North Scott High School School-To-Work Program Mary Anne Braden Coordinator & Certified Career Development Facilitator
Why Offer Career Programming? To create greater career awareness To reinforce what is being taught in the classroom by seeing how it is applied in the real world. To help with career & college preparedness FACT: nationally, only about 30% of students who begin a 4-year college actually complete a degree. At the same time, college tuition costs have risen more than 375% since (Education Weekly, Jan. 2007)
Now More Than Ever! Iowa Core Curriculum Required state initiative to develop rigorous, essential instruction to support students in excelling as they prepare for work in a new global economy. 21st Century Skills One of the essential concepts from the ICC. Real world applications to enhance student’s learning.
Menu Of Programs Offered Job Shadowing Program Internships Sophomore Career Fair Classroom presenters Elementary Teacher Helpers Service Learning/HS Helpers Student Built Home Program Transportation Tech Academy Health Occupations Academy College Career Days Nudge Kids Civic Outreach Regional School-To-Work Programming
Students in Internships… Veterinarian Art Curator
Sophomore Career Fair Ready, Set, SUCCESS! Will complete 6 th year on March 4, 2010
Teacher Helpers…
Student Built Home Program Cooperative program with the Davenport Schools. Students exposed to all phases of home construction. Scholarships available. For 09-10, North Scott has 6 students enrolled. College credit is earned.
New in ‘09-’10! Health Occupations Academy
College Career Days Opportunities to attend various college career programs. In 09-10, over 50 students participated. UW/Platteville, ISU,U of I, EICC
Sample Student Feedback I didn’t realize there were so many different careers within heathcare Communications & computer skills are important in almost any career field I need to work harder in my classes I learned that the choices I make now will effect my future I will need to take chemistry & math to become an engineer I was surprised that police officers need to have good writing skills.
Employers & colleges tell us what skills help students be successful after graduation Critical thinking and problem solving Collaborative communication Adaptability, initiative & entrepreneurialism Effective oral & written communication Accessing & analyzing information Curiosity & imagination The Global Achievement Gap by Tony Wagner
What’s New - Statewide? Regional Approach to School-To-Work Programming & Partnerships With Eastern Iowa Community College Achieve Quad Cities Iowa Workforce Development Iowa’s New Career Facebook Page: Iowa Career Hub
Future Jobs Outlook HOT JOBS in Iowa, Area 9, : Healthcare Financial & Sales Managers Computer Systems Analysts & Engineers Industrial Engineers & Technicians For future development, Iowa has identified 3 key areas: Advanced Manufacturing Biosciences Information Technology