Course Introduction: Programming Language
Course info Lecturer –Prof. Heejune Ahn (Mirae Hall 423) Course type –2+2(2h lecture, 2h practice) Textbook –Programming in ANSI C E. Balagurusamy/Mcgrawhill/6th ed Practice Lab –Visual studio 2008/2010/2012 Grading –Midterm (30%), Final (40%), Lab&Report (20%), Attendance (10%) TA –Sangmin Kim, Fitrah Purnama, Tran Vihn Thuy Course material – Extra exercise sources given 2
Questions Why do we learn programming language? Why do we learn the C language? What is programming at all? How can be a good programmer? What we can do after this course? How can we get good grade at this course? What should we do after this course? 3
Computer (digital & sync.) data processing system –Data + Processing flow –Data is inputted or outputted –Fixed Structure –E.g.) Sum of M, ….. N 4 M + S 1 i N + > ~ clock
Stored Programed Computer Stored Program –First by Von Neuman –Control/configure general HW by Stored Program 5
Computer Architecture 6
Program Execution 7
Fetch 9
Programing Language Language –Communication tools to command computers Low vs high Level 11 ARM Intel AVR arm inst low level lan. (CPU-dep) intel instavr inst Intel ass machine assembly arm ass avr ass system programming language (C/C++/ObjectC) application programming language (Java, Python C#, Javascript) High level lan. (CPU-indep)
Compiler 12