institutions are rarely well prepared to deal with severe emergency situation in all border states. Key components of CP: Coordination with other partners within the sectors and ISC (RH and GBV sub sector leads). Map existing organizations working on RH/ GBV related issues in the affected areas, lead the assessment and verification missions, distribute the task among group members, info sharing and any other technical support needed Recourse Mobilization (Humanitarian RM mechanism and UNPFPA resources) as a main co-pipeline provider on RH supplies Capacity Buildings (MISP/CMR) with the full involvement of government and NGOs Supply Prepositioning (IARH Kits and PHKs) and logistic coordination (UNJLC, FMOH, SMOH) Assessment/ Monitoring of MISP implementation “Ready to deploy” system was put in place (RH/GBV staff roster, Darfur staff, MOH TOT personnel) “Cluster approach” has been activated to other border states as well to improve accountability of UN agencies and NGOs in crisis situations. (to strengthen humanitarian response by demanding high standards of predictability, accountability in all main sectors or areas of humanitarian response.) CP Components/Coordination
Approaches & Achievements Resource Mobilization UNFPA fund from regular resources for Capacity Building UNFPA ERF from PSB - ($140,000) Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP)- under leadership of UNHCT UNFPA submit the proposal for emergency programming: OCHA/CHF Emergency Response Fund ($500,000 – RH) OCHA/CHF ERF for GBV - ($204,000) CHF (First and Second Rounds allocation)
Approaches & Achievements MISP TOT at the national level: (Khartoum 7-9 December,10) targeting 22 participants (focal points for RH, Health Managers representing MOH at both federal and state level, national and international NGOs, International Committee of the Red Cross Spain,Sudanese Red Crescent). Facilitators from national SPRINT team including, UNHCR, WHO, IRC, UNFPA. Rolling out of eight MISP trainings throughout the targeted states (White Nile, Blue Nile, North Kordofan, Sinner, South Kordofan, Abyei, South Darfur in addition in Kassala, West Darfur) for 180 RH staff and health coordinators, under the strong supervision of TOT facilitators. Training by Implementing partners for Health Care Providers within the states in remote areas on the MISP introduction and implementation Regular training or update on clinical management of EmNOc, Management of post miscarriage complications, CMR etc. Flash: The Arabic version for the MISP Guideline facilitated the progress of the trainings and the well understating of MISP for SRH package, especially among staff of state ministries and national NGOs. Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP)
Approaches & Achievements CMR trainings: to equip the health care providers in several departure points in KRT, bordered states health facilities with solid knowledge and practice skills. Trained more then 220 health providers on Clinical Management of Rape (CMR) for survivors including medical, psychosocial and legal aspects within the 12 training activities. TOT on CMR in KRT. Referral pathway was established in each state following the training recommendation and contact lists were developed and disseminated to the concern partners. Clinical Management of Rape (CMR)
Approaches & Achievements UNFPA NS estimated the needs for RH kits considering the figures on affected population and previous utilisation of the kits within the country for different scenarios with the full involvement of FMOH. RH kits were procured internationally through UNFPA procurement unit and prepositioned in the whole eight Northern States by mid January,11. (2069 RH emergency kits) 15,000 Personal Hygiene/Dignity Kits were locally procured and fully prepositioned in the targeted states before and immediately after the referendum. Transportation of supplies was also supported by different partners due to very close coordination (INGOs, NNGOs and government) Supply Prepositioning
Approaches & Achievements Continues monitoring of MISP Implementation was taken place during the 6 month of CP period, where some new areas of returnees from south to the north were identified following the further rapid assessment and response. (Jabelien, Dobkaraya) Joint Assessment missions were curried out to the areas with the full involvement of government counterpart from SMOH in border states Assessment/Monitoring of CP implementation
Approaches & Achievements Less conducive political environment was challenging for CP (restriction of movement to departure points, special approval from national security for trainings, etc) The delay on procurement and prepositioning of some essential kits like CDK - Kit 2A, Kit 11, 12 which were highly required, due to lack of kits availability in PSB, has been challenging experience. Delay on custom clearance at Khartoum airport due to unknown reason was also contributed to the quality of supply (Cool keep items). Information collection on RH//Gender/HIV/AIDS related issues was not easy due to sensitivity and most of the time, available information was outdated. Challenges/Constrains
Approaches & Achievements FGD: were conducted in several departure points areas in order to identify the content of PHK as per basic needs of WRA SK and BNS; became a restricted area to humanitarian actors due to insecurity in post referendum period in July/Septembe,11. The initial involvement of local authorities, national NGOs, SRCS for the national and state MISP/CMR trainings was beneficial for humanitarian response, while restriction of movement was imposed for the INGOs and UN agencies in both states. As a result, several activities on MISP/CMR were carried out and further distribution the emergency supplies, already prepositioned, were utilised properly in the areas, while UNFPA was involved on remote coordination with the actors. The early preparation of CP and prompt procurement of RH Kits enabled UNFPA to respond rapidly to the urging needs of beneficiaries in border states. The redistribution of the existed RH kits from states to highly needed states facilitated the rapid respond to the urging needs in North Sudan. Involvement of different partners INGOs and NNGOs was facilitating for response in both rebel held and governmental areas. Cross border coordination with South Sudan on CP also played a crucial role after restriction of movement to AB. Preparation of states contingency planning with full involvement of government and partners, supported the assessment and rapid respond at state level. Lesson Learn
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