Programming Languages 1.07a
A computer program is a series of instructions that direct a computer to perform a certain task. A programming language is a set of words, symbols, and codes that enables a programmer to communicate instructions.
Low-Level Language Machine Language Assembly Language Procedural Language BASIC COBOL Other Programming Languages
Machine dependent Runs on only one particular type of computer. Not easily portable to other types of computers Each language instruction is a low level, which usually equates to a single-machine instruction
Known as the first generation of programming language. Only language the computer directly recognizes. Instructs with a series of binary digits (1’s and 0’s) or a combination of 1’s and 0’s. Can be tedious and time consuming.
Is the second generation of programming languages. A programmer writes instructions using symbolic codes and symbolic addresses. Can be difficult to learn. Must be translated into machine language. A source program is used for the conversion to machine language. May include macros which generates many machine-language instructions for a single assembly-language instruction. ◦ Macro’s save the programmer time during the program development
A third generation language The programmer assigns a name to a sequence of instructions, called a procedure, that tells the computer what to do. A programmer uses a series of English-like words to write instructions. A compiler is a separate program that converts the source program into a machine language.
Designed for use as a simple, interactive, problem-solving language. Many versions exist including ◦ QBASIC ◦ QuickBASIC ◦ MS-BASIC, and ◦ Visual Basic or Visual Basic.Net
Programming language designed for business applications. The English-like statements make the code easy to read, write, and maintain.
Nonprocedural Languages Object-Oriented Languages
Nonprocedural Languages ◦ Use English-like instructions that retrieve data from files or a database. ◦ Typically easier to use ◦ Non-technical users can create solutions for information. ◦ Programmers spend much less time and effort coding programs with nonprocedural language. Popular Nonprocedural Languages ◦ Report Program Generator ◦ Fourth Generation Language ◦ Application Generator ◦ Macros
Programmers use an object-oriented (OOP) programming language to implement object designs. An object is an item that contains both data and procedures that read or manipulate that data Popular OOP Languages ◦ C++ ◦ Java ◦ Visual Programming Languages ◦ Visual ◦ Delphi ◦ PowerBuilder
Pascal – Developed to teach basic Programming concepts. FORTRAN – First high-level programming used for scientific applications HyperTalk – Developed by Apple. Manipulates cards that contain text, graphics, and sound. Prolong – Logic used for development of artificial intelligence. Logo – An educational tool used to teach problem-solving to children
Web page authors use a variety of techniques to develop Web pages. Multimedia and a host of other effets are possible. Popular types of Web page development ◦ HTML ◦ Scripts ◦ Applets ◦ Scripting Languages ◦ Dynamic HTML HTML is not typically a programming language. It uses tags which codes documents
A continuous cycle which consists of six steps that form a loop. Aunt Donna Vents In Taiwan Dialect