S ECONDARY E DUCATION /T RAINING What type of education or training will you need after high school? That depends upon your career choice!!!
H IGH S CHOOL P ROGRAMS High School Courses: Co-op program – an arrangement between schools and places of employment. Students work part-time jobs and attend classes part-time.
O N THE JOB TRAINING On-the-Job Training: Some large companies offer their own training programs Prepare employees to do specialized jobs Short-term or long-term Waiter, insurance agent, installer
APPRENTICESHIP Many trade jobs do not require any secondary education, but will require that you work with a skilled employer to learn the required skills of the trade Can take 3-5 years (paid entry level wages during training) May receive a certificate Bricklayer, cabinet maker, painter, plumber, electrician assistant, etc…
T RADE S CHOOL OR TECHNICAL PROGRAM Some jobs require a special training program offered at a trade school. Many of these programs last for 1 year and offer a Certificate of Completion. Only offered in health, business, agriculture, skilled trades, and marketing
A SSOCIATE ’ S D EGREE An Associates Degree is a 2 year college program offered at a community or junior college. Many technical/medical jobs require an Associates of Science (AS) or Associates of Arts (AA) degree Veterinary Technician, Criminal Justice, HVAC Tech, Auto Body repair, Nursing…
B ACHELOR ’ S D EGREE A 4 year college degree from a University. You must choose a major and a minor and complete the required courses to earn the degree Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biology, Animal Science, Horticulture or Bachelor of Art (BA) in Business, or Education
M ASTER ’ S D EGREE A “graduate” degree that is continued after earning a Bachelor’s Degree. Usually requires 1-2 years of post graduate studies in a specific major Master of Arts in Education Master of Science in Genetics
D OCTORATE DEGREE - PHD Highest graduate degree that can be earned. Usually 2-3 years of study after a Master’s Degree A person with a PhD earns the title of doctor. Many professors at universities have a PhD.
M EDICAL D OCTORS Higher education degrees in the medical fields require acceptance into specialized schools of medicine. Upon completion of the specific program and after passing the State and National Board Examinations, these graduates earn the title of doctor. Veterinarian, Physician, Orthodontist, Pediatrician